Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4740? Zhiliang Xiangshan

Since they can't use their own power to destroy the ban on the fairy peach, if the power of the emperor, destroy the ban on the emperor?

And this Xianshan Shenfeng is a Tianjie root base created before the Temple of Temple.

Gong Yu Yu, is to destroy the ban on the fairy peach with the power of the emperor.

Hold the Xianshan Shenfeng in one hand, he mightly put it out of the fairy peach, then threw it to the mountain root like the abyss.

At the time, just put this fairy mountain peak, it will be able to smash it!

At the same time, at the same time, a blame sounded, only in the destroyed mountain, a thousand huge giant giant flexible shuttles, the talence of the gods reached out, a realm of the realm It is a strange hand.


At this moment, even if it is a stable little monarch, I can't help but hold the mouth.

The son of the son of Xianshan Shenfeng is really cut, and when I see the strange self-air, I intercepted the fairy peach, "the beast, Dare!"

The strange looks in the grin, and the huge shape is disappeared in the broken mountain.

The gongyu was angry, and the Xiangshan Shenfeng, who was guanled to hundreds of millions of fertilies, and threw it to the giant.

This is a catastrophic moment. The whole day of the sky can't be hidden, and it began to collapse.

Sitting on the sword in the back of the giant, looked up at the shadow that covered the sky, suddenly took out the waist, the god sword, poke it on the strange ass.

The strangeness is homogeneous, and it is going out with a fast to the extreme speed.

A moment!

Sorry, Xianshan Shenfeng, which blends to the ground, also can't afford the giant strength, and break into the mountain belly.

The gongyu seems to be completely crazy, the palm of the palm is unpracolled, and all go to the sword unparalleled direction.

The heavenly breath has been disordered, and the impact wave generated by the Xianshan Shenfeng is, even the Dano can not be based.

Almost when the gongyu is in power to Dai Mountain, the son is turned to rush, and a powerful body shape is also from four wild.

However, after a diagnosis of such a dense offensive, the two all the black roses were dressed up, slowly emerge from the mountains and rose.

The gongyu's breath, overdrawn, the future of the realm has caused irreversible damage to him, and only the fairy peach can make up for it.

"Give me, I will return Xiantao to me." The big mouth gasped is gas, and the son is watching the small emperor and hate.

Holding the fairy peach that Huawang's circulation, the little monarch is smile, "Want? You are eligible to take it?"

"Give it to me, you are a waste!" The son feathers were frustrated, and the constant loss of the realm in the body made him scared.

When I heard the words of the waste, the little face of the little monarch suddenly sank, quietly condensed the slender soft sword.

Next moment, he directly threw the fairy peach to the sword, only the only sword, and he was unfolded!

The vast sword is surging, turned into a sword straight pungement!

It is in an airy gage feathers, not afraid, his pair of palms, such as prison's delay.

The two collided, directly destroyed the swords of Xiaoli.

At the same time, the son is already gotting with killing, and the seven colors will be reflected in the days behind him.

One party can trigger the treasure of the heavenly changing treasure, then facing the little emperor, cover the sky.

This is a fairy! It is a fairy that exceeds the demonstration.

In this environment, once you use, you means that you don't die, you will start!

"I want you to die, humblely waste." It seems to vent all the negative evil spirits in the bottom of the heart, and the son is full, it is rushing to kill.

As long as the little monarch can't escape, there is only a way to break this way.

But the little monarch is standing in the original place, and the eyes are angry and calm.

"Gongzi, faster!" Yuan, the sword is unparalleled.

The little monarch slowly hooked the mouth, facing the Huanghuang Dawei, and lifted a thin arm.

"I have never wanted to have a big brother who had anyone, nature will not perform the corresponding responsibilities. Today you have to kill me, I naturally also in the same way."

It is indifferent to nearly indifferent sounds, and his eyes have no emotional fluctuations from beginning to end.

Long hair breaks the opening tape, fluttering in the air.

A deadness, virtual, black and white and white, is like a wheel without any warm big days, slowly rise.

The son crazy eyes are clear, and it is difficult to confuse.

That kind of breath is a fairy!

"No, it is impossible, this kind of guy who can't practice this kind of sense of practice can be able to understand the fairy ?!"

The huge giants and and the dead and white and white are dead, and the most terrible martyrdom is excited.

It has surpassed the power of the Deman, and all the visible is turned out.

The sky is collapsed, and the mountains and rivers are never.

Extremely let every Division cover the eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a little understanding for the situation of the little monarch himself.

Xiaodi seems to have some kind of hidden disease, whether it is the situation in the state or the body, can only compete with the ordinary fairy.

But in the eyes, he has a terrible one with weak weakness, and it is also conceived while being shocked by the sword.

Is there a situation in concealing before the small emperor? Is it his real strength?

Waiting to be extremely dissipated, the two body shape is still standing above the sky.

At this moment, the golf wolf is getting a pole, from the undulating chest, to the gray-white hair, all not not notice him is already strong.

I have been pulling out his realm, and I am crazy released a fairy, and my delay has been exhausted to the extreme.

It is Xiaowei, except for the face of more than a touch of infrared, there is no damage to the dock.

Looking at this step by step to your little emperor, the son is not consciously retreat, he completely can't understand, how do you master the fairy?

"I said, you moved the murder, then I will still have the same way."

A richness to the substantive murder, from the eyes of the small emperor, he never knows how to be jealous and converge, even if it is facing the emperor.

The sharp rumor is condensed from the tragent, and the retreat of the gongyu is blocked from all sides.

The son is full of color, and he sees indifferent disdain from the eyes of Xiaodijun.

"You can't kill me, I will quit this."

However, the Thunder is coming, but nearly one hundred giant mandies don't have any hesitation to him.

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