Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4761? Seven Swordsmen

It can represent Montenegro, and it is inseparable from this thing. The Danadian of the world's next day, even the top repair, knows that only one person - Xiaoyu Gengzi.

At this north day, there are several pavings called Montenegro, which seems to be a certain potency.

The sword is unparalleled, and the dark flow below the calm lake is observed.

"This time, I am afraid that our whereabouts should be more secret, first suspended to jade." The sword said without a double whisper.

Spring and Autumn have a young monk that is being packaged. "Is there any situation?"

He shook his head, then said, "The current situation is unknown, first keep up with him."

Chen Qing and Chunqiu nodded. At this time, the young monk has been packed, but there is no way to leave, but the hands are both hands, and it is interested in this city.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a certain distance and explore his whereabouts.

This youth monk, shoulder, a broken flower bag, and a long-distance trek, it is quite long-awaited, and the Xianzhou experience is coming.

The sword is unparalleled in the youth monk, and he cares for him with his knowledge.

However, this situation did not last long, so soon, with many hundred fairy cranes, the vast sky was flying from the top of the top, and the sword was unparalleled.

After the Tianxian crane flying, there is a half-shadow of the youth monk.

After the heart, the sword is unparalleled, Chen Qing and Spring and Autumn Head will lead the gods, and they go to the different rings.

The shape of this youth monk disappears, it means that the clue is interrupted, in this sensitive season, the sword is unlocked without allowing a half pool.

The three-way figure traveled toward different directions.

The top repair of the flying rose is gradually sparse, and the spring and autumn are running forward along a street.

At the same time, the Xianfu Pavilion on both sides of the road began to blur.

With an urgent spring and autumn, all the changes happened around, but when he suddenly emerged, it was late.

A crushed flower width is suddenly from behind the neck of the spring and autumn, and there is a general trend that cannot be competed.

In the case of the rebellion, he is hurt, and his eyes are dark, and it is almost fainted, even if it is to move your fingers, it is difficult.

And that hand-held flower width Broler lives in the body shape of the spring and autumn neck, it is a young monk who disappeared before.

At this moment, there is only a smart in the eyes, and a large-scale tragent perfect, it is not a ancestral top repair.

One hand controls the spring and autumn, and the other carries the trendy palm and refers to the origin of his own.

However, at this time, the turbulence!


The sound of the golden iron hit, and the junction of the youth monk is cracking, and the cold is coming.

The young monk was in the past, and the palm of the birth of the source of the Spring and Autumn Autumn was turned and slammed directly.

The two collided, sent out a shock, mutual offset.

A middle-aged body shape that faced vicissaneously appeared, holding an intangible sword, staring at him.

The four-eyed, the murder of the young monks in the eyes of the young monk quickly disappeared, and then suddenly threw the spring and autumn, and the air was directly exhausted.

The sword is unparalleled to pick up the spring and autumn, and the eyes are staring in front, and did not catch up.

"Cough, Jagan, you saved me again ..." Spring and Autumn Hearted her neck, and the hearts of Qing Zi face gradually recovered.

Just now, the short-lived hand, the sword is unparalleled to judge the strength of the other party, and it is impossible to be a previous ancestral realm.

If the youth monk is fighting, he is only afraid that he will also be hit.

At this time, Chen Qing also came, seeing this scene and asked, "How, caught the guy?"

The sword is unparalleled, "I am afraid that we have changed this time."

"Is it a hawk dog under the son?" Chen Qing frowed.

"If the chin is in the mouth, the eagle dog is still good, I am afraid, he is not." The sword is unparalleled.

Chen Qing reminded, "Sword Brothers, let's leave here, if you hit the son's hand, it is really not wonderful."

There is no double point of the sword. At this moment, they are already located in a fairy mountain away from Tiancheng.

The youth monk seems to have some unique god. When the scene in the spring and autumn, it has been blurred.

If the sword is unparalleled, his breath is far from, timely rescue, and the spring and autumn will have no life.

The three body shapes then left, and did not leave half of the mark.

Through the sword, there is a rigid decision, it is suspended to the bonus, and the three will live in a Tiancheng in this North Tianxian.

"Sword Brothers, Otherwise, we have been in this time, you can first touch the son ink in this Xianzhou, when you go straight to his old nest, you will not be prepared."

In a fairy house, the sword sitting in the window is unparalleled. It is quiet to listen to Chen Qing can't live loneliness.

At the end, he is light, "it's still waiting for a while, we are not going to the town to kill the moon, if you have a choice, try not to fight."

"Although I said that, I am afraid that I will enter the temple of the son, there is no choice." Chen Qing sighed.

Spring and autumn cover your neck, "No matter what, be careful, I also feel that we are not peace this time."

The three people are talking, and the ground is quietly rolled up, and then seven in seven wear clothes, heads in the shape of the fight, and stepped into this fairy house.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also a moment to lock these passets.

Through the fight, he saw that the seven older dressed up, it is a middle-aged appearance, and the eyes are indifferent, and everything in the outside world is not related to them.

After entering this fairy house, this seven olders have not stopped how much stay, but the foot is going to the top floor.

"You don't say, these squats are wearing a school, quite a sense of independence of the independence." Chen Qing looked at the back of the old man leaving, analyzed.

The sword is unparalleled, his eyes have been attracted.

He saw that the old people who were shaped, there was a hidden sharp breath under the jacket.

The unique sharp breath, only the sword is unparalleled.

"All is a good sword, interesting ..."

A old man, seems to all induce, and it is extremely hidden in his direction.

The four eyes are relatively, only one moment, the old passenger is returned, and then the seven shapes have disappeared in the room.

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