And the sword is unparalleled in the universe, he left his own Diqi's air transport, incorporated and forcibly pulled up the gas transport in the universe, making the nine robbery, and Daozhuang into a ancestral.

He doesn't know if all of them do, is it correct, and if the error will happen, what will happen, will happen.

Think of this, the sword is unparalleled.

Chen Qing, who was in parallel with him, in this time, "Maybe I can change anything."

The sky is circulated, which is extremely vast vast vast domain of the trusted in Tunyang, and the three people who have been worn in several years.

The so-called Northern Quadround, it is located in the northern domain in the large domain, which is extremely imperative, even if it is far away, it is quite a small heavens.

The delay is rich in clouds, and the cranes are accompanied by the clouds, and there is Rui light shot the rest of the sky.

A is sitting in the clouds, and Xuanao is incomparable.

This stepper is straight into the three-body shape headed by the sword.

Watching Tianmen, there are several Deman, far more than the six-day somewhere of the Xiaodijun.

In order to take less detours, the sword is unparalleled to enter the same door.

At the same time, it is prevented from being recognized, the sword has no doubles, the black gold vacation from the spring and autumn, pressed on the face, and suddenly fell into a middle-aged man who was a vicissitudes.

Two people in Spring and Autumn and Chen Qing also fid out their own faces, and the realm has overwhelmed the ancestral.

From this, the three seemingly in the realm, the end of the non-scheduled, there is no difficulty to enter Northern Tianxia.

Several Deman of the guardian Tianmen did not have trouble and discure, just launched a few words, let them enter.

The clouds are separated, like the fairyland's magnificent Northern Tianxiang, so that the number is referred to in the eyes of the sword.

"Sword brothers, let's go straight into this single knife, afraid that it will cause the child to note." Chen Qing said to the entire North Tianxian.

The sword is unparalleled, "I am not anxious, we haven't figured out where the chief ink is ink, first explore some more plans."

"It can only be the."

At this point, three of the ancestral middle-aged men, in Northern Xianzhou.

In the bustling world, the top repair is endless, even if it is a Dairy of the crane, it can be seen everywhere.

Rui light under the top of the head is on the top of the day, and everything you have in the heart has a layer of Xian Yun.

In order to avoid attention, three people simply walk into this day of the city, find methods that may be close to the monsters.

"Hey, take a look, the top of Montenegro, all of which are produced in six days!"

Just in the top position of the Tiancheng, a sudden existence called the song attracted the sword unparalleled attention.

He followed the sound and saw it. On the way along the street, the paving of the black crystal stone was introduced into the eye.

A jarker who is wearing gray robes, selling, and gathering in front of the paving, there is more and more.

The sword is not a double eyebrow, and the heart is not coming from raising some different feelings.

"I really didn't think that in this North Tianxian, there is a circulation of Montenegro. It is not to hear the grand child is still flowing. When is it allowed." Chen Qing touched the chin.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is slowly, and it explores the movement before the spread.

That people saw the flow of people gradually gathered, and the enthusiasm was more excited.

"You have a careful look at it, fully exploit the six-day territory, and is the top Montenegro, the mass production is low to terrible, there is also the tandem in the six-day somari, which has been exhausted, this top crystal is used One piece, one less. "

Looking at the black and black irregular crystals of the slap size, the sword is unparalleled to confirm that this is not cheated, and each piece is a real Montenegro.

There is a ancestral top repair, intention, opening inquiry, "How to pricing?"

That people saw the price of the price, smiled, "Today, a piece of Montenegro, only one of the best works, not limited to anything."

More than 100 top-bearing words, all are all, then they are all afraid to take a skill, exchange a piece of Montenegro.

Seeing such a trading scene, the sword is unparalleled and the brow is a micro-wrinkle.

You know, this Montenegro's top crystal is a huge range of use, and the value of each ä is also very good.

But in the eyes, those half ancestors who have not met, only one of the people who don't enter the stream, and how can I be puzzled?

And look at the appearance of the people, let the sword have no pair faintly feel that he is not equal transaction, but it is in a normal task.

There was a chaotic scene, and the sword was unparalleled to see that the number of Deman was participated in the transaction, but it was a lot of time, this piled up the paving of Montenegro's top crystal.

The sword of far away is unparalleled. As all the top repairs are quickly leaving, the smile on the face disappears, and it is an impatient look.

He directly clotted nearly 100 exercises in the stall, then the palm of the palm was put into the context.

After all, he quickly left.

"Sword Brothers, are you not aware of nothing?" Siki Chen Qing asked.

The sword is unparalleled, "he keeps him, see what he is going to."

Chen Qing and Chunqiu nodded at the same time, and the last three stones quickly followed.

However, did not keep up with it, the breath of the people disappeared, and the sword is unparalleled and others discovered. At the same time, it is also a voice of the sound of flooding, which is hidden from another Tiancheng.

The sword is unparalleled, even if the triple is scattered, and how many of this North Tianxian is called to sell Montenegro.

The feet landed, a young appearance of the ancestral, has opened the paving, and started selling.

The Montenegro of this paving should be low, only the most ordinary Montenegro, the number is over 100.

However, even the most ordinary Montenegro, it is soon being robbed.

After watching this scene, the sword is unparalleled is ready to keep up with the youth, Chen Qing and Spring and Autumn have come back from the rest of the city.

"The sword brother, there is a weird, there is a vendor in each city, there is a vendor called Montenegro." Chen Qing said.

The sword is unparalleled. He has broughtly confused before Chen Qing. He has been faintly discovered that these vendors called Montenegro, seems to have a hidden, and more likely to be aware.

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