Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4767? Nine

The sword is unparalleled, and one hand holds the neck of the son, and the other hand directly into his arms.

Chen Qing has no longer time after the cooperation of the five mysterious body, and has begun to catch the elbow.

He wants to find the heaven texture bonenail in less than 10 honey, and escape from this.

But at the next moment, the son of the bonus that was completely lost was suddenly flashing out, and the palm of his hand brought a moving in the palm of his hand, and he was directly stabbed to the sword.

The strong crisis has pouring his heart. He is almost at the same time, it can deviate into a head of the head.

However, it is still not too late, and the palm of the pan is directly left behind the sword unparalleled neck, and the blood is sprayed.

He had painful, a loose consciousness under his hand, the son ink took the opportunity to force it, then quickly escape!

"Looking for death!" The sword was unparalleled, and the collected neck was restored at a very fast speed. He took the front to the front, and there was no biggest to block all the retreat of the monsters.

However, this established situation has changed again, and the son is alone, and it will be touched in the left arm, and the price of the sword is burst with the price of the whole arm.

Then, the son ink looked at him, and his figure was shining outside the temple.

See this situation, how can the sword can leave him, when the Chen Qing, who is suffering, the Spring and Autumn I know, I can't catch up.

"Laozi, don't play with you!" Chen Qing's corner whispered, and the body that was hitted and hit, and the five figure objectives were very clear, and they did not fight with him. It is directly on the opponent's temple.

The entire Temple has collapsed in the unrebeatic collapse.

The top of the feast of the temple, and under this sudden battle, it is already a death and injury, and the remaining survived, but also escaped from the Temple.

At this point, the entire Temple of the whole seat is covered, there is only three big Damadam!

Under the second town, the black robe is arrogant.

Two big demonstratures were put on his suppression, so that he was difficult to get out, and even the fairy faintly reached the edge of the collapse.

Although I have been sleeping in the Temple in the Temple, the black robe is clear, the big Danadian exists in the vast market, except for the ninety-nine digits under the Zhenwu Emperor, the rest is absolutely no more than one hand.

The so-called Dadi is the existence of Xuan Olympics, which is completely super off-derived, and only the mystery of Dadi is, there will be such a moving opportunity to touch the emperor.

It can be seen that the scarce and terrible level of the large-scale fairy.

But in the eyes, there is two big demonstrans to kill the son ink, which is a big hand.

Looking at the vast vast domain of the whole room, who can have such a tropic means?

He didn't imagine, even once thought it was the will of true Wuyang.

"You, whoever, whoever, can once know that he kills the public, is an enemy with the true Wuyang Emperor, and the whole country is enemy ?!"

The black robes still hold the last luck under the bitter resistance, trying to let them know the serious consequences.

But the two big Damadie with the hands of the tribute, and it is worthy of this, and it does not care about the so-called Zhenwu Yang Emperor in his mouth, and the entire big section.

The terrible delay has long been crushing the Temple on this small Xianzhou, countless residual wall falling in Xianzhou.

A exteration of a survey.

And the son of the temple, this is like a dog in the dog, dragging a broken arm and exhausted.

Above the entire small quarter, the sky, the night, the night, the clouds, and the signs of collapse.

The sword is unparalleled. After his neck, the narrow wounds between his neck have been completely healed, and there has not been left in half of the scars.

Everything happened in the eyes is far more than his expectations. He is not expected that there will be other people to kill the son ink.

And look at this session, it seems to be a completely killing.

The sword is unparalleled, does not care about his life, but the impact after this matter is also a consequence, it will be huge.

As the fifth child of the Emperor of the true Wuyang, if he is, I am afraid that all the top and Danoma in this war will be thorough.

The three people are also very likely to be involved.

So the son can't die, even if it is dead, you can't die in them.

Find the sky character bones, then quietly escape, this is the best solution.

After Chen Qing and Spring and Autumn Responsible, the main point of this incident will dominate the seven swordsman.

At the moment, only swords are unparalleled in the clouds.

Cang Yun, the truthful life and death, let him have a final potential, even if it is the sword of the whole energetic, it is faint, and it is slightly tasty, which is opened for a short distance.

The masculin is broken, and it is escaped to the top of the entire small quarter.

There, a tenthon-sang tree that is located in Xianzhou.

It is composed of a huge branches of deep ink green, and there is no leaves.

And on this tenth day of the tree, there is a huge gold cage.

The gold cage is in a big day!

At this moment, the mosaic figure of the masculine has rushing to the supporting tree.

"Save me!"

A warehouse rumored and a horrified voice resounded from the mouth of the son, he was already strong, and all hopes were hosted in the sound.

In the golden cage of the supporting tree, the round of the eyes will be a big day.

The bird head with a red gold shift is slowly lifted.

This is a native of all four destination!

As its bird is lifted, it is dispersed at night, and the two pairs of red eyes are like a four-wheel big day, and Yao Yao is not straightforward.

" -"

The roar of torn of the somewhere, the night of Northern Tianxia is disappeared, and Yao Guang is coming.

The gold cage is opened, it spreads wings, and hundreds of millions of light brilliance will be in the unfolded feathers, Guang Yaoxiang.

The total nine red scorpion, with Jinwu Wings formed a round of giant days, from its tail, with no pounds.

At this moment, even the sword is unparalleled, the consciousness is lifted, and the double goes, no longer goes forward.

Hot, it is too hot.

A burning sensation from the depths of the soul, so that even the Dano is retired.

The cross-sectional trend of this nine is no longer able to measure with a Dynamic.

This breath, the sword is unparalleled, I feel that it is about to reach a certain kind of mystery, reaching another level.

In his current cognition, this atmosphere has been infinitely close to the top of the sky.

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