Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4739? Greed

Huang Huang's trend ranked from him, and even squeezed a gap from the battle from the battle.

Looking at the son of dozens of Demai Hehe, the son of the son, the son is proud, and then the foot on the mountain stone, straight!

"Want to go?" The son turned the light, reached out, and the air was angry, and there was no strong force to distort the air, and it blocked the way to the gongyu.

Almost at the same time, the son Hua violents, the big companion around him blocked the ten-digit fairy offensive, and sent them out.

Dramaticized tips, go straight to the son feathers, so that if you fight, if you want to hit it, you can absolutely hit him!

However, in this thousands of hair, the body of the son is bleak a moment, and the arrow is like a sadness from him, but there is no hurt him.

The son feathers turned their hidden smile, and then she was derived from behind a pair of huge wings, and she flew into the sky.

"Rolling!" The son corrected, and the palm suddenly turned, and the red map was shaped in the mountain.

All Deman only feel that the eyes are dark, and all the most central people in this red graph roll is hit!

One of the mountains, the son consisting of the top of this pattern, the most central, the slightly delayed delay is also transformed into crystal dark red.

Only the rest of the son, and more than ten Deman are all difficult to look at the bonus.

I looked at the son and Yu brought my peach. The son adapted all the resentment in the hearts of the son.

It seemed to have a murder that did not cover the son, and the son was slow, "No, the second brother you make better you want to clearly, no words ..."

His words have not been finished, the son is not hesitant to cover the delay, directly breaking his body, let it go out.

At this point, there have been three emperors to go out.

The only small emperor is still in the edge of the marginal water, and the son has disappeared, and it is really a threat to the son, and only the gong feathers are left.

It also realized a fairy, and the son feathers will completely cross the step. He never wants to see the son's feathers than him.

It is the first step to take Xiantao.


In order to save unnecessary troubles, all the fans of the remaining emperors, he is all removed.

Dangdang is trending, it is the top peak of the heavens, but with it, there is also a huge spring, a high billion feet, and the peak is adjacent to the sky.

At the moment, a dark and blue-eyed figure is broken, and the layer of flowing is covered by rich and tragent, and go straight to Xianshan Jurchuan.

Now that it is the next day in the fairy peach, there is still five days from the seven-day limit. The gongyu only needs to maintain such a high-speed flying, and it is very likely that the last waln.

By then, he will hide the hidden in Journey, the horsawa, even if it is a son to make it, there is still a few times.

When you think of this, he smiled and accelerated in the mountains.

In order to avoid exposure, the son feathers are only in front of them, and even the belongings have never taken them.

What he did is trying to completely hidden in the stream.

Feel the warmth of the woman, the gongyu fails to hold back temptation and put the peach in his hand.

It seems that there is a native, the most extremely dramatic delay is turning, attractive to the extreme.

If you don't know how to put a layer of ban on the outside of the fairy peach, I am afraid that the son is going to swallow in the belly on the spot.

The more you look, the more coveted, the brain of the son feathers gradually heat, he is touched in the Deman, it has been too long, and it is a long time to forget the meaning of itself.

Five days is just a moment of shooting, but this can happen to be too big. If you miss this time, then you will wait further!

He must not wait any longer, he can feel that the son is quietly brewing.

If you have not improved, it will be a storm when you meet him.

The mind and arrival, the gongyu has heard the eyes gradually and gradually. He looked up at the Xiangshan Shenfeng, who was nearly adjacent to the heavens, and reached the hundreds of millions of fertilies, gave birth to a thought.

At the next moment, Xiantao was re-depressed in his arms, and then the two arms were condensed out of vast.

Like long whale water, the rich delay in the entire heaven is rushed to him.

It is started to reflect the magnificent shadow in each space.

A force that surpassed the Danoma was dispristed, and the black hair became white.

This should not belong to the power of the gongyu, but driven out by him, the only possibility of only overdrawn.

He is in the future of the illegal mad!

But the son is only crazy in this moment.

Only the power of surpassing the Deman can only touch the fairy mountain!

Next moment, the son feathers, he wanted to look at the ancient gods, every step is shocked, the feet is easy to tear the mountain and the mountains, and it is ignorant.

Then he arrived in the high million feet high, enough to be adjacent to the Tianshan Shenfeng, actually intended to cut it!

Infinity, to destroy God.

The entire heaven is beginning to shock, and the gully will tear the earth.

Tianhe rushed to roll, countless fairy mortise.

A collapse of the custody is rumbling, and countless fine cracks from the mountain roots.

This hundreds of millions of Hi Mountain God is actually going to collapse!

The giant treasure of the incarnation, at this moment, it is crazy, with shoulder to the mountain abdomen, and exhale his best to remove the Xian Mountain.

"What is this little child do?"

Sitting on the Tianstrian Emperor, the true Wuyang brow is tightening, "Is it a strong force?"

The rest of the hundreds of veterans saw this scene and shocked and intake.

They imagined, why do gorneathers do this, they can only wait and see.

Just like being angry, the son is hugging this fairy mountain, and it is hard to force.

From the crests of unscheduled feedback, in the intersection of the immortal, the inside of Xian Mountain begins to be broken.

Just when the gongyu could n'ter with the kind of force, the whole hundreds of millions of Hihan Shenfeng, from the root of the mountain, suddenly fractured.

The inconsistent huge stone fell, triggered a disaster, and the earth was concave.

It is difficult to imagine the weight, the height, so that the Dano is enough to despair.

But here, it was removed by the son feather.

Even if it is true martial arts, he actually has such a horrible force, and it can be hit hard to the heavens.

The brunette of the son of the gongyu at this moment has become mottled, and everyone is not clear why he will do this, only he knows himself.

The prohibition on Xiantao is the kind of true Wuyang Emperor, and all the fairy of all participants will never open.

However, the son is aware of this square, and the ban on the homology of the fairy peach.

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