In this vast world, it is almost at the same time, while nearly a hundred shapes carry a great potential, from the wilderness of the wild.


"Congratulations to the four son to win the peach."

In the mountains and rivers in the mountains, a young man with a teeth is full of teeth, and the young people in the mountains, the hands of the mountains, holding a generic peach in the hand, there is a large firing in it.

In his body, there were nearly 20 powerful derivatives.

And this long-distance young youth is the four brothers of the son, which is a manguo.

The Xiantao is uninterrupted, and he has a five sense of intuition, almost the first time to go to the Tianjie in the first time, open the hill, thus gaining Xiantao.

A touch of looks raised from his eyes, this is his first time I got a fairy peach.

In the past, the leadership of the leaders have always been not him, but the son is correct.

But this time, I am afraid that winners have changed.

In the first time, it is possible to win the peach, almost the situation has been laid, and even the next time only needs to hide.

Except for the premeditated circumference, it will be too easy to spend seven days.

However, the son is not thinking that he has been winning the coupon, his brothers, all of which are not the oil, whether it is strength or appeal, is very strong.

It is now almost twenty days. In addition to the big brother who has almost no threat, I am afraid that I will participate in the derivative of this to the peach, it is very likely that it has been differentiated into several camps.

When I think this, the son reached out from the fairy peach, and gave a derivative on the side.

"Bring this breath, you will leave, how far, how far, and then look for a son along the way, try to make him a chanture."

The mid-year-old Deman is god, makes a small magical pass, and it will make the breath in the hands into the appearance of Xiantao.

"Four princes are rest assured, the rest is given to us."

The son is humble, and more than 20 of the Danifian behind him is divided into two teams, and a team follows himself, and the other team escorts the fake fairy peach.

Xian Yun is vast, he didn't stay, carrying twelve Deman is ready to leave.

At this moment, a big horrible crisis suddenly rushed from behind.

"Four brothers, are you so rushed, what is going to get?"

That some slimming, bidding with the color of the gloomy, slowly walking from the Cangling, alone.

But only such a body shape, but let all the derivatives like the enemy.

The pupil of the son is suddenly contracted, like a thing that is the most reluctant to face.

In this trivial dispute, in addition to the public, there are two people to make him the most taboo.

One is a gongyu, and one is that this figure is in the shape of the body.

The reason is nothing, there is a rumor that two people have already sent their respective fairy.

Once you feel the fairy, even if you only have a trace, it means that it has already taken the step, just wait for the opportunity to come, you can thoroughly.

After at least two or three days, they will find that there is no past for a long time, and they have chased a tricky guy.

The son is humble, "" It turned out to be a five brother, why, do you explore the breath of Xiantao? Where? "

The son of the solitude is obviously reluctant to speak more, directly reach out to him, the sound is low, "the four brothers, put the Xiantao with me, I will leave you, I have been leaving the game."

The son is humble, "If you know how many Deman? Do you know how many Deman? Advise you how far, how far, I will have to do it later."

"It seems that there is no discussion." The son is ink, and his eyes are laughing.

"Hand!" With the anger of the son, all the Diva is all moving, and the pounds derived the same network toward the gods.


With the centers of the son, suddenly the dark blue crystal is reflected in the air, just like the ripple of the lake, starting regular rhythm.

At the same time, the son is ink, a hand, a long pen, which is completely condensed by dark blue crystals, and falls from .

A slap in a faint, and the extension of the ultra-horizontal, and the earth is clear.

The long whip stopped, and it was unimaginable to be embarrassed and scattered.

Anything is almost a face, and the body is broken, then the white light flashes, and the heavens are separated.

The son handhered this crystal whip, and the permanence seems to have a position and terrible energy.

Every time the whistle is, it can be able to defeat a derivative directly.

Each of this is a derivative of the inner field, but it is difficult to resist the hit of the monsters.

However, it is a dozens of interest, twelve Deman, under the sake of the son, all out of the way!

A hairy sweating out of the son of the son, all the happened is too fast, waiting for him to have an effort, it is too late.

The partner of the mask, from the dark, blocked his way.

"Four brother, Xiantao, I will leave you two people." The son is ink, the crystal whip is in the hands of the dragon, and it is in his body.

"Four son, hand it over to him, stay in Qingshan å, no firewood." The big patriarch of the son and low voice.

He biting his teeth, if the Xiantao handed over, almost the declaration of changing, to the late battle, only possible from the son to correct, beamathe, and the martyries.

After a while, the son was determined, and his teeth will throw the fairy peach in his mouth.

I looked at the treasure of the treasure to turn, Hong Shao overlapping Xiantao, the son ink secretly smiled, then put it in his arms.

"Big companion, walk!" The son did not stop the meaning, and the feet suddenly pulled down.

But the next moment, the crystallization of the air was criticized, and the son is directly calm, and his belongings.

The two didn't even have time to make a little sound, and they completely disappeared.

Everything seems to have not happened like anything, and it is quiet to the extreme.

This broken mountain is located at this moment only.

The hook of the son's mouth does not have traces, a smile, the figure is disappeared.

Everything is restored.

In the absence of this broken mountain, under the huge cliff, a strange is curled up, and the two wheels are full of nervousness.

In the strange bodies, I witnessed the two of the swords and unparallerts. At this moment, it is all in the face, which is obviously shocked by the fierce means of the son.

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