Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4765? Seven Swords

The Temple is silent, and everyone looks at this scene in the breath.

The sword of the sword, who saw this is almost a big completion, all the brows.

Because of the confrontation of them, the swords that are lys are absolutely unusual.

Especially the instant sword, even the people who have a kind of souls are cut.

The sword is unparalleled, and it seems that it does not intend to carry out the next step.

And the youth guards also did not play their intentions. After the sword back, they were ready to return.

"Stand, have you let you go back?"

A cold voice sounded, sitting in the top of the son's ink shape, the drunken eyes were full of cold, and it seems to have a violent killing in the next moment.

And that is ready to return, it is also in this moment, a pair of people look at him, then argoes, "point until retreat, if you play, I will wait, I will make a joke."

"If the son is insisted on, it is better to let me wait a few brothers, and dance for the son."

The son is ink, and the pair of guards, the face is eased, "Okay, if you don't satisfy me, you have to have your head!"

Youth guards Naran, and then turned to look back.

The guards of the six unified costumes came out from one side.

The sword is unparalleled, the eyebrows are micropumped, and the body is not retired.

"Skille brother, is there a situation?" Chen Qing low-asking.

"If the situation is not right, run directly!" He whispered, and there was a dignified flash.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled, and the seven guards are the seven swordsmen who saw the Xianfu Hall in Northern Xianzhou.

At the moment, they have sneaked into this day, and the goal seems to be all people who are running with the son.

Chen Qingchun's autumn and two people heard the words, and they were all cautious. They know that the swords were unparalleled, never let alone.

He said that there is a situation, then there must be a situation.

For a time, Chen Qing will look at the center of the temple, and that seven seems to be flat.

There is no too much nonsense, and the seven-way figure is scattered and scattered, and the deceased sword of the seven hand is straightforward.

The atmosphere in the entire Temple begins with subtle changes.

The sword is unparalleled with Chen Youth, and there is no trace to the Temple of the Temple.

At this moment, the sword dance that is composed of seven people has begun, with the leading youth guards, the seven-handed true swords are moving, and they are swimming in the temple.

The cloud smoke scattered in the huge incense burner is also in these swords, and gradually transforms into various sights.

Or like the dragon, the sea, or like a tiger, change thousands.

Seeing this still magnificent scene, sitting on the top of the temple, or the Di Dai fairy can't help but make up.

Sitting on the top of the son, nod, it seems to be very satisfied with the sword dance of these seven people.

The sword is unparalleled. Because he just found that this seven teams have a more huge rival.

Although it only revealed a moment, it still makes the sword unparalleled immediately.

At the level of the delay, it is very likely that it will take over the demonstration.

"Is it, they have to assassinate the son?" He is like thinking, and his eyes look at the monsters.

In this unfinished room, the seven shapes, more and more relying forward.

The clouds are gradually spread throughout the temple, so that every top repair seems to be on the clouds, fluttering.

At this moment, the son is gradually excited, and it is more drunk.

In the seven people, the top of the young people guard, hand-held, and very angry.

In the same year, it is a slightly old-fashioned binocular, quietly revealing a smelling cold.

Next moment, he suddenly took advantage of it, his foot, the cloud, under the eyes of all the top and Damadam, hit the true sword in his hand, and smashed his bonus.

The air is like stagnation, all of which will happen at this moment.

A sword where there is no tragent, there is no hesitant stabgy to him.

At this time, there is no sign of the space in front of the son ink, and the position of the sword spurs in front of the son ink.

A sword of the original straight pungent ink, forced displacement, and finally did not pierce the humeral bone without any resistance, and billed it in the temple.

Screaming, the blood sprayed.

The whole left side of the son is directly twisted. The true sword has passed through him half a head, the sword tip directly into the temple is one inch!

But this hit did not have his life, even a distance from the fairy in his brain.

I can't kill, and the youth guards cover one of the palms, vows completely killing the mask!

But the big unopened pressure, curbing his momentum.

I walked out of the gods from the son ink, and I extended a palm and smashed the youth guard.

Two derivatives collided and broke out.

Then the youth guards like a broken kite and fly out.

At this moment, all the top repair and DVF have reacted, and seven people who have been worried about the trays.

The six-way figure that is condensed in the land is also moving. Everything is like ghosts, after the development of the youth guard, let go of the hands and feet directly.

One of them high-slimming shapes, both palms were in front of the chest, then suddenly torn, the boundlessness was directly shredded, together with more than 20 years of top, and cultivated to the powder.

There is also a figure, the palm is full of punches, and she is committed to the ground.


The whole Template tremble, and the latter fine crack cracked the white jade floor.

The six body shape, all of which broke out the most horrible strength at this moment.

Everyone has a terrible force that is easily killed by the derivative.

At this point, the whole temple is falling in chaos!

As early as the first moment of riots, the sword was unparalleled, and they directly reached out the door and brought the two people.

This is uncontrolled, it is slightly inadvertent, I am afraid he has to drink hate.

"Sword brother, this is too stimulated, the child's kid seems to be dead today!" In the void, the triad of the flying flee, Chen Qing's face, "Truth, Ten," Actually, some people came to assassinate. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the shape of the rapid flee is actually an emergency stop.

When you look at the sky hall that is about to have collapse, he finally said, "No, I have to go back."

Chen Qing wrote a glimpse, then accepted, "Sword Brothers, are you talking? The son is already a small life."

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