Ten hike, with a hard work, sweeping the twelve Deman, this is what existence can be so easy?

Even if the sword is unparalleled, in the face of dozens of Deman, they can only be rounded, almost impossible to do this easily.

But that impossible scene has happened.

After the moment, the sword is unparalleled and the little monarch will come down in the monster.

After two defeatings, he fishery, won the fairy peach, but did not expect to see this shocking scene.

As a result, there is a preliminary judgment on the male ink that has not been present.

"This guy is not a strong extent." The sword is unparalleled to see the little monarch, and the face is a little dignified.

The little emperor's eyes flashed a touch, "It seems that they are always breaking."

When I plan to open, this broken mountain is actually stroning.

Then, the son should correct more than 20 different fairy to come here.

Feel the excessive fluctuation fluctuation that has not been stabilized in the body, and the eyebrows of the son are condensed into Sichuan.

It is obvious that he has happened a battle soon, but he is still late.

"Xiantao, just in the state, he should have not far away, I will go to me." Gongzi's signs.

He is a DVD behind him, and even if it is dedicated to dissatisfaction to the whole.

The sword is unparalleled and the little monarch rides on a strange head, hiding under the cliff, ready to leave, then continue to move.

But the next moment, the monster that were originally honestly suddenly played a rose.

Juli will directly be in the lacquered state, and then flew out, and then fell behind the son.

It is caught in the coup of meditation, suddenly shocked, turning away and seeing two people who don't know how to appear, it is awkward and vigilant.

"Is you, son!"

The two are equally a circle, and they will not be met in this way.

Xiaodi is very fast, and a face is calm and correct, "What is me?"

It seems to be associated, the son is entitled to examine the two, "Xiantao is not in your hands?"

"What is it, are you eligible to take it?" Xiaofei disdain.

The son is holding cold and a smile. "I am still in the sky, but in this day, let's calculate the new account!"

"If you are with you?" The small emperor's eyes have a touch of contempt from beginning to end.

It seems to feel the humiliation, the son is pursued, and a strong extension is rushing, stirring the Cangling giant earth.

At the same time, the White Robe behind him also naturally marked the sword.

Four body shape, will be a war!

The strangeness is on the cliff, and it seems to be waiting for an opportunity to attack.

However, between the moment, the son's breath has risen to the peak, and the soul of the soul is almost swallowed.

Just when inevitably moved, a surprised voice sounded.

"Hey, the big brother, you are here."

The little monarch and the son were taking out to the sound.

I saw a white shirt, the shape and skinny, and the young people who had enough temperament flew, and there was no consciousness of the sprinkle.

"What are you doing?" Gongzi touched the police, and the delay will increase the delay.

The handsome youth scratched his head. "Of course, it's coming to find Xiantao. Just a big companion, I have a vision, I will run it and I will hit the luck."

The son is gone, "Then you are not afraid now to send you out?"

"Hey, then I will go first, you continue." Junlang Youth grinned and quickly urged the majority of the big companion.

With this handsome youth suddenly, this inevitable battle is stopped.

They are concerned, such as the border in the center of today, there is a fairy peach to go through, the rest of the emperor and the Danan have gradually come, and if the two defeats are in the next battle, they will be extremely passive.

When the sleeve, the son was cold and cold, and then turned to leave.

The whole government seems to be silent.

"Don't be too late, we have to find a son ink." Xiaolun returned to the sword.

He nodded, and he went to the next week, he found that there was no hidden ambushed, and he will still hit the strangeness of the edge of the cliff.

"Let us expose again next time, be careful to bake your rack on the fire!" After taking the big head of this big guy, the sword is unparalleled.

The monster heard the words, hurriedly shakes the big head, and seemed to see him.

For this monster, I was originally rushing to Jiazhou, and the two were ready to return it, but it was accidentally found that it had a keen feeling of the fairy peach atmosphere and a big crisis. Naturally continued to bring this big.

Re-sitting on the strange back, the two will live along the route that disappears along the master ink.

"Big brother, I haven't seen you for a long time."

When shuttle landslin, I didn't know where, and the surprised sound was in the ear.

The sword has no double heart, and the next conscious looks to the side.

I saw the Handsome Youth of the previous departure. At this moment, I didn't know where to drill out and looked at the little Jun.

A elite soft sword suddenly pulled out, straight to the front, and he wore his neck.

Junlang Youth is rushing to leave, and let a safe distance.

"How far, rolling is far, then dare to leverage the previous step, die." The little monarch was cold and glanced.

He smiled, "In fact, the big brother, I don't have malicious to you, just want to tell you, it is best not to compete with the fairy peach, their strength and realm, I will only have a difference from the elders, I am afraid you. ...... "

The little monarch is like a knife, looking at him, "I have a more mouth, I have cut your tongue now."

Handsome Youth helpless, only have to leave with your side.

At the time of the way, he suddenly turned back, "I am relieved, my big brother, no matter what, I must help you when I take the peach."

After the words were finished, the handsome young people disappeared.

The little monarch is like not heard, visiting the front, calm and abnormal.

"This little brother is not bad, is it your brother?" The sword did not have a double turntuary.

"Seven sons, be son." Xiaowu seems to be unwilling to mention the identity of each emperor, after expressing your identity, it will go silently.

The sword is unparalleled, there is not much interest in this, and after the simple point, I will enter the realist in this strange.

It has been in the past, and the fairy peach owner has also been known to whom, the only important thing, how is these strengths to horrify the metamorphosis, and capture the peach.

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