Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4750? Jian Tian

In addition to dodging, the sword is not as good as the sorrow, and there is a surprise of the blush of the little monarch.

These fines seem to have identified that the little monarch is the real color embryo, and fully take care of him, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword has hid.

Waving a cloud is applied to the face. The little monarch will pick up the road. "The brother, in fact, I want to take you, is a place in this Tiantian."

"I am watching the swords of the swords, the swords of your waist have been broken, think about finding a hand, or fell directly in the sword."

The sword is unparalleled, and some believe that he said.

After all, from the previous act of Xiaofun, it is not too light to take a shower with him.

"What is the sword you said? What is the place?" The sword didn't ask.

"Probably, it is a place to launch an obsession," Xiaofeng said, "Sleeping there, is at the original, some old brothers who have gratified with me."

The sword is not a double point, no longer talk.

After a few days after the top of this pavilion, he left to sword.

Out of the table, in the edge of this Tiantian Tianjie, the small sky in the chaos, it is reflected in the eyes of the sword.

Even with the strength of his Deman, there is no way to investigate what this chaotic world has.

However, from the moment of time from time to time, any one of them here, I am afraid that it is extremely terrible.

After led by Xiaofu, after entering the fog of the chaos, it is only true to enter this so-called sword.

Floor, raised the gray sand.

The sword is unparalleled. I only see that I'm all in the grateful gray, the dry tree branches are like a movie shape.

This gray sandstone surface has been extended to the distant distant, interspersed with the sky.

"Stability Heart, the killing atmosphere here, and obsessment too heavy, if you suffer erosion, it will be difficult to pull out." Xiaolun loudly reminded.

The sword nodded, he felt this whole world from the first day of entering this sword, almost completely made up of the intention of killing, and an obsession with a difficult words.

He is hard to imagine that this peaceful Tiantian Tianjie will have such a place.

It seems to be aware of the invasion of the external force. This sword began to fluctuate on the sky every day, and there was a big obsession to shuttle.

The little monarch waved his hand to throw a goldprint, and then they have disappeared.

In this sword, there is a dozens of interest, and the black stone hide of the gray sand will appear.

Perhaps no one is in this place, that the hique is almost half buried in the gray sand, which is like a cloud.

"This giant is the place where my emperor's brothers placed the obsession." Xiaofei looked at the sword. "Your sword has no one, but the guy in this temple can not Usually, you will have some help to your swords. "

The sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but think of the sword of the sky, if there is a thrilling of the swordsman, I can go out, I will look at it, carefully observe ...

Waving the temple of the sinking, a familiar taste of a thermal iron, is incoming in the nasal cavity in the sword.

For the sword, this is the most intimate atmosphere of the iron and fire.

This is, the taste of the sword.

The original truth is unparalleled, and there is still some people who are causing to see the person in the small monarch.

This whole hide is wide and huge, and there is no chapter of the building.

The whole hall seems to be a burning furnace, and the entire ground seems to be a magma, which exudes a red color.

The sword is unparalleled to sweep this whole hall, except for hundreds of people, there is only a little attention to the murals faded on the wall in the four-week wall.

Due to the long-term era, this mural has fallen to be large, but the sword is still not guessed, and these murals should be the most tragic war.

The heavenly torn, countless Dynamic Deman is democked, and it is deciduous.

The sword is unsatisfactory, and he believes that all of these Tianfang has a paragraph of fierce, and everything cannot be changed.

Xiaodi didn't seem to come here for the first time, very familiar with the sword where there is no double.

Out of the main hall, the air begins to be hot in sterile heat.

Even if it is the delay in the degenerate, it has a burning meaning, which is highly high.

"This guy is not good, and the character is silent, but he argued that he said that the second no one dares to the first."

On the one side, the little monarch said, "In addition, he is the only disciple under the seat of my emperor, the sword is deeply effective."

"Talking about my emperor's little friend, the only one I have seen, the sword is awkward."

The sword is unparalleled, and about Jianxian, about the whole situation of Da Yan, for the current, there has been no contact.

And his only one has encountered, but only in the Shenli universe, the sword of Jianxinyao B.

Just a sword, let the sword have come.

However, the sword was unsatisfactory, and he was rushing to Tianship. In the interception of the encounter, there was a mysterious person who did not appear from the head to the tail, but hereked it to tear the bilitary. The field, killing dozens of derivatives.

That mysterious person, will it be a Jianxian?

There is no answer, some people or things may always be a shocked blow.

"In order to let this guy concentrate on the sword, I hit the emperor to give him the sword in this whole sword."

"When I met, I didn't know if this guy was now in the last heaven feast."

Walking forward, I don't know how long, when the ground under the foot disappears, the whole hide arrived.

But the next scene, shocked the sword where the eyes were unparalleled.

I saw the rear of this giant temple, there is actually a gap!

In this gap, there is a purple magma that flows from the ground, and it is roaring in it.

There is no vast sword hanging on the sky, and each handle sword is slowly dripped with silver white water drops.

The sword is unparalleled, more incredible.

Their white water droplets are actually swords!

Concentrated, infinite swords!

What is a technique that is actually able to refine the swords in the true sword.

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