Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4763? Silver Ball

This is a small quarter of the Central Northern Xianzhou, and there is a thousand Xianfu Qiongou.

The Temple of the son ink is in this small summer.

Take the Golden, the light and darkness of Northern Tianxiang, and is closed in the gold cage on the support of the mulberry tree to watch and drive the owner of the Temple.

Wan Qianxian crane ring, flying in the clouds and rest, when the time is chemical as a fairyland, kneel in the clouds, towards the sword unparalleled and classified in curious attention.

After stepped into this small Xianzhou, the sword did not see the sky in the sky.

In the three body shape, this stepped on the blue stone Avenue and close to the Temple.

Japan will collect Hua, Xianzhou will night.

Flying forward, Wan Qian Xianfu Qiong Tower was stepped on the foot, and the scenery of the sky was gradually clarified.

The feet fall above the vast square, the sword is unparalleled and the side of Chen Qingchun is on the side, and then bow down into the Temple.

Tour Yunxiang, there is a fairy music seems to have never came out from the Temple, and there are more than 10 maids who are in the Yurong, when there is more than time.

In the broad lotus pool on both sides of the Temple, there is a lot of koi boy, kneeling in the lotus petal, is bored in the play.

When I saw a few new faces, I hurriedly turned over.

"Go, give me away, uncle is doing something, come back and play with you." Chen Qing waved his arm and constantly driveing ​​the koi boy around him.

These little guys may be too bored in the lotus pool. After hearing Chen Qing's words, but did not return, but smirk, all kneel in him.

In order to prevent a versatile event, swords and unparalleled and spring and autumn have to help put these little guys from Chen Qing's body, and then throw it into the lotus pool.

At this moment, I was so unfair, but I took a little angry voice, and I suddenly sounded in this Temple.

"I said, the three silly, are you so little guys? You can know that they are my boy?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the next conscious looks to the place where the sound is sent.

I saw the top of the temple of the Temple, and I gathed the body shape of the yarrow, as I laughed and looked at him.

Two jade legs hanging from the air in the air, like a faint moonlight, as a pair of petite jade is gently shaking in the air, the silver bell between the ankles makes a crispy remained.

The long wind broke, blowing her veil, showing a shocked face.

Then, those who have been thrown into the lotus pool, all of them, and floats to the mysterious and beautiful woman.

The shape immediately stood up, a pair of naked and jade stepped on the colorful glass, there was a koi in the wind.

Looking at this kind of fairy is going to reach the aesthetic scene of the critical point, the sword is more awkward.

He reached out to the waist, but it was ambitious, the Junjian, who has been in the sword of the heavens, is blinded by Dingbei Chun ...

"Hey, ask you, three silly."

Dip in front of the fairy cloud, a pair of apricots look to the three, and finally fell on the face of the sword.

"Jian brother, let's do it next step, will not reveal stuffing." Spring and autumn low, some worried.

"You will not reveal stuffing, a mother's family, can turn a lot of waves." Chen Qing low voice, "The Jagan, I have seen it, don't pay attention to her, let us rush directly."

The sword is unparalleled, and the sound has become a bit of compliment. "Xianjia, our three brothers first in the sky temple, do not understand the reason, if you are annoying fairy, please please."

The woman who stood in the horizon of the Tiangle watched the words, rid of the wind, falling in front of the sword, and the yarn.

The sword is unparalleled without traces.

"It turned out to be the first time. I said when I had a stupid guy in the Temple." A sound from the veil from the veil.

"But this is not a reason, you just bullied my boy son, now I will punish you in the middle of the lotus pool."

Spring and Autumn Festival and Chen Qing are looking at the eyes, and it is difficult to face.

The sword is unparalleled and replied. "This is afraid that there is something wrong. We first value, wear a wet clothes, losing the system ..."

The same is a woman who has heard it, but I want to say something, but there is a summons sound.

"The mother, the son called you." A maid stood in front of the Temple and respectd.

The yarn is not a response, but to see the sword is unparalleled, "I'm going to transport, this time I will spare you first."

After finishing, she ran back to the sky.

She is completely far away, Chen Qing is angry, "If it is not in the son of ink, I will let the mother know what is cruel!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are looking at the sky around this Temple.

Then the woman who has disappeared has quietly showed the shape from the column.

"You still have anything, all come in." She said calmly, and the tone is unquestionable.

Three people look at it, and then they have entered the Temple.

The temple is slowly opened, and a warm face is coming.

In the center of the sky, there is a big fragrant burner.

On both sides, the giant column of the mountain sea painting is depicted, and there is a seat next to each giant column for a seashper.

At the same time, hundreds of dancers dance in the cloud smoke, and the extravagant scene of singing and dancing.

The yarn woman, in the barefoot into this hinder, take directly on the ground, like a fairy spirit in the world, is willing to walk.

And the sword is unparalleled, the deepest place in this Temple is locked in the first time.

There, there is a luxurious five de thaned, and the son is sitting on the top of the head, and the dance of the dance girl is in the bluff.

Until he saw that the gauze is coming, when the gauze is coming, I don't consciously get up, I am happy, "the silver bell, you are coming."

On the two sides of the maids, I hugged the clothes and got her clothes.

"Every day is this old style, I'm tired." The package was wrapped in white, and the yarn of the silver bell was sitting on the side of the son, and said.

Gongzi's arrival of silver bells seems to have a few branches in excitement, "Okay, good, don't look, wait for the test."

After the words, the son ink directly twisted and waved, and those dancers exited.

The spin is a moment, and there are more than 20 lip red and white handsome teenagers, and the center of the temple is slow.

"Sword brother, can you hear a male color?"


Looking at the mysterious Chen Qing, the sword has no double one face question mark.

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