Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4722? There is a job in the job, everything can be

Not only don't be worthless, the swords will be greatly possible, but there is no vitality, completely staying within this framework.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword will win, and it is the sword of Chen Qing.

Chen Qing's sword is not a shocking, but it is imperative, and the sword is unbearable, so stopping.

But the three swords of the three swords have been completely left in Chen Qingxin.

At this moment, a lazy applause came from the distance, and the sword was unparalleled and looked at it.

When I fell, the spring and autumn took the lead and rushed to him, "said the brother," the brother, "

The sword has no double smile, and then look at Xiaoli.

"Thank you, Jie Jie, let me see a sword that is so shocked," Xiao Yan smiled, "son, admire."

"Is there something?" Returning to calm, the sword is unparalleled.

Xiao Jun said, "said that it is not something wrong, just want to say to the sword brother."

Chen Qing fused his head, "Xiaofei, it is really embarrassed to make this little lonely in this way."

"Now this is not mine, even if you have a big orchotian, you should ask him to ask him to blame you." Xiaofei looked at the sword.

Chen Qingdeng understood, "Jian brothers, this little orchic, is it yours?"

The sword is unparalleled, "It's just a temporary, it is not all of the sword, and it will return it when you come."

Chen Qing also understood people, in order not to make the atmosphere too embarrassed, hurriedly played haha, "Jian brothers, the only swords, Chen admired five-body investment, you are absolutely I have seen, except for the old friend The first of the swords outside. "

"Chen brothers praise, I am just some experience, I have a truth to the sword, and there is a way to go." The sword has no faint response.

Chen Qing is quite emotional, "Yes, I think I will try my heart to practice the sword, but I have a secret, seemingly simple swords, I don't have to pass now, this is the virtual thing, I have seen it, I have seen it, I'm far more It is also difficult. "

The sword is unparalleled, and for the feelings of the sword, he seems to be never fixed in a moment, then stopping, naturally, you can't resonate.

The atmosphere is in subtle, if there is still a Chen Qing's chatter, I am afraid the sword is unparalleled to leave.

"Chen Qing, I will take you to the big orchotic turn." The thin and small robe never speak suddenly.

I am talking about Chen Qing, who is excited, "What is good for the big orchic, I have turned more than ten times."

Then he realized that it was wrong, suddenly hit the voice, a serious way, "

After the hand, Chen Qing felt quickly as the thin small robe quickly left.

At this moment, there is only three people left in this small lonely.

"Spring and Autumn, you first go to the realization." The sword said to Spring and Autumn.

Spring and Autumn Warm I nodded and whispered a careful, so stay away from here.

"Let's walk together, come back from Chengchuan, this is still our first time." Xiao Jun said.

The sword nodded and then nodded, and then two people slowly.

In half an air, feel the richness of the delay, and his tight nerve is also relaxing.

"Sichuan is destroyed, my forces are weak, you should know some of this, such as those guys who are intercepting my guys are coming." Xiajun said.

The sword is unparalleled. "When you return, your big companion around you, roughly told me, I am also slightly clear."

Xiaowu nodded, "Then you are ready, there is still five years, when I want you to go to the banquet with me."

"Going to a banquet?"

His eyes suddenly became a little cold. "Yes, my emperor invited about it. It is a heaven feast, and the livestock will also go."

There is no double point of the sword, he is very wretting to see, this Sky, the so-called heavens, and the emperor belong to what existence.

"You plan to kill them on the banquet?" The sword was unparalleled.

Xiaowu, "They? A group of people who are responsible, temporarily letting them, what I need to do is far more than this."

"For five years, I will come to you, you can also practice on the big or autumn."

"I am here."

Xiaoyu is burning, serious, "If you don't have you, I will definitely lose, so no matter what, please stand in me."

The sword is unparalleled. I feel some unnatural. "I will never let me know."

After listening to the exact answer, the little monarch laughed and left eight words on the time of leaving.

"There is a king to protect, everything can be diluted."

At this point, the whole piece is intimate, it is completely quiet.

Looking at the body shape of the little monarch disappeared, the spring and autumn speed came to the sword. "This guy will not be playing again?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been said that he is going to go to Tianstroom after five years.

Spring and Autumn have a little, "I know this guy's nature, he is so many people who don't have a big brother, if you are not bleeding, you really need to mix it in?"

The sword is unparalleled, "Let's take a step by step, wait for me to figure out here, I will not be late."

"Total is careful, he is far more gloomy than the surface, it is not a good person," Spring and Autumn is lighter, "When he was only in the original, he was in the nature, and the father of the Emperor. I can't escape with him. "

"If he is really a wicked, then he is absolutely less than."

Listening to the warning of the Spring and Autumn, the sword nodded, he had a set of its own judgment.

Only from the next three days, the so many prisoners are seen, and the little monarch is nature is not a good person.

The sword is unparalleled now, it is a maximum self-policy, and then go slowly.

After a long time in Spring and Autumn, the two stepped into the hall in this small orchid.

This little lone is not almost vast, but far more than a star field in the Shenli universe, it is necessary to count.

At the same time, some rare and beasts in the wilderness are involved in some rare animals.

At the central position of the entire Little Lietian, it is located in a grand temper.

In the middle of this quiet temple, the sword is unparalleled, and then sits on this.

The long wind is slow, and the sword is unhappy in the square outside this temple, Tuning the delay.

The square of the squid is left and the squid is a bit of the 18th copper column, which is vague and a bit of the original Yunxiao Palace.

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