Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4723? On the eve of the banquet

After the sword is unparalleled, it will eventually be enrolled afterwards.

From the universe from the universe, he became a prize from the ancestral and jumped from the ancestral.

And the strength of his Deman, in this year, there is no period of life and death.

Even if it is a giant sea sky and his wife, the wife of the woman, did not give him a real life and death.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is possible to truly step out the watershed in the step.

It was not long after the meeting, and he was like a real thing, reached out from the arms, touched the wordless book.

Open the top 10 pages of the little words, the sword is not born on the 16th page, but in addition to the blank, there is no other.

"No, I am not still talking to Chen Qing's sword." How did this book? "

Hold some skeptical attitude, the sword is unparalleled to try to transfer the battle memory in the knowledge.

The iconicity of the icon quickly sinks into the book page.

There was no unpaid of the sword. This wipes that the cloud smoke is actually written directly, and a small word of one of the regular fly is on a blank book page.

Moreover, this writing speed is extremely fast, almost a dozens of interest, and it will be written.

The number of pages has also become a thin page from the original page.

"No, Chen Qing's swords, can you write so little?" The sword is unparalleled, I can't believe it, quickly flip it, after confirming that there is only one page, some crying.

But immediately, more mysterious scenes, then Chen Qingjian Road that was only one page, actually disappeared in a line!

It is like a pair of big hands in the meditation, and it is general.

"No, no, what is this?" The sword is unparalleled, "I won't be this sword set to see Chen Qing's sword, so I wipe it again?"

There is no answer, the sword is unparalleled to watch Chen Qing's swords and completely disappear.

"It's a weird to the very sword." He looked at the lonely book in his hand, and he would think about it. If you hit the guy in Ding Bai B, you can take it down and steal your teacher?

The sword is unparalleled, this sword set, it is simply against the sky, and creates the predecessors of this sword. I am afraid it is a fun guy.

After collecting the sword, the sword is unparalleled.

For five years, for him, it is better to fish in the Yunxiao Palace.

He strived in these five years to adjust the deraity and realm to the peak status, so as to follow everything that happened.

The is also opened, and the San Dijun is only turned over in the small orchic city, and it will go back to the bottle and sleep.

Everything is in a gentle, and the sword is unparalleled. I don't know what to wait for him, I can only be forced to accept.

Often looks like a calm water, the dark flow is surging.

Five years, but it flashed.

When the sword is unparalleled, it is re-emerged, and when the dramaticized flow is opened, the junction of the little orchicate is opened.

Faded into a luxurious little monarch, put it on a dress that symbolizes the emperor.

On the dark gold, each of the pins, each professionally depicts the mountains and rivers, symbolizing the meaning of Bona.

And in its collars, it is also inserted from the dark bold wire.

This is a little bit of the monster of the male girl, and I have a bit of British Wuhe Weiyi, but the little blue pale is covered in his face.

After his body, it stands nearly a thousand way.

"Xiao Jun, I will ask the sword brothers to come." Chen Qing's hand, and then suddenly quickly when he was moving forward.

"You are waiting here, I will go to a trip before." After leaving this sentence, he went to the small orphans.

Chen Qing's eyes showed an envy. "The Jian brothers really don't have, I Chen Qing's side for so many years, I haven't seen one person, I have this treatment."

Skinny robe is slightly eye-catching, looking at the body shape of the little monarch, but also drooping the eyelid.

It seems that the sword in sitting is unparalleled, and I saw a body shape.

"The Jude, the son is visiting." Xiaolun smiled and stopped on the square.

Spit out a turbidity, the sword is unparalpired, and it is seen.

It's no double, and the little monarch has fun, "how to recover?"

"Not bad, when?"

"All are ready, just wait for you."

The sword is not a hyper point, and the spring and autumn will come out from the hall, standing behind him.

When it was prepared to leave, the little monarch was once called him, and then reached out, and put a garment plug in the sword.

"Change it, the big Siyu is doing, it is good."

The sword is unparalleled and helpless, and it is not good to attack, and only quickly rush into the hall to change the garment.

After a while, the sword of the long suit for the silver silk embroidered line did not appear.

Although this clothing is handsome, he also makes it feel uncomfortable, and it is worse than the comfort of the Black Shirt Ranger.

The emperor has exposed the color of satisfaction, and then turn around.

"The brother, didn't see it, you play the same thing than the emperor." Spring and Autumn I got a sword without double, and there was a fascination.

"Don't Hua said, this dress is not suitable for me." The sword is unparalleled, quietly loose, and step forward.

Spring and Autumn scratched his head, "and my emperor's body shape, I really poured a few points, it was really strange."

He will never think that this is by his side, but the silence is as if there is a young man who doesn't have a story, it is a bran.

More than a total of more than a total of more than a thousand ancestral, 20 Diva, concentrated in the void, in this moment, there is no double exhibition to the sword, and the true ...

In addition to the six-day territory, the large-scale voids, the little monarch is rare, and the static eyes are slow, slowly sweeping the shape standing in front.

At this moment, this whole large domain is in the voids, raging a bursts.

A sword is unparalleled, and the beasts that have never seen before stepping on the clouds, and the wind is royal.

This special beast, such as the dragon like a sheep, curved portal, and the body of the floral gold scale is engraved with the road stream clouds, and it is quite impressive while saying weird.

The total number of 20th beasts, ten royalties and arrivals.

On the top of each royal, there is a flag that engraighted with the field.

For a long time, the little monarch is calm, but the sound of Xiangwei is in the entire big section.

"All, and with son, Shang Tianship, go to the banquet!"

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