Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4753? Ta Luo Shen Sword is destroyed

The swordsman swords have been self-contained in the mountains, and there is no match.

Even if you don't have to condense the sword blade, just use a branch, a grass, sword is unparalleled, you can play the sword of the Swordless Road!

I have earlier in the Yunxiao Palace, and he is more than 10,000 with swords and swords, and it is a peach blossom branch.

The invisible sword is condensed, and the whole body shape of Dingbeichun is like a sword.

A thick sword is scattered from each of his pores, he is in the upper body, and the flow of clouds begins to fluctuate, like the big sea rising.

Before the sword refers to, about Mowan Thousands of waves are ripped in the sword blade, so like the dragon hit.

"My Jie Road, I am known as the north spring, although there is a seven-sword name, but only the three swords, the remaining four swords, I am afraid it is difficult to make up."

Dingbei Spring relieves, "But, I only have three swords, I have forced retreat to six thousand into the DVD, so far, I haven't tasted it. Today, please visit the brother."

The sword is unparalleled, "" point until, "

Sneaky to the air, Dingbeichun launched the original place, but his breath suddenly slammed with the invisible sword in his hand.

Until this, the sword was unparalleled, and Dingbeichun was not a texture, but a propitic sword!

Every stream of clouds is a sword. At this moment, this whole is a deep space, almost half space, is covered by the swords of Dingbeichun.

It's like a million sword, a unprecedented pressure, let the sword have no downs.

Previously, a star word sword, forced to go to the North Spring.

The river word swords, and it is also possible, and more majestic swords, turns into the Pentium Tianhe, which is juggling from the sword unparalleled sleeves.

About unparalleled swords, the first two styles of the Xinghe Lake Hai Jingyi, today's sword is not doubles.

Stars, two swords with river characters, both complement each other, and their own unique swords.

These two swords are the whole unparalleled frames and cornerstones, which makes there are no rolling situations between each other, and they are all immersive, and there is a strong sense of stretching.

Perhaps, only the latter, lake and the sea will have more horrible and stunning performance.

The so-called sword, sword, swords.

Even if the packaging is gorgeous, it is not a killing skill, only more and more strong and unpolated, is the ultimate purpose.

This time, the sword is unparalleled.

A sword rushed to millions, and the Camfall Waterfall River was mad in Dingbeichun.

The sword is no longer sitting on the long river, but standing in the same place, raising your hand, caught a handle, embedded into the sword waterfall, welcoming the top!

Only the only fanatics left in Dingbei Spring, the sword tattoo on his body was engraved with his father, and he was full of hits.

If his sword is defeated, do you explain this youth in front of you, really have the power of Master a battle?

Two kinds of swordsmanship belonging, collided.

The little monarch who is far away, the eyes are again horrified, almost thinking about the speed of the flying to the abyss.

"... Boom!"

The shock of the earth is shocked, and everything is torn.

The sea of ​​purple magma, jumping, and crashed into the last land.

At the same time, the whole black stone giant is beginning to collapse, and the wandering of Wan Jian, which is hanging on the sky, and then breaks.

So destroyed the boundary to the ground, and the whole sword was shocked. At the same time, the invisible wave spread over most of the heavens.

The thousands of fairy still sucked in the flower sea, the first feels of this shocking wave, all surprised to see the swords and day.

"A sister, there is a place where the emperor is prohibited, how can there be such a big sound." The yellow shirt fairy is tense, "Do you want to go to the emperor?"

White shirt fairy heard, reach out of his hand, "Don't ask, don't worry, Tianstroom will be reviewed."

The rest of the fairy, no more mouth, continue to comb.

Only in the eyes of the white shirt, I hesitated, and it was able to enter the sword at this moment, and there is a small emperor.

Just, what is the purpose of him?

Thinking of this, a dramaticized stream of derivatives, spread from her, and quickly brushed into the clouds disappeared.

At the same time, Yu Bo, who took a real in the hearing platform, suddenly opened his eyes, and the next engraved shape was invisible.

The Black Stone Hall is over, and it is too late to be opened with the ground. The purple magma seems to boil the sky.

And under the ground of prison, the three body shape is on the magma.

Among them, Dingbei Chun, who is desirable, and the sword is unparalleled, but the palm of the vaguely oozing blood is like it seems that he is not easy.

The confrontation just now, although the sword has joined a sword in the river sword, but it is still somewhat defeated.

He didn't think that the King Road in Dingbeichun actually hidden three swords.

Hehamnation, is a sword.

I have to say, this Ding North Spring's sword is strong, with an unprecedented momentum, faintly makes the sword feels, and the sword with Ding Bai B is the same.

However, even if it is, the sword is unparalleled, and his victory is not a realm, not the body of the tragent, purely a winning sword competition.

After Dingbei Chun was breathing, the sword was unparalleled with the sword. "The brother, I lost it."

"Continue to work hard to practice, to come to you, come to me," The sword is unparalleled with a laugh. "

Dingbeichun heard the words, but also laughed. "If I really have the day of the sword, I will inevitably give you to the brother."

The little monarch came to the two, with a faint and doubtful, "said that there is no smell?"

Dingbeichun, and then slowly swallowed that there was no more than half of the magma.

"I, my furnace !!"

The wind is rushing, his body shape has risening the storm, directly jumping into the magma, putting the huge furnace to the drag.

But everything is late, the light of the shower is no longer, it is very dim.

Dingbeichun shake his hands and slowly opened the furnace.

At the time, countless black smoke smashed.

"The brother, your sword seems to be destroyed ..." He cried, reached out from the furnace.

The sword is unparalleled: "..."

Xiaofei, "North Spring, I want to beat it."

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