Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4734? Tianjie first war

The sword is unparalleled, and the vast hair is shot. "I can say it, this big half can get into the belly of this guy."

"No, you can eat less than this guy, wait for the peach time." Xiaowun is serious.

"Eat people's mouth short." The sword was unparalleled, and it was agreed.

Then two a beast continued to walk in the heavens.

At this moment, in the sky, I was originally watching the foreigner of the Tianjie's picture. All is a weird color, and the true martial arts on the Emperor is all squatts.

Originally a tangible walp struggle, the picture turned, and he arrived here, and actually became the way of survival of food adventures?

'This emperor's heavens ... Just gave this child. 'Zhenwuyang's heart is a little blood, and those trees can all be the top raw material for the heavens, and there is no nature of the emperor. It is not able to grow at all.

And those who grow in the world, it is a fish who has grilled by Xiaofei, a fire is a clean ...

However, when I saw the face of Xiaofei, the Zhenwu Yang Emperor will complain, starting to look at the same two groups like this holiday.

"The little emperor is in breaking the tank broken?" In the tiabs, there is a veteran and can't help the low voice.

"I can't say it, I see the appearance of Xiaofu, seems to be not intended to compete for fairy peach."

"In the eyes of the husband, the little monarch is like a wise move, highlighting the brothers, modest the brothers."

"If you have more mouth, you will send you a penalty to the Tianjie to give me a trend!"

Tiantian is quiet.

Sitting on the strange back, the sword is unparalleled to look at the chain iron plate on the strange neck, and there is a bit weird. "What is your chain strand?"

Xiaowu nodded, "Yes, unless you can completely cross the step, all Diqi will escape from me."

The sword is unparalleled, a break, thinking that if it is not this for the chain of the chain, how can he have a few days of prisoners for a few days.

It seems to have seen his heart, the little monarch is also said, "This is a big man in my emperor's hand, named swallowing the lock, when I took over the six-day domain, the emperor met with me, and the original It is not me, it is the little scorpions who don't open your eyes. "

The sword is unparalleled for the original thing, after all, he didn't have a prisoner for a day, and directly wiped a Deman, and did not eat a big loss.

Just let him be a little curious about where he is caught.

I have a non-double opening ready to ask, and a unpleasant life and death crisis burst into self-knowledge.

He wants to do it, directly released the delay, and a huge head of a monster.

The strange heart god will, the huge body suddenly a face, and then pyrocollable.

More than 10 pounds of majestic derivation came from all sides, almost wiped the sword unparalleled and Xiaofei's head.

The large-scale blocking waist, the horror power broke out.

Concorating in the air, the sword is unparalleled and the little monarch is cold.

Just now, if you hit it, I am afraid that I have to be seriously injured in the spot.

Then, the shape of the eleventh powerful Diva is full, and it is a weird look at him.

"A group of miscellaneous things, I dare to wound this seat in this day?" The little monk is mixed with water, and it is like water. If it is not a sword, he will suffer from the bureau.

For a Deman, it is the support of the big amazing words in the sky, at this moment, he holds a flush, a fault to send.

It is not concerned about the insults of Xiaofeng, but there is a laughter, "the little emperor has a sin. It is not to be it. I hope that Xiaofeng will voluntarily quit, and the province will move the next big move."

The little god is gone, "Is the master to pursue you?"

There is no opening, but it is swaying, and "Please quit this to avoid the next big way."

"Miscellaneous, find dead!" He furiously drunk, facing these eleven dermndants but did not retreat, but directly to fight!

A elongated soft sword agitated the wind, carrying the unopened cap pressure to support.

It flasmatically flashing in the eyes, and then smiled cold and smiled. He lied in his hand, "all, do it."

The dust is in the wind to increase the feet, there is a way to get it.

At the same time, the rest of the ten Deman is also moving, and the majesty is all over the small emperor.

Strive to hit, let it quit!

But at the next moment, a sharp sword is in the wind, clip it in the wind, just like tearning, hey.

That is to cover the sky, under this quietly sword, it is directly from it to two!

And the little monarch, also cracking from that, straight thoroughly!

Life and death, the horror, the head, and the support is almost a head of the next consciousness, it can only be embodied.

A drop of Yin Jian's blood, rolling from the elongated cutting between the neck, infiltrating the shoulder white robe.

The support from the shock came and looked at the buddies of the little monarch.

"Don't leave your hands, try your best!" He shouted, immediately manipulating the dust in his hand, and went to attack.

Xiao Jun is standing in the original, and there is no fear, a dark field is a center, like a vine, usually spread around.

And the help of hate the mind, where to pay attention to the thin changes in the air of the body, the smell of Zhang Wu, you have to burn to him.

However, the surrounding air seems to be a little muddy, he feels a little slowly released.

With the same feeling, there is still the rest of the fairy.

Time seems to have been extended for a long time, and the assistance only felt that he was sluggish in the air for a long time, but he did not land.

The Xiaoyu's incomparable face is gradually enlarged, and a hand-held sword is slowly imposing, and the soul of the soul is simply the same.

"No, how do you have two little monarch ?!"

In response to him, it is a boring of almost horrible.

A sword, every sword reflects colorful Huashed in the air, and the Hehehong is connected to each other, carrying infinite killing, all of which are open.

That derived fairy body, burst into an instant.

Only the sword is full of swords, the body of Drafting!

Supporting the fairy crushing, turning into a powder, and a Dan Pill size is separated from the middle, panicked.

The little monarch is in a hurry, and the four weeks of space is like a wave, like an invisible big hand, directly picking the fairy source.

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