For a time, there is only a son to correct anger, and the small emperor's left and right.

Nearly more than two hundred older people looked at this scene, they were shoud, and this is not the first time, this is not the first time, a total of five feasts, started three times.

However, although the emperor is quite whispered, it never stops, and even if there is even a while, even if there is no chance and lessons.

This also caused participation in the banquet, dared to argance, fear that the little monarch is unhappy, and give himself a sword.

It has Chen Qing as a "gang", Xiaofeng let his hands and feet, and the son's entry can only humiliate, as for the more than ten Deman, although the eyes are obeyed, but they don't dare to discourage.

Just then, a snack hangs.

"Gongzi, don't take this day to do your six-day, do you be a place you arrogant ?!"

The same body shape, stepped into this Qingyu Giants, quite the English eyebrows, full of essays.

Xiaowu sneaked his head, and the eyes of the gloomy eyes looked at him, then let go of the son of the body, and then moved toward him.

"What do you want to do?" The younger yours of British Wu did not consciously returned half a step, and the eyes were vigilant.

In response to him, it is a strong slap.

This Yingwu Youth seems to have already expected that the neck is slightly contrast to escape this hit, but then, the abdomen has passed a pain.

I saw that the little monarch took an incredible speed, directly a knee, and his lower belly, forced one of his instantaneous resistance, and smoked the storm.

The son is standing up, covering a slightly blue cheeks, and the resentment looks at the little monarch whose violence, then lifted the palm of the violent tragent.

"Two sons, secretly sneak attack, you have already done many times, this time, I will pause first."

Chen Qing took a few spurred sounds, and a more pound-thin delay blocked in front of the son.

The son has changed light, and he looked at Chen Qing's eyes flakes. "Chen Qing, what do you mean?"

"Nothing, people are doing, he is watching,

In the eyes, the killer can't control, but the son is just a cold, a sleeve, and retreats to one side, close his eyes.

"The Jagan," Chen Qing immediately rely on the sword unparalleled, and his face was mysterious. "Do you guess who Xiaowu is now?"

The sword is unparalleled, "is his brother?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Three Brothers, Gong Yu Yu."

He laughted, "He shouldn't you smoke a few brothers?"

"I can't say it," Chen Qi put shoulders, "It is estimated that the emperor is to come."

This is the English youth of the gongyu, on the palm of the small emperor's storm, hard to go to dozens of slabs, and embarrassing, with a thick delay.

However, the space seems to be a moment, and the Xiaoyun is more than one migle. It has been in the past. He immediately retired and fetched a half-step.

Four next, the big companion brought by the gongyu, so I couldn't help but get the previous step, whispered, "Duo, you are expensive as the king, why do you want to set two masters, three sons, they are embarrassed in this field, is it really awkward? Is it arrogant? "

The little monarch swept away from him, quietly emerged in his hand.

The big companion wearing a purple robe, and then take a step, bite the teeth, "Tianding is not bleeding!"

At this time, it is also the shape of four wear white towards the body, and it is within this green jade.

But after seeing this scene, the four figures tacit her back and watched the little monarch.

"Come here." The little monarch recruited the true sword and tried his hand.

One of them slightly, tender young people, calmly respond, "big brother, don't be innocent."

The atmosphere is heavy, and all Diqi is condensed to see this is about to fight.

The little monarchy lips, wiped out a soft sword from the waist.

The five people have a slight change, and this is a thin youth. "Big brother, let go, don't provoke the Emperor's father is not happy."

He set with a smell, and the sword step forward, and the killing did not cover up from the eyes.

Chen Qing also got a subtle change in the face, "Sword Brothers, Xiaowei seems to have really killing, so I stopped."

There is no double point of the sword, this is a sky, if it is true to be bleeding, I am afraid that the emperor who has not appeared is never forgive.

On the side of the son who covered the cheeks, it is full of face, the look in the eyes, I can't wait to kill on the spot.

The top five majestic derivatives will be filled with the square in this Qingyu Giants.

Every child wearing a bonus is ready to die.

The little monarch seems to be unfamiliar, and the soft sword in his hand is in the case of unmanned, and it is firmly.

Just when the sword is unparalleled and Chen Qing is ready to stop, the original Buddhist sky is not known when there is a Huanghuang colorful rhyme.

The whole stream cloud-shaped sky is at this moment, and changes have changed.

The sword is unparalleled is aware of what, condensed.

I saw a gathering of a gathering of the clouds and condensed a black robe. He stepped on the colorful Huyun.

"Is this true Wuyang Emperor?" The sword muttered in his heart, and some shocked his great potential.

If you have a palm, you will directly calm the battle of Xiaowei and others, and the delay is dissipated.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, it is clear that the body's derivation is pressed down.

The black robes are in the center of the square, as if there is a sculpture.

The five people have all changed, and then they argue, "see Yu Bo."

Xiaodi did not open, reached out and put the soft sword in the waist, talented, "."

The black robes are slightly pulled, a pair of muddy eyes slowly swept around, and finally look at him, "Xiaofei, don't be angry, the emperor will come."

The voice is falling, it is like a lot of vibration, and the sound of the unparalleled Dawei is a sound, "Are you in the kiss?"

All gathering Tianstrian's Dynamic is listening to this voice, all arched, "see Emperor."

Silk the sky, the sinking of the seven colorfulness is rolled over, and the Weiyi wearing the mountain river Die is condensed.

After his body, the left and right columns ninety-nine shapes.

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