Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4751? Casting the Secondary Ding North Spring

The so-called swords, the so-called swords, all are virtual, only use the medium to carry them.

The sword blade itself is a medium, while the power, the power, and even more mysterious delays are the way to carry, and influence.

But at this scene, I lived on the sword.

These swords, there is no master's will, there is no guidance, only the last sergeant of the syndmide itself.

But they have been practiced, and it is an elephant a drop of silver water droplets.

These swords are dripping, and they fall into the abyss from the sky.

Since the temperature is hot, it is terrible to the extreme, the magma here is a strange purple red.

It is the real sun core temperature, and it is impossible to be too hot than this purple magma.

These, such as the rain drops, did not drop in the magma after falling, but as if there is something to receive, together to gather together.

Until this, the sword is unparalleled, under the abyss of this day, the walch of the Miles pentium, actually placed a furnace.

This seems to be in the furnace of the bears, as if refining, it has created Huanghuang Daily, and the golden grunmarks overflow from the filament of the rigid seams.

Those who are like water drops, all have been attracted into the furnace.

At the same time, there is a high body shape, attracting the sword unparalleled eyes.

I saw the side of the furnace, that is too high, and the shape of the upper body, the hand-made hammer, no hammer with any feelings, falling on a red sword embryo, star fire Four overflow.

Such a shocking picture, so that the sword is unparalleled with a bloody feeling.

There is no complicated and exquisite, some are just pure iron and fire.

The sword needs to have the perseverance, great sense, in order to cast a sword of the sky.

This is the most heart of this rail and fire.

I called two or three sounds, and I made the sword without double.

"Sword brother, watch it close to it?" Xiaojun smiled.

Pressure in the heart, the sword is unparalleled, "Okay"

Two Deman, floating into this day of the abyss.

That hand holding a hammer, more than 10,000 shackles, completely did not feel that there are outsiders arrived here, and the red sword embryos whispering wholeheartedly.

Stepping this like a lonely boat floating on the genus of the magma, the sword is unparalleled, and the derivation outside the meter began to burning.

"North Spring, I am coming." The little monarch opened, and there was a little in the eyes.

That 10,000 horses have a hammer, and then stopped the mechanical hammer and then turned over.

A black cheeks who were diableed by iron filings, and they were not clear from the five senses.

Just, then the sword is unparalleled to see a swaying big teeth.


Xiaofei smiled, "I thought you were stupid, I still remember me."

Wanzhang high body is between several breaths, and it is a normal height. "After it will go, go forward.

He refined the upper body, a muscular skin, all filled with flowing clouds, and it looked at the mysterious and deep.

"How do you have a hard work? I remember how long you have last time," This is mixed with the shadow of the shabble.

Xiao Jun helpless, "When you look at you, you have passed a Hua Ye, this time is a heaven feast."

"Actually, I have a good time, I have no feeling," I got a mouthful, "I don't know when my Master can come back."

"I will come back soon, you just want to wait for it." Xiaowei picked her eyebrows, and then he put the palm of the sword and a sword, "I introduced it, the sword, the sword is unparalleled."

"Dingbeichun." The black face grinned a smile.

The sword sword has no double newspaper, and the heart feels that this smile in front of you will grin a big white tooth guy and have not imagined so difficult to contact.

Looking at the fire sea molter, Xiaofei, "Northern Spring," Northern Spring, you are also going out to go to travel, after all, you are waiting here for too long. "

Reached your hand, I was scratched on my face, this is a young opening of Dingbeichun, "When will Master pick me, I am going to leave, now I am just concentrating on casting the sword, cast a sword sheath. "

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, but did not think that Dingbeichun is only for casting a sword ã ã,

When he thought, he couldn't help but ask. "The materials and swords refined in this furnace are prepared for casting sword ?"

Ding North Spring nodded, "Yes, these things can't match my Master, I will barely do these things to make these things to send me Master."

The sword has no double, but did not say anything, the corner of his mouth has a bitter laugh.

This sentence of Dingbeichun is really awesome. This is so much no sword, actually only casts a sword ...

The little monarch is also a natural expression, and the side confirmed that Dingbeichun said is not empty.

"For North Spring, I have come this time," Xiao Jun said, "The Jugan has a sword with the sword, can I fix it?"

Dingbeichun did not hesitate. "Can you naturally, can you let me see the broken situation?"

The sword is unparalleled and then taking out the waist.

The sword is out of the scabbard, and it has made a clear meaning. Although the sword has broken from the middle, but does not affect the meaning of the rush.

Dingbeichun's eyes were bright, and I took the broken Ta Luo Shenjian, and I watched it carefully. Then, "it was too incredible, so the good sword actually contains the atmosphere."

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is secretly nod. It seems that this Ding North Spring is a real casting sword. It can be keen to detect the gas transport in the god sword in the first time.

As one of the seven sorts of the ancestors in the Shenli universe, the gas transportation is naturally extremely horrible.

This is also why Yulu's sword is broken, and the sword is still wearing it around. When the arrogance of this, the mysterious things, the concept of controlling the avenue is too much, and it is possible to understand the feelings of sitting.

"How can I completely fix it?" Xiaowun asked,

Clarifying the Naro Shenjian, Dingbeichun can't stand, "It is absolutely able to repair such a true sword, in me, it is also another kind of feelings for the sword."

Xiaowu nodded, "Then this is given to you, if you can't fix it, take you asking."

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