Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4755? Seeing Tianzi Bone

Ingestion, let the sword have no double hand with the ancient book.

This is a more practical fitness, but the title page is never has been, it is obviously not very precious.

Only he saw a hard object in the middle of this ancient book.

I can't wait to turn to the middle, one of the palms and the bones of dry and cracks are reflected in the eye.

Like frying in the mind, the sword is unparalleled, and the scene of the past is re-emerged in the scene of Sichuan Tiancheng.

With intuition, the sword is unparalleled directly to determine this sky-striped bone armor, absolutely and the bones that have encountered in Chuan.

He rushed to see it, I saw the hot pattern on the bones, and gradually formed the word war.

And the word on this piece of bones, obviously do many times the first first block.

On the occasion of the third word, the voice of Xiaofu directly interrupted the sword unparalleled thoughts.

"Is this bone, is it important to you?"

The sword didn't look at him. He nodded him, and he hurried again to look at the heavenly characterized bones in his hand again.

However, this time, the patterns on the bones are all scattered into the initial appearance, and there is half-fraction.

Bone nails seem to have some energy, only in the first eye, can be seen, and then can't crack.

It is also a test, and I don't have to distinguish it, the sword has no helpless.

Then he looked at Xiaolao, "Can I take this thing away?"

Xiaowun hugged, "You just have to burn it here, and the rest you will take care of it."

After a thank you, the sword was unparalleled, and the bones were pushed into the arms.

Regardless of whether this bones is a message with Xuan Yi, he will not miss it as long as it is a bit of a bit.

In the Xiaodi, I saw this scene, flashing a touch of hard looks, then he got up, "continued to turn around here, anyway, if it is closed for ten years."

There is no double point in the sword, and there is a silky in the heart, will there be other Tianzi bones in this day?

Slowly, he constantly glances on some ancient books that are more abnormal.

And the little monarch from him is looking back, then waving from the right side of the book in a very hidden posture, taken a slight bloated ancient book.

After a moment, he put the ancient book back to the book wall.

"The brother, I want to enter the big Damadam in the Damai, the most important point is to understand the fairy."

"This is, for you, but simple, the original Tianjie went to the trembles, the brother, you, with a small fairy, the town seal the son, and be very powerful."

Xiao Jun said, "Once you have comprehended the fairy, you will indicate that you will break through to Dagan in the future, and I am looking forward to seeing your brother's transformation."

When listening to him, the sword is unparalleled and gradually understanding. In the hidden space in the heaven, it is the so-called fairy.

There is not too much surprise and happy, that is called a little mountain river, which is strong, but it is too complicated and vast, when he first show, he feels a hundred thousand galaxy Turn in the knowledge, too much consumption.

Two people have a chat in this day, there is no idle chat, I don't know how long it has been, and Yu Bo is clear to the sound of no feelings.

"The emperor has made it, and the revocation of the ten years of the two people is disabled, and now it is necessary to return to the sky, and may not be delayed."

"What to do, will you revoke the punishment?" Xiaofeng whispered, 10 years of conflict, although it is a moment, but can revoke in advance, this news still makes two people. A lot.

Yu Bo is standing outside the Tianda Shuge, waiting for two people.

Out of Tiandao Shuge, left the hearing platform, the sword and the little and the little monarch eventually returned to the heaven.

This heaven feast has entered an end, and the veteran of each negative turn-off turn has left the heavens.

"Derry, do you really don't plan to stay around me?" At the end of the Emperor, the true Wuyang who took the unhappy Wei Wei asked.

Xiaodi is even more moving, "I am still in charge of the six-day territory, Montenegro is not broken, and it is really weak to be in the emperor."

"But," Zhenwu Yang wants to stop, and finally let the Xiaofei left.

Looking at the figure of him, the heart of the world is deeply increasingly obvious.

Going out of the heavens, the inexplicable pressure of the sword has disappeared, can't say comfortable and transparent.

At the same time, Chen Qing, who had already waited for a long time, Spring and Autumn and others greeted.

"I thought you were really closed for ten years, but now it is two years, I will put it out for two years, harm me, I am worried." Chen Yutue flying dance.

The little monarch shook his head helplessly, then turned to look at the sword. "Sword brothers, you and in the entrance of Tianjie, I will go to the end of the emperor."

The sword nodded, and then brought the spring and autumn to rush to Chen Qing Tianjie entrance.

Their shape gradually disappeared, the little monarch and the thin little robe were opposed, and the double fold returned to the heavens.

With the lifetime of all parties, this whole height is silent.

However, in order to leave enough impression in front of Zhenwuyang, the emperor is going to take the latest one.

At this moment, replace the little emperor of a luxurious service, accompanying the thin and small robe, doing away from the sky.

With his departure, there is an emperor who is wearing a white, from the sky, it is a five-year-old, a moon ink.

I have gone in the bonus of the 50,000 plates. Even if I have been in the past few years, I feel that I have a hurt in faintness. Naturally, the hate of Xiaofei is more addjoin.

At this moment, I saw the back of Xiaofei, he can't wait to rush to give it a good feet.

However, his own rationalism is active, just in the son, when the son is ink, when he is a lesson, a white jade object with a flatter is falling from the waist of the little emperor.

Then, this white jade object is bone to the feet of the monster ink.

"What is this, the son is derived from the remaining bones?"

The masculin is suspected, kicking the size of the slap in the mouth with the foot, and the white jade bones of the crack.

Then he picked up this weird bone, "big companion, what is this thing?"

The white robe is shaking his head, "I don't know, but I want to come to the son. It is impossible to carry a useless object, which is likely to be a very important thing for him."

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