Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4728? You have not discussed

The little monarch reached out and scraped the little girl's nose, and then stretched his hand to the thin and small violet.

"Sweet eats more, you will drop your teeth." The thin small robe whispered, and then took a colorful sugar ball from his arms.

The little emperor took out two, and one stuffed into the little girl's mouth, and one was put into his mouth.

The little girl hugged his arms in the small emperor. "Ami is not afraid to drop his teeth, you don't swindle people, they all say that I won't drop teeth."

The thin small robe doesn't have much, but the candy in the hand is distributed to the rest of the boy.

The big eyes with candy, little girls flashed, and the sword is unparalleled.

I don't know why, I saw this little girl's lip red and white appearance, the sword was unparalleled, and she remembered the young brothers in the Shenli universe.

"Xiao Jun, who is this big brother."

The little monarch returned and the sword was unparalleled, and then laughed. "He is my good friend, you want to call him sword big brother."

"Well, sword big brother." Little girl smiled in the sword.

The sword has no double newspaper with a smile, and the next consciousness touched the little hair on her head.

Xiaoyu shouted her, "Go to play, I have to see the emperor."

The little girl nodded, then said, "Xiao Jun, this time, don't provoke the emperor, after the last time you go back, he has sent a big angry."

Xiaodi did not speak, reached out to the Hongqiao.

Leaving the leader, his body is quietly rising, the face is gloomy, and the two have just been sentenced.

Stepping on the bridge, step by step to Tiantian Tianmen.

Watching the heavens, the same, more than ten Dairy.

Lead two Danadi, who was in the gold armor, after seeing this god, hurriedly greeted a road, and he lost his ax in the hand.

Xiaodi is directly stepped into it, and the sword is unparalleled and others followed.


The flow of the flow of the clouds spread in the world, feel the Wen Runhua Mang, who was surging, and the sword didn't open his eyes.

Between the objectives, countless mountain dishes, the Wan Qianyu belt the waterfall embedded in it, gathers into a vast river.

At the center of this Tiand, a vast and unpretched Qingyu Giants, located in the clouds, a big day that emits Wen Runhua Mang, is behind it.

"Here, is it a heaven." The sword is unparalleled to look at the magnificent trend of magnificent, and the heart is impressive.

In front of the Qingyu Giants, a road from Runyu Pond has been paving to the front of the sky.

Xiaoyun stepped into the Runyu Avenue first stepped into the Runyu Avenue.

After sighed in your heart, the sword was unparalleled.

Feel the body of Hua Mang, a few people have not opened, go straight to heavens!

When you are about to step into the heavens, on the ground of moistening, it is condensed into two body shapes that are wearing robes.

"See Xiao Jun." Two almost a picture of a picture of a pair of models, giving the little monarch.

"Rolling!" The Xiaoli's two words were out of mouth, and they were shocked directly to the giant temple.

And the two twins are the same, it seems that it has already been seen, and after a good person, it will resemble the cloud.

In this Qingyu Giants, stepped into the vast square, the sword was unparalleled, and hundreds of old people have already gathered.

Every old man is surging a layer of Wen Runhua Mang, it is difficult to view its realm, but it is certain that every old man gathered here, the realm is never under Chen Qing.

Looking at the small emperor of the body, the more than a hundred old people, "I have seen Xiaoli."

In the face of these old people, the little monk is slightly eased, but just just the way, "Go in."

After the words, they will go straight to the main hall.

The old man has a touch of helpless colors, this time the banquet, I am afraid that it is hard to end.

Also accompanying this , on the side of the emperor, the little monk is sitting down.

Then, the old man who is waiting in the square will enter this giant temple.

No one opens, all hands crossed in the sleepers, the old gods are in the eyes of the eyes, nose.

As a derived fairy enters, the atmosphere in this hall is somewhat subtle.

Under the surrounding of the people, a young man in a teeth, the gods, and the Handsome youth are in the temple.

The four eyes are relatively, the face of the little monarch is getting more and more.

It is that the youth is the first to open the silence, bring a faint smile, "the second brother is correct, see the big brother."

The sword is unparalleled to see him, and the eyes are flashing in the eyes.

It seems that the heart has a feeling, the young people who wear white, the next consciousness is unparalleled, and some are somewhat in the eyes.

At this moment, the Xiaoyun came down from the position of the emperor, and the momentum was so angry.

He slowly retreat, and his face is unnatural.

"Said, people are not you sent." The little monarch was cold, and it was angry in his eyes.

The son is not consciously smoked, "Big, big brother, what are you talking about, how do I not hear ..."

Didn't wait for him to finish, a strong slap, directly pumped on the face of the son, followed by, and ambiguity, flying away, flying away.

Such a set of combination skills is too fast. After a while, the immortal has reacted, both have flew out the hall.

"Sword brothers, go to see the drama!" Chen Qingxing said, directly pulling the sword and flustered to the temple.

I saw that on the corridor, the little monarch ride across the son, stretched with two slaps, and smoked around the left.

And the face of the son is swollen by the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xiao Jun, Mo wants to fight again, the emperor will then come!" One of the black-haired old people, helpless, but did not dare to go up.

For a time, I advised the voice, but the little monarch seems to have not heard it, still smashed the bow and left.

"Gongzi, you are enough!" The son of the monster was angry, just when he was ready to resist, Chen Qing smiled, direct release of the delay firmly fixed the bonus.

"Chen Qing, you have a break, between the emperor, why do you interrupted ?!" A sound of the gas in a sound was scolded.

Chen Qing glanced at him, and later did notad, "Laozi broke up, do you have a little bit of Laozi?"

"You let go, a little, practice, is it to repair the dog?" He is a Division, a sly, and ager.

Chen Qing face suddenly, like a sword, a lot of light shot to him.

The Di Dynasty who still wants to be ignorant, and I will do it directly to do the throat, and the original road is returned.

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