But immediately in the sword, there is no double brain god, and the embarrassment of the building is broken, as if nothing happens.

This seems to be a chicken rib, and it is indeed a sense of enthusiasm of chicken ribs. It seems that there is no other role in addition to the vastness.

Is this only aware of knowledge in the knowledge, just triggeting your own intracranial orientation?

Soon the sword is unparalleled, this style can build the feelings of the galaxy, when there is in his mind, let him recall the original power universe.

In the universe of the Shenli, the supreme can be built into a part of the country, which is equivalent to the extension of its own field, which will greatly weaken the enemy power in the dominance of their own.

At the moment, the galaxy built in the mind, seems to be the same as the university of the same work.

Since it is the same, can you simplify the galaxy in your mind?

The sword is unparalleled so thinking, followed by him.

The finger is told in the air, falling out of the road, and the secret of the secret.

However, when the sword is unparalleled, it seems to be tortured to the pole, interrupted his thoughts.

"Who?" The sword is unparalleled, and the extension of the excessive derivation is returned, ready to deal with the situation.

With this kind of stunning, the stone beads originally like a small planet have restored the first gray look, and rolled to the Sword Wushuang.

The atmosphere is dead, his body is low, the palm has been pressed on the Hulo Sword Holder, and vigilant looks at the sound.

Can be in this space, and if the sword is unparalleled, what is terrible strength?

Without rash, he is thinking about how to escape.

Along with the stagger, this is falling into a very dark space, suddenly a bright, like a big sun, so that everything is invisible.

The sword was unparalleled, because he found that in the position of the front, actually sitting on the leg!

That is a high and strong figure, even in the back of the sword, I also revealed a feeling of the vicinity of Yue Yue.

"why why……"

A bitter to extreme voice is awkward, and then in the sword unparalleled, the Taoist Yue Tong's body shape is actually reaching out of the palm of the hand.

"Why do I don't pass, why I will refuse ..."

"It is definitely what problems have emerged, right, definitely what problems appeared in my feelings."

In the voice of bitterness to the broken thoughts, the camera is slowly standing, and there is no wind in the body.

Then the sword is unparalleled to see the face of this power.

His extremely British cheeks may be because of the young and beautiful, the eyebrows are far away, and the eyes are like the characters from the painting.

Under such a close distance, he has no double in the sword, completely immersed in its own feelings.

The terrible distraction is in his body, as if the million god peaks are over.

The sword is unparalleled only, the chest is extremely tight, the blood flow in the body has accelerated.

This terrible delay has exceeded his existing awareness, even if the breath of the San Dynasty, the sky is difficult to compete!

However, the delay in this realm disappears with the body shape.

He can't hide the gray and pain in his eyes, so that the sword is unparalleled to feel that he seems to have a bottleneck and cannot break through.

"Why, I have already crossed that step, why didn't I feel that the emperor's air transport ..." The tartar body shape, double eyes, and began to lose the soul.

"Is it difficult for me to become an emperor?"

The sword is unparalleled, so he slowly got up, facing the personal shape of the person.

Surprisingly, that tartar is not to look at the sword, but he is not worthy of his hand.

"Strange, he can't see me, isn't he is not a living?" The sword is unhealthy, then he reached out and tested to touch him.

But the next moment, the tangy figure suddenly looked up, and the eyes of Fengrui, such as the sword, "Who!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is almost stopped.

However, he then found that the film is not to look at him, but a place to look at the unknown.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no other person.

He began to understand what it took, and the space that was mistaken, and this scene happened, it was very likely that many images I didn't know how many years.

Then, the tartar shape is like talking to anyone, there is a pain in the eyes.

"No, no, I can't do this decision." After the film is behind, the pain in my eyes began to hesitate.

But over time, the pain and hesitation in his eyes are gradually shaken.

This tutorial shape seems to have reached a condition.

In the end, he tough, "Yes."

With these two words, this whole hidden space begins to belly, fine cracks directly climbed throughout the bluestone.

Space seems to be collapsed.

The sword is not too much to think more, and the back is back, ready to escape this place.

The giant earthquake, the secret space began to fall into the land, countless gravel fell.

Fortunately, the channel can still stick, no broken.

The sword is unparalleled, and when he looks back at the soil, he looks back.

The images in the secret space are dead, but in the event of an willingness, the personal shape is like a sublimation, a unique gas to bother.


The whole peak is completely collapsed, and it is never looked at the secret space.

The sword is unparalleled in a mountain, watching it is still raising the dust of the dust, and the complexes are somewhat complicated.

Everything you have just experienced is like a dream, even for a few days, but it seems to shuttle to an unknown era.

At the scene, why will it be left?

Gently smashed the palm, sword unparalleled discovery, I don't know when he has returned to the most peak state, and the filling and extreme delay seems to be able to break through.

It was still in the fierce battle, which showed a strange death, but the sword was unparalleled, this trivial battle has not ended.

He is able to feel that the guy who sneshes his attack, there is still a day.

Since you are not dead, you have to do something that should be done, such as revenge.

The foot of the feet, the shape of the sword has disappeared, and the whole peak at his feet is directly collapsed.

"Still not planning to give up? Is it really going to kill you here?"

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