Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4735? Tianding is not bleeding

It's like a heart that is powerful, and the sound of the scared to the extreme is homogeneous from the fairy.

"Xiaowu, all my wrong, all my wrong, I will never be targeted, let me leave, I voluntarily quit."

The little monk is calm, "tell me, who let you kill me?"

Supporting the silence of the fairy, it seems to be struggling, and finally, "Yes, it is the second son ..."

After hearing this answer, he did not accidentally, and there was no wave in his eyes.

"Xiao Jun, this, this is in the sky, you can't ..."

In a word, I didn't finish it, Xiao Yan crushed his fairy.

In the Tiantian Tianjie, kill a Deman!

The derivative of this scene is all shocked. They didn't think that the little monarch actually dared to use!

This is in the big world, and the emperor, one of them, one of them is not a blood.

But now, the little monarch is actually e.di in this day.

They are all back, and there is a horrible flash.

Once some things begin, they are destined to not look back.

When you hold the sword of the sword, the sword is unparalleled. After the unscrupulous sword, the remaining nine Deman, the only war in the heart is instead of fear.

Then, there is no four-sized flee.

However, how can they leave easily?

Adhering to the sword of the rumor, the root concept, directly released the Xinghe Lake Hai Jingyi, a big star, beaten!

A straightforward, but it seems that it will be swept around Military space, and with the star trend, the Jianfeng refers to each inch!

At the same time, countless swords are condensed through the top of the ground, swept from the ground.

This is a burstful sword, even if the Dani is under this style, it can only hate.

There are three Di Dynamic dodges, and the scene has been swallowed, and even a silk fairy has not been left.

Xiaofei is equally forward, like ghost, every shot, directly erase a Demanic Wonderland!

Just between this moment, the six-digit fairy were destroyed.

Their speed is too fast, and the emperor who is sitting in the sky, and the forealosteen is not coming, all of the unsatisfactory fairy is only two.

Finally, when the sword is unparalleled, the Jianfeng is about to get off, the two of the Jian Feng have quietly disappeared.


The space flourifies, the two are almost frightened and broken, they fall straight into the Tiantian Palace.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Mo Luo Shenjian in his hand will fly his own.

The little monarch looked up, and the elderly looked at the location of the heavens.

"Gongzi, you know that it has violated regulations?" It is a sound of the true Wuyang Emperor with a pressure that can't be angry.

"The son didn't know which one of the sky, asked." Xiaoyun Yi is not afraid, cold channel.

"Heaven is not bleeding, but you are in the sky, you will directly kill the Deman, still refuse to plead guilty ?!"

Xiao Junnao heard, cold and cold, "I shot the fairy, but it is not a heaven, but the heavens, what to tell,"? "

The sky is dead, the end, the anger from the heavens, and everything is returned to calm.

"Mixing things!" The palm of the face was in front of the case, and the true Wuyang Emperor's lip was too small.

All the veteran did not send a word, just in the sky, all have been closed, the performance of the two is too amazing.

Especially the young people who hold the sword, in the area of ​​the district, it is easy to kill the same derivative, and it is not expensive.

Even if it is in their eyes, it is incredible.

"The Emperor is angry, the Xiaoli will have a convergence in the next itinerary." .

Zhen Wu Yang Emperor Jun closed his eyes and shook his head.

At this time, the two Demini, which were saved, all in the earth, fearful, "Thank you Dijun Shande."

"Chen Qing is?"

"The emperor is on, the minister is coming!" Middle-aged man wearing a green shirt hurriedly ran from the temple.

"Throw out these two guys, never let go to the heavens!" With the hand, Zhen Wu Yang Emperor is not suspended.

Chen Qing smiled, "God."

Then he smiled, just like a small chicken, one hand, flying out of the heavens.

The veteran of the veteran once again put into the drawing, and the eyes are eager to have an eager.

The original unusual ending has changed, and the guys who are completely not in accordance with the rules, and they don't comply with the guys. Everything is becoming interesting.

Since the expansion of the sky, the true Wutai said that the veteran did not have a war again, that is, even the delay is not known for how long it is.

Routing the rules, the day after day, seems to have been provoked.

They all have some expectations and curious.

In the heavens, more than ten Diqi, who came to surrounded, was completed, and the sword was unparalleled to spit out of a turbidity, re-retracting the Naro Shenjian.

"The brother, it is great." Xiaofei looked at him slightly smile, and there was some blood on the pale face.

The sword is unparalleled, "If there is condition, the rumor is the best decision, so as not to have an uncontrollable change in the future."

Xiaowu nodded, he found that his own point of view actually fits with the concept of swords.

In order to avoid the successor in the next approach, when the battle started, the sword was unparalleled, and there was no way to escape, and the little monarch was naturally decided, and it was the beginning.

One foot is in the sky, like the hill, the monster, the sword is unparalleled, and this guy actually sees the time. In the first time in the first time I started, I kneel on the ground.

The observed crisis is released, this big family hurriedly climbed up, and the dragon is like a big head, and there is some kind of jewelry.

"Hey, I am your master, I want to know who the candidate is." Xiaofeng pleaded down.

The sword is unparalleled directly on the back of the monster.

Just then, the whole day of the sky, a layer of seven colors, a masterpiece of the Qing Dynasty, Tong Da Yu.

"Xiantao, appeared." Xiaoyu glared.

The sword is also noticed that the seven colors, the calm trunk also flies.

The level of dealing is extremely special, but it seems that it is a large temptation to each of the Deman!

The scene of Xiantao also means that a more intense competition kicked off.

The seven sons will take the peach, and it officially begins.

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