Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4764? Night Banquet

Chen Qing was a secret smile. "This is not a hole in the wind, but there are early rumors, the son is ink, and the male, who has been in the entire big domain, sent to his North Tianxian, saying that it is cultivated, and it is true to be Curing it so that you can enjoy it at any time. "

"Just like this, these handsome teenagers may say that he is a male favorite."

The sword is unparalleled, but it has no expression, but the fact is already cold in the heart.

Looking at the handsome boy who came out of the past, all the eyes of each eyebrow were unpleasant, and it seems that Chen Qing said that Chen Qing said.

"He likes to don't have much relationship with us. After we find the sky-striped bones, he immediately withdraws out, try not to fight." The sword is unparalleled.

Chen Qing and the Spring and Autumn Festival nodded, no more words.

Their three people are now the Xianzhou guards that come to the Temple of the Temple. Add that the plane is easy to accommodate an ordinary appearance, almost throwing it in the pile.

Therefore, they will stand next to the giant columns on both sides of the temple, serve as the responsibility of guard.

Original swords are not intended to enter the giant temple, but are ready to turn around this Temple, but eventually, they are all chaos that the Silver Bells are chaos steps.

Standing on the giant column, he turned his gaze to the center of the temple, and those who were trying to demonstrate the sword dance at this moment.

The so-called sword dance, orientation is greater than the practicality, although each of them is stable, but lacks, it is obviously used as viewing.

Although this Handsome Junior is unpleasant, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword has nothing to have the heart of the love.

If you want to practice the sword, the most important thing is that the heart in the heart is the foundation.

The majority of things, each road fault is endless, although the sword is special, but there is no jumping off the rules of the avenue, and the natural sword seedlings will also come to the years.

These, naturally, the mood of the sword is unparalleled.

Holding a soft silver bell, drunk, son, smile, watching the sword dance, seems to be extremely satisfied.

"Bored to the extreme, it is really boring." The end sitting on the head bell and dissatisfaction.

The son is ink, and it has been returned, "How is the silver bell, not satisfied?"

Silver bell mouth, "Of course, I don't satisfying, how many times, do you know, don't change the new trick."

"Well, according to you, what do you say, how to do it." The son is ink.

The silver bell drums, it seems to be thinking about what new tricks, and the post is in the temple.

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is even still not going back to back, he heard a slightly exciting voice sounded.

"On you, the stupid guys before." The silver bell got up, and the fiber thin hand was not secret to him.

The sword is unparalleled, but he has to hit the head of the palace.

The son of the monster is somewhat excess, he saw the face of the face of the face of the center of the temple, always feels a feeling of recognition.

But he didn't think much, after all, in the time of the time, it is the most important thing to ask the silver bell.

After pointing out that the sword is unparalleled, the silver bell slowly attacked a circle, and finally, in the other side, identifying a young guard who was equally unpleasant.

"Two people are, I can feel that you are all versatile guys, it is better to play a military." The silver bell hooks a smile, while wave sleeves, two clothes With the practice, pull out the thies of the true sword, throw two people.

Reach your hand and then throw the true sword, the sword is not a double brow, he doesn't like this feeling, especially the feeling of being exhausted.

If you don't have something to solve, I am afraid that the sword is unparalleled.

Convergence all emotions, his eyes looked at the same youth guards that were also called.

The sword has not seen everything from his eyes, just like everything in the heart.

"Start, please be sure to go all out, if you are not wonderful, you may have punishment." The silver bell sat in the first cover.

Chen Qing biting his teeth next to the huge column, "I really want to die, if you will really have to have it, Laozi's first slaughtered this woman!"

"Also count me." Spring and Autumn Words are cold, it seems to be ready, just wait until the sword is not double-haired, and it will do it directly.

At this moment, this whole city is in the main hall, only the sword is unparalleled and the youth guards are confrontation.

Such as Yue Yue, his sword is standing, and the breath is asged, just like a pointer to the unsophisticated meaning.

In the face of any potential enemies, they have maintained all the best, this is the habit of the sword unparalleled in a long practice.

Even if it is in the eyes, he has no looseness.

The youth guard standing on the same plum sword is in the distance. It should be a clear scorpion, which shows an extremely inconsistentive old state in a moment.

Naturally, this transient change is also unparalleled by the sword.

However, he thinks that he thinks, the youth guards take the lead in violent, and the sword is directly.

The sword has no doubles, and the double-edged hand is handed over.

It's just a moment, and the sword is scattered!

Although it is a burn, it is a thousand times in a moment!

The sword is unparalleled, when is it a hinder of the Juily Deman, can you fight with yourself?

I don't think about it, and the youth guards the sword, and in the extremely indifferent face, there is a smear that is not easy to notice.

A sword is awkward, barely forced him a few or more eyes, and there is a little cold.

The youth guard is hidden under the indifferent expression, and the murder that is trying to control is being turned out at a point.

At this point, he began some somewhat determination, and the youth guards in the eyes must not be the guards of this North Tianxian!

In other words, this guy under the moment should be like a sword without a double three, and it is advocated to be invited.

An uncertain idea, raised in the sword unparalleled mind.

The two swords once again collided together, and the martyrs hit the martyrdom, they all swayed the clouds in the temple.

Put the whole body strength on the hands of the true sword, the sword is unparalleled to the youth guard.

"No matter what your purpose, it is best not to hit my mind on me."

The youth guards the body shape slightly, a pair of muddy scorpions, with doubts and examined eyes very fast, the sword is unparalleled, and then suddenly withdrew more than ten feet.

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