Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4771? See also Zheng Ying

The sword is unparalleled, and the breathing is also heavy.

The jade in the eyes is that he has always been seizes the unique sky.

At this moment, holding this bone's figure, it is the silver bell never stayed around the son.

The sword is unparalleled, but the silver bell suddenly returned to the palm.

"This thing, do you need?" The silver bell waved the bones of the bones, and the taste looked at him.

It has been restored to the almost sword unparalleled, supported from the ground, staring at her.

"This thing is not used by me, but it seems that you seem to need," the silver bell crash, "I can give you, but you have to promise me a condition."

"Say." The sword is unparalleled.

The silver bell nodded. "The conditions are very simple, take me away, and I will never step down here."

It was originally not intended to make swords with exchange conditions. After listening to this simple news, I nodded directly, "Yes, I promise you."

The silver bell smiled, but when he reached out, quickly quickly put the bones in his hands into his chest.

"Now you can't give you, if you temporarily change your idea, you can be my own," Yin Bell is serious, "So I have to leave this thing until I will leave Northern Tianxia."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no too much statement. Now another natural bones are close to their eyes, and it saves his energy.

At the same time, in the face of such a simplest requirement, it can be changed to a piece of bone armor, and it is more unreasonable to regenerate.

Although she may be a cumbersome or an uneprical factor, the sword has decided to take her away.

Reallorate and remove several Montenegro's top crystal entrance to quickly nourish the meridians who have just recovered, he said, "You will wait here, I will go back, I will come back."

The silver bell shook his head directly, "No, I will go with you, now the variable is too big, and it may be safe to follow you."

The sword is unparalleled, and no matter what she, I directly urged it to the sky.

For the excitement to him, he wants to look at the eye, but the gap between the two is a bit too big. If you don't care about all revenge, it is clearly unbroken.

The sword is unparalleled deeply, and it is ready to pick Chen Qing and Springteeli.

At this moment, his eye angle was light in the supporting tree.

I saw a ghost-like figure in the horror of the son, quietly emerged.

Perhaps it is aware of the strange breath behind, and the body is ambiguous.

A cold and miles, the majestic dramatic trend directly crushed his half-body shape into a powder.


" !"

But the meaning of the eyes, it is in the battle with the two big demonstrans, it is difficult to take off their shape, even more likely to be as previously, to help.

If it is not his man, it is only the case of the sneak attack, it is enough to let him die.

The semi-body shape of the monster is completely broken, and the squat is under the supporting tree, as dead ashes.

And that is like a ghost-like figure, slowly walking to him, holding a hint of the true sword in his hand.

The ghost charm has a furnish, but from the body, it is a woman.

Obviously, it is hustle with the son ink.

It seems to feel the dead crisis, and the son ink is set up from the initial panic and launched the fight against the fight.

He uses only one arm, releases the magnificent derivation, and strives to the ghost shape.

But the next moment, she turned out the sword and directly cut off only one arm left.

The ghosts didn't want to talk nonsense. After the sharpness of his arms, the pounds were impeded to break their wines.

Torps steep!

When the pounds were due to the fairy origin of the son, they were suddenly truncated, and they were touched by a strange delay.

It is also delicious!

He is too terrible. It is just a waving room, it can easily sleep a Deman.

And the ghost shape is clearly not expected to come to this scene, when the reaction comes, everything is late.

Essee, grabby her, obviously intended to directly disappear into the fairy source.

At this moment, the sword did not have a double body shape, and the handheld the invisible sword, directly cut off all the contacts in the ghost shape.

The clear eyes suddenly condensed, like seeing any incredible things, obviously very surprised to the sword unparalleled.

But he can't beep, facing these two seemingly unbearable, but the big Damadam is extremely difficult, and it is impossible to make the whole force.

Because once the else makes a more unpleasant trend, his unique atmosphere will inevitably pass the entire North Tianxian, if he really makes the heavens, his end, only returned, or dead.

Therefore, he can't make full strength, and you can only put it like this.

Although the birth of the son ink is not in the heart of the Qing, but he can give the enlightenment and some conditions, it is extremely rich.

The true uliramid of the wilderness of the sky, the true erase of the born, regardless of how the avenue is flowing, is the most old and top existence.

And the understanding of the coffin is now filled with nine true talents. If there is one, you can understand the emperor's air transport and visit the emperor.

So he is now, there is no flash, and there is no flash in the molk ink to provide him.

The sword is unparalleled and the clear is cold and cold, and it is not afraid of the ghost shape.

The ghosts are somewhat unnatural, and they are discovered after being in vain, and the sure is involved in him.

After returning to the huge fusuit tree, the sword is unparalleled and spit out of a turbidity.

The sword broke away from the sword unparalleled palms, and the sword came to the bonus in the mouth with a false body shape.

Perhaps it has experienced a series of dramatic battles, the ghost-shaped filament is suddenly falling off, followed by a whole black gold furniture fall.

The blue silk is dropped, revealing a beautiful and exquisite, with a little pale cheek.

"Is you ?!" The sword is unparalleled in the cheek that the identity is high enough, "Zheng Ying?"

This is a woman with a beautiful and delicate cheek. It is the sword and unparalleled in the beginning of the Damu, and in the event of the Spring and Autumn Essay Montenegro. The coma woman arrived.

And the ghost charm after hearing Zheng Ying two words, it was obviously not worthy of thinking in this place, and someone could call her famous.

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