Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4752? Brief

Dingbeichun grinned, his eyes did not leave Ta Luo Shenjian, "Don't worry, there is no truth in Dingbeichun."

"If you come back, you can use the true sword, the sword brother is afraid that you have realized your own sword."

Xiaowun smiled, then picked up, "North Spring, if I said his sword sword, the future will not be under your Master, do you believe?"

Dingbei Chun raised his head and looked at the sword unparalleled eyes.

"Then you don't see it now." Xiao Jun said.

The eyes of Dingbeichun are getting more and more prosperous, "Jude, are you Jianxian?"

The sword is unparalleled, shaking his head smiles, "Jianxian can't talk, it is mostly to the Sword."

"That's great, I have to practice the sword with Master. I will start cast sword before the sword is stopped. Draw someone else. "

"Unhappy, we came here," Xiaofeng has not finished writing.

He said, "We are just nothing to do, I have learned here, and I have not tasted it."

"I am going to prepare." Dingbeichun said this sentence, hurriedly pulled the tens of thousands of fms.

Steaming giant turned the Ding cover, Dingbeichun directly went in, then throwing the Naro God, and then returned to the two.

"I said, you will throw the sword in this way, nothing?" Xiao Yan was confused.

"Don't worry, I want to re-cast the sword, the first step is to smelt the sword embryo, I am self-in]" Dingbeichun is already inseparable, "" Jugan, we start? "

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a hundred feet away, and it has already opened the battle.

Dingbeichun no longer says, directly with one hand, has a sword to break the sky, fall into the palm.

Holding the true sword, his whole person's breath is one, like a sword, an unfashionable.

The iron filings fall off, slowly revealing a blink of a full cheek, the upper body of the red, as if there is a sword circulation, the flow of flowers flow.

The sword is unparalleled, and the invisible long sword that is unoccupied by unparalleled swords, appearing in his hand.

Dingbeichun saw this scene, and the eyes were more prosperous and able to condense the swords, even if he was countless, he had seen it several times.

And you can do this, it is not a priest.

Xiaofei looked at this scene of killing, helpless back.

The sword is relative, no one can discourage.

In the next moment, Dingbeichun took the lead, carrying vast swings and swept.

However, it is a moment, a double sword opponent, and the sword blade collides.


It seems that a sword collides, the facts have been tricking!

The Feng Rui Changju opened a big way. Dingbeichun at this moment is like immersed in the sword, and a sword with no flowers is quickly cut.

In exchanged, any of the Danctic games, I am afraid that I have already smashed it under this.

Rao is a sword and unparalleled feelings, this guy is not only a hammer, but it is not a vague.

Although the sword is unparalleled in this big open, there is no back, but the ground under his feet has fallen deep gully.

Just, in the next hit, the true sword in Dingbeichun has no way to adapt to such a high-intensity confrontation, directly by the sword without double swords.

"I have a good time." I was a sword to retreat to Baizhen's Dingbei Chun Lang smiled, and after the broken sword was lost, I received a true sword from the sky.

"The brother, the next is my sword." He said, and the stream pattern on his body began to surf.

This entirely in the abyss of the world seems to be awakened, carrying a huge amount of purple magma, behind him.

It is difficult to describe the heavy pressure, and the sword is unparalleled, and the invisible long sword is in front of the hand.

In the face of the high treasure in front of him, he is extremely calm, as if it has been used to it.

After Dingbeichun was condensed out of this Sword, he was directly horing in his true sword, and he went to the sword.


The space is torn, and the purple red rock pulp is in the rushing, the main kick is not a long sword, but blunt.

Like the blurts of the giant hammer, the sword is unparalleled at this moment.

The star swords have been made, and there is no double treasure with the same size to come, and the double palms will meet.

Xiaofei saw this scene, and he took directly to it directly.


The unparalleled burst, the two treasures are gone together, causing the sky to shock, endless winds of tearing space.

Almost at the same time in the two treasures, a black ride is broken, and resolutely won the northern spring.


Dingbei Chunsei hurriedly looked with the sword, and didn't think that the true sword in his hand was directly smashed.

A handset seems to be a sword tip that is condensed by the clouds, and it has arrived at his neck.

Everything is too fast, from the initial confrontation, to the first collision of the swordway, but talent time.

But in this , this situation has formed this situation.

The sword is unparalleled in his neck, even if it is unable to kill him directly, it is absolutely able to hit it.

This level of collision, once it is hit hard, there is only ten deaths in the next.

It's just that Dingbeichun can't believe that he is so defeated, and it is simply a lotus, and the cloud is flowing.

He is a little wrong, and it is clear that the first sword is made, it will become this situation.

And the sword is unparalleled, and he also left a deep impression.

The shot is delicious, not sloppy water, very strong opponent.

It seems to have seen the depression in the Spring Eyes of Dingbei, the sword has no double smile, and the long sword will return to Baizhang.

"Come again."

Dingbeichun is bright, although he already knows the gap between his and swords, but he is not willing to give up so chances and choose again.

This time, he no longer attracted the true sword on the sky, but the sword was unparalleled, slowly condensed a handle.

This is the first sword blade that is the most fitted with his own swords.

But because there is no iced sword blade, the power is extremely unstable.

For example, Dingbeichun under the moment, although it is also condensed, the sword is the power of fluctuations, and it seems that it is possible to disappear.

And the sword is unparalleled, but never stabilizes this.

This is his desperate sword in the inductance of the land of Johns. It has long been tempered until it is.

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