There are 99 super off-derivatives under true Wuyang.

This is the sword unparalleled in the participating heaven feast.

Regarding the premier of Dagan, he knows very little. I only know that the usual Deman wants to achieve big Deman, almost impossible.

Even if Chen Qing, I don't know how long it is already in that step.

When the sword is unparalleled, the wild fox, the wild fox who met, the old ancestors, the old ancestors, I am afraid it is a recent recent Da Yanxian, and eventually, when I will be promoted, I was unparalleled with the emperor. Broken his fairy.

At the moment, this has a cross-breaking nine , there is a big drama!

This situation, the sword is unparalleled, the mouth is not from a bitter bitter.

The big Daman level is not that he is able to compete, it is just a big threat.

Just, though things, the sword is unparalleled, but he doesn't want to make everything you do.

Only the situation is not repeated.

Seeing Jinwu stretched the body shape, the son ink, like the last life rescue, and went straight.

But the next moment, the abnormal changes!

He has a total of two tear of the big trend, just like two shocked, borrowing to the son, obviously rushing to kill!

But the expected situation has not appeared.

The two trend did not fall on the body of the son. When I was shocked, I was shocked by the golden black.

The remaining wave scattered four squares, although she escaped the dead robbery, but the weak to the pole, even Yuhu could not bear it, and Zhangou vomited a lot of blood.

At the same time, the two body shape quietly appeared.

The sword is unparalleled, and the two shapes are just the two big dermishes!

He slowly retreat, and he has prepared it at any time.

The battle of this level of Da Dami, the control of the delay, the fundamental and the derivative are not part of the same level.

The gap between the two is even greater than the gap between the mortal and the Deman.

So thinking about the sword is unparalleled, not in the big Dami, but thinking about the retreat.

Jindu has a bird with a red gold shoe, I looked at the two big dean, and then he looked at the unfained monster ink.

"Clear, fast, will kill them all, don't leave one!" The gong of the son's mouth gasped, his face was returned to the big hole, and it could not say the weird.

The four eyes of Jinwumen also played a disgust, and behind him, "I said, you dare to say my name, I will burn you into the grades."

The son ink hit a cold, it seems that there is no doubt that the authenticity in its words, "Ming, understand, esteem, help me with a busy, will kill me, all erase."

The famous Jinwu, who is a clear, and then looks like the two big dean, and then smiles and not laughs to see him. "It hosted so much secret killing, son, your skills, there are many people."

The son is ink, "In short, you can't live in trouble as soon as possible!"

The clear eyes flashed, and the giant wings suddenly shocked.

"They can't live, depending on my mood, not your decision."

The giant wings of the sky cover the day of the sky, and the sound of sound is emptied.

The sword is unparalleled to only feel that the eardrum is torn.

He didn't hesitate, ready to flee directly, this Jinwu's delay, has exceeded his imagination, not to mention two big dermatoma.

Just when the sword was unparalleled, the long sword with the meaning of the Senius was returned behind his back.

"Don't leave if you don't want to die." The sound of a swelling sound.

The sword is unparalleled, it is the youth guard who is in the Temple of Temple and his prior.

At the same time, there are four stones to give Chen Qing and Spring and Autumn Festival.

"Sword brothers, embarrassment." There are some brothers and swollen Chen Qing, and it is obviously a lot to play before this.

The sword is unparalleled to see the youth behind him, Shen Sheng, "This is what you are, we will leave now, do not participate in the battle."

"Less talk nonsense, do you think you can still retreat now?" The youth guarded the cold channel.

Seeing that you leave, the sword is unparalleled to prepare for a violent, and the clouds have exploded the most intense battle.

He has a total of two Huanghuang's trend, emptying the clouds, and the clearing of the clearing, and the most violent explosion is burst.

Even the supporting trees have shaken, and the son is in the entire body shape, which is already the bird of the shovel.

In the first time of this battle, the clearness of Qingwu's holography is gone.

With the blindprous false wings, the two big dermatoma can not enter halfway.

Essence the merits of the Yingying, there is a few points of evil, proudly look at the two.

"Now, the original road is returned, I will not be investigated, if I still have it, I will let you die."

When I heard this, the two-digit black light wheel of the high-thinity, did not have any expression, and it seems that it is completely unreasonable.

Their goals are clear and unparalleled, and it is impossible to return to this back because there are two sentences in the else.

Then, the two big Damai once again set up, and the one who came to the clouds and the big paid, and the shot was clear.

The meaning is not afraid, and the eyes are lifted in the eyes and should go up.

In the next moment, I cleaved the palm of the way, it turned out to catch up with the championship.

The palm of the palm of the palm of the palm, and the moment is in the case of the trend of the original.

Just just a short moment, by the two big fairy, it was completely burned all by Nata, and he never left half a breath.


Two broken, there is no delay, quietly condense into a dark giant, and then cover it to the meaning.

Behind the illusory red gold wings, I saw a lightweight, and a lightweight.

With a total of tens of thousands of golden, it is a big array, and it is stunned!


The two hit the impact, and the black delay and the red gold are raging in the clouds, and ultimately let the clouds can't bear to break.

As the dark giant is constantly bleak, it is more meaningful to laugh in the eyes of the emotion.

At the same time, there is a nine bicy and long, growing from his tip.

He hit one of the long languages ​​with his hand, and the tip was aligned with one of the big Damadi, taking a short-handed way. "Since you don't want to go, then you will stay here, I will let you know, even It is a big Dali, in front of me, it is difficult to have a battle. "

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