Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4756? North Tianxiang

The son is ink, and the corner of the mouth evokes the arc. "This stupid goods, there is still a habit of throwing abroad, falling into my hand, you can never want to take it back."

Looking at the little, the little god of the gods and the white robe, and the white robe, and the white robe.

On the place where he can't see, the mouth of the little monarch hooked slightly.

After the talents, after sitting on the Royal, he went back to see the heaven on the nine heaven.

Perhaps the next Hua Ye, everything will happen to change.

As the church of the Tianjie to win the tremble, except for the fairy peach for reward, the real Wuyang Emperor will play again, give the ten cars without arrival treasure, the vastly opened six days.

Fortunately, on this time, there is no time to meet the killing, safe and return.

Back in Little Lonely, the sword is unparalleled to start, and the probation of two bass bones, and the film that consolidates only.

The practice of this Dawu Dawa is difficult and no love.

Today's sword is unparalleled, holding two remembers, two star rivers, the Hai Jingyi, and now newly acquired a little mountain river, and the San Di Jun Zhen in the .

Whether it is the bottom sign or the heritage, it is enough to let him be based in Dadang.

He is confident, even if it is facing the big derivative of the carrier, even if it is not enemy, it is impossible to be a trick.

Next, I used for several years, I reincarded the fairy, and the sword was unparalleled from the depths, and I felt the terrible of the stone bead.

You know, this is a little mountain river, but it is a very small star system in the countless galaxy.

What kind of scene will be a kind of scene if all developed?

Also, where is this stone beads? Leave it in the brain of the huge sea

All kinds of mystery are like mess, firmly wrapped around the sword, let him confuse, and I don't know if I don't know how fast.

Just when he studied the flats of the heavenly zipped bones, Xiao Jun was pleased to visit, with the five-car true Wuyang Emperor Jun.

At this time, it was already five years later.

"The brother, a few years, the breath has become a lot," he said with a smile.

The sword is unparalleled to remove the bones in the hands, watching him, "How come from, Chen Qing didn't work with you?"

Xiaoyu's slight shook his head, "the black mountains in the next three days have a situation, I let him find some."

I heard the Montenegro of the next three days, the sword was unparalleled, obviously there was a sense of conflicting there.

Feeling the unhappy in his eyes, the little monarch reached out to shoot the sword unparalleled shoulders, sincere, "sleeping those prisoners are not what I will, you also saw my situation, if there is no black alcohol Stone, in exchange for a lot of treasure to cultivate forces, I am afraid I have already intercepted the midst of the midst of the midst of the mid. "

"I assure you that as long as I break through the big Damani, after the emperor is getting angry, I will immediately return them."

The sword is no longer more, he still stayed here soon, one side is the oath of the Xiaoli, and on the other hand, it is not mature. If it is now, it is now in Dadu, you want to get any Clues will be more difficult.

With one square heaven, it will be convenient and easy to explore.

The little monarch also consciously continued this topic, but looked at the two bones on the case.

"The brother, how is it, have you got the answer?" He pointed to the bones.

The sword is unparalleled, "I'm so easy, I am afraid I want to wait until the moment, I can refer to it."

"Is these things for you?" Xiaofeng asked this question again.

The sword is unparalleled. "Before you don't understand it, this thing is not much worth of much value, but I really need them."

Xiaowu nodded, then the sound slightly smoked, "Since this thing is a bit for the sword, then I said."

"In fact, this thing is not only in Tiandao Shuge, I have seen this bones and jade in one person, and now I want to come.

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is, "Where?"

"The fifth emperor, the son." Xiaowei looked at him and whispered.

'Monster. 'In the heart, I narrow this name. The sword is unparalleled. "If he is really, can you exchange?"

Xiaowei heard his words, shook his head, "He is the most distressed one in the seven sons of my emperor. It has been happy with Tucheng, and it is the best for others. convergence."

"I am afraid that I'm going to go, I can't walk at him."

The sword is also a slight frowns, and the son is ink this person, leaving him a quite bad impression in the walp dispute.

After getting the gods, the son of the monster, and the righteousness directly sneaks the bureau.

And he shot fairly, even if it is very common, it is ordinary, but the attention of the mind and the realm of the realm, I am afraid that in the seven emperors are well.

From the outline of the little monarch to the son, in connection with the knowledge of the heavens in the heaven, this son is obviously a powerful, and the heart is a strong guy.

"There is a road, just take the bones." The voice of the little monarch is stable, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled without opening, he hesitated in the heart.

According to the previous impression, I want to get the sky-striped bones in the son, I am afraid it really only wins this road.

"Do you make sure that the son is in the hands of a bones?"

"OK, if I lie, I will meet each other."

The sword is unparalleled through the temple door, and looks to the sky in the sky.

A sky-striped bone armor is too great to have a temptation to him.

He is broken to mason, only one person flying to Dawu, the most important reason, in addition to chasing everything, it is also a master of Muan Zun, two people.

He has a strong sense of intuition, they are in Da Yan!

This is the only clue, although it is virtual, but it must not be broken.

Slowly spit out a long saver, he lightly said, "Where is the son, where?"

"Northern Xianzhou." Little Lord replied, "The Jagan has made determined?"

"No matter how it is, it will always be on this."

"it is good."

Little lonely, the wind whistling, the three-way body shaped ghost

A young youth in front, faded a roller shirt, put it on a warm coach.

PS: Ask the monthly ticket

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