Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4745? Little Mountain River

It has already shown dark red days, and there is a violent hurricane.

Here, there are very fews that can be based on the Ai Dynamic.

The strength of the power is a son, and the gongyu is directly dragged in the final junction.

At this moment, there is only a 10-dimensional shape that is still standing.

The son has a gloomy, and the body has a broken place, and the black long hair break is floating with the wind.

Standing in his face, it is a little bit of the mouth, the breath, the breath.

He held the palm of the soft sword in the palm of the palm, but the eyes still looked with disdain and ridicule mean.

"Finally, I will give me the Xiantao, and then go out." The voice of the son is getting cold, and the killing in the eyes will gradually cover up.

The cheeks have a small emperor of Yinhong, and coughing a god blood, and then the quiet way, "How many days, Xiantao is in the emperor, should it be six days?"

The child's correction color is cold, the time of the fairy peach disappears, it is really six days. In this six days, he can kill the timing of the little monarch several times, but because some kind of concerns do not kill.

This also causes time to lapse quickly.

Once the Xiantao stayed in a distraction in a distraction, this trivial dispute is over.

And this is already the last day.

"Do you really don't plan to give it to me?" The son corrected the previous step, and the horrible delay was swept.

Xiaofen's thin and weak figure seems to be possible at any time.

But there is no trick in his eyes, and it is more obvious, "I can't really think that Xiantao is in my hand?"

The son is cast, and when you want to speak, a bumbler stone, there is no sign of his backhe your mind.

"Stupid goods, see here."

A clear voice sounded, looked at it, a black shirt rosewat, left hand, thoroughly, like smiling, looking at him.

The son is a contract, and he knows himself, it has killed it.

"How can you die?"

"If I am dead, how should I make a revenge?" The Xiantao was in the arms, and the sword was quiet.

Next moment, he suddenly got away, carrying endless trend, and he was not afraid.

Looking at the returning figure, Xiaofeng deeply spit out a turbidity, completely relaxing.

In the most important sky, the big door is crushing, and the unparalleled , is almost the instant of collision, and the son is completely pressed.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled to pick out the Jaro God sword, and it is strong and sinking.

A sword is a sword, restoring to the peak sword is unparalleled, and the sword is open, full of hegemony, and it is actually oppressed, the bonus correction is counterattack.

The master case is wronged, and he also understands, why did the son feathers are hard to force.

This derivative is not general!

A Xinghe Lake Haijian burst, the horrible swords were swept, let the son who have not been prepared to correct, eat a heavy loss!

When the foot is awkward, the sword is unparalleled and retreats and leaves the war.

The tooth is completely broken, and the skin is cut off by thousands of swords.

The son's correction is extremely angry. It seems to be a horrible sword, but it is time to tear his clothing, and even the serious injury is not, this is a matter of insult to him.

He can't stand it, between the palm of the palm, a light red, the painting volume is spread.

At the same time, a silky chaotic breath is standing behind the son, which is unimaginable.

The sword is unparalleled, and he can feel this movement, which has exceeded the existing realm.

"The dead thing, since you are still coming to send, then I will become all you!" The son turned into an irger, and he stretched out the palm.

Behind the like a mist, the chaotic breath is empty.

The sword is unparalleled to avoid, but I find that I don't know when to spread my light red picture, as if some kinds of ban are general, and the whole person is firmly fasted in the original place.

Two pairs of fairy enclosures are unparalleled to swords. He can't survive at all!

The son's face has even already commented on a bruises.

If the silk is chaotic, there is no unexpected sword to swallow the sword.

The little sorrowful of the distant sorrow is shocked, and he has learned the terrible of the son.

If you don't have a fairy, you can never escape from his hand!

And the sword is unparalleled, it is too powerful, I am afraid that I can't escape.

"This guy is impossible to die easily." Xiaofei shook his head and his eyes closed toward distant.

There, it seems that the chaotic breath that is unknown, it seems to be eaten.

The son is turned on, and the people who have dare to fight against him, die in front of them, there is no more enjoyable thing than this.

Looking at the chaotic breath that constantly moved, the cost is almost the time, and he waved his hand to prepare for recall.

However, the next moment, an awkward alpine peak suddenly opened the chaotic atmosphere.

At the same time, a daily waterfall is full of heaven, completely pouring down.

There is another round of big days to emerge, Yao Guanghuang.

This is a strange meteor, actually disappracting the chaotic atmosphere.

To know, it is the most difficult message.

The son is entangled in his eyes, and he daresly look at this scene.

When the chaotic breath is completely dissipated, the thin and firm figure will appear again!

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the double eyes reflect the boundless star.

In his eyebrow, a galaxy consisting of seven stars is slowly laid.

In the face of the son, he finger it.

The giant water rolling by the delayed, swept directly.

At the same time, the long wind, mountains and rivers, rivers, big days, and wait a natural scene.

The unimaginable landscape is actually debut at the moment, and all in the gongzi.

The sword is unparalleled with the eyes gradually clear, and he slowly hook his mouth.

The grand galaxy built in the mind is in the mind.

The so-called mountain river is a mountain river.

Mind, Self-made mountain river.

All the wonders are what the sword is unparalleled.

I want to make it, the mountain river is used for me.

At this moment, everything in this whole day, the sword is unparalleled.

Double fingering, the giant peak that was originally subjected to the son's feather, at this moment, it has grown from the clouds. It faces the son to correct, the boundless god peak pressure is pressed.

I barely get rid of the giant water, and I will endure the big day to roast the gnoven.

This means, it is actually a fairy!

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