Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4757? Big Snow Sky Tiandi

In the transformation of a time, the original one is more ordinary sword, and now has become beautiful, and the unique dust is in the absence of a unique dust.

After the introduction of the ink tack behind the ink, the sublimation of the martyrdom fierce, quite a descendant of dust.

After him, standing with the high body shape of the world.

Chen Qing queered the swordsman, and an exassession of the height was full of compression, even if it was a slightly thin spring and autumn.

The three people stand together, but they can't say that it is so much.

After the detackiance, the Xiaogui sent them three people left.

"Big companion, you said, I am not right?"

"There is nothing to don't have the temple, only or not."


The three-way body shape is embarrassing between the fields of countless stars.

This is the first time that the sword is unparalleled, the first time is so embarrassed.

The head is the star, the foot is flowing, and it can't be pleasant.

One party is unreasonable and vast fields slowly flowing down, and the strange air transport between all worlds is like an egg shell, full of filling.

One party has a dozens of continental places, and every continent is an endless creative gas transport.

However, these are just one of the most inconspicuous skyports in the large domain.

Although it is the Northern Tianxiang, who is rushing to the son, but has Chen Qing's follow, this should be a boring and sinister approach, and I don't know if I don't know.

The wind is snow, heaven and earth.

One party does not end the same day domain, which is presented in their eyes.

There is a nine dragons that have the advantages of the Demanic, which is the super skyrier, and the Qiji gem is not countable.

There is also a terrible of the heritage, and the Changsheng, across the three or four worlds.

Of course, it is a sparse, freshly skilled in the field.

Chen Qing seems to be familiar with these daylight routes. In the constant hurry, they can always reach some degree of tragent and extremely interesting days.

Naturally, when crossing the road across the sky, it is the guy who likes the robbery.

Even if it is to take off the dust, achieve the land of the Deman, and you can't like these like to earn a dollar.

Everything brings a lot of fun on the boring road.

"How, is this experience of this experience life not feeling many years?"

On the earth's earth, the three body shape is sitting on the beast of the dragon like a horse, and it is long.

The top of the head is falling in the sky, and the shoulders are falling in each person.

Should shoulders to pick up the size of the snow, the sword is unsatisfactory, not deliberately evaporating with derivatives. In his opinion, it is a more meaningful thing to feel naturally.

"Chen Qing brother, you often go to and from these days?" Sword is unparalleled.

The Chen Qing, who was sitting on the beast's back, smiled, "said it is also shameful, I haven't recognized the little song, I am still a talented kid."

"When I was young, I was young and pushed, and there were a lot of enemies. I finally had to die, so I went so that I was so half of the world."

"Just as we are going to go to Northern Tianxia, ​​I originally walked out of the son, I didn't want to go in the sky, I have suffered a poison, I have suffered a poison, I have to destroy my foundation."

To be here, Chen Qing is still laughing, but from the sound of the slightly fuse, the sword is unparalleled.

"So I went to Bei Tian Xianzhou, one is to help the sword brothers you find what you want, the second is to make a general account for the son, and the That of the year, Laozi wants to come back."

Looking at Chen Qing, I am sighing in the sword, this time, North Tianxian, I am afraid that it is not just right.

Just in the three people who were ready to leave this innocent in the Shatha Sea and Snow, there was a drum in the ground that was not far away.

Then, the sand is separated, and the old three-inch pocket old head drills out.

The sword is unparalleled, and then all looks forward.

The old man who drilled out from the bottom of the ground, after seeing the three people, the eyes were happy, and the short legs were moved, "all the people, the guests, the little old people have a gift."

Respond to him, is a long knife that is out of spring and autumn.

The long knife is broken, but it is hanging into the top of the old man, and it is not asked.

This is the case, and it is also shocking that he is sitting in the ground, and it is not good to say.

"Let's talk, you are waiting for us to do." Chen Qing is very interested in watching him.

The old man is smelling, and the difficult swallowed throat, "adults, the little old children have no malicious, just want to use the map to exchange some treasures," Talent is still surprising three adults. "

Chen Qing listened to this, his eyes looked at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled without a double, but the old man is in detail.

It is his realm of half a ancestral, it is his realm.

And this three-footed body shape, reveals the skin outside the clothing, showing a symptom of the sand, should be the goblin in this square field, and there is no great threat.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, slowly, slowly, "What map?"

See the killing exam in the eyes of the three people, and the old man got a breath in the bottom of the heart, and later low voice, "I saw that the three adults were extraordinary, obviously in the Trendy Dynasty, and thought will A map picked up in the earlier, in exchange for some rare to treasure, as for what map, small old children also identify unclear ... "

He said, and then a striking notes of a roll of damage were then taken from the jacket.

The sword is unparalleled, watching a spring and autumn.

Spring and Autumn Head will lead the gods directly to carry a bag of thousands of Montenegro, throwing it to the old man.

He opened the napkin bag at not reported to any return, and the nna is opened, and the Montenegro of Montenegro is reflected in the eyes.

"Plop", the old man is sitting on the ground.

To know, a piece of ordinary Montenegro is enough to supply the end of the unsuccessful, and it is more than a few months and even the treasures in the entire large domain.

What is even more than the top crystal of this Montenegro.

There is a silk, like a silk, which is a top crystal, even if all the mountains in the sky is added together, mass production is low to the extreme.

At the moment, these thousands of top crystals have the emergence of rich water, and the slightly space of the old man has formed a layer of faint mist.

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