The air has a moment of instant, caught in a silent dead state.

The sword is unparalleled soon, and why Zheng Ying is a horrified look, because he is now illusion into an ordinary face, and the previous face is completely different.

I didn't recognize that he was a lotus of the sword of the big aviation.

Just, at this moment they once again met again, there were so many weird.

This woman quietly disappeared from his wife, why did it suddenly appear in Northern Tianxia, ​​and it looks like it is going to the town.

Don't she be a messenger of a certain emperor under true Wuyang?

The sword is unparalleled, and the slightly tie is not mentioned, then turn around to leave.

At this moment, a big crisis behind a burst made him suddenly.

The true sword of the latter is almost rubbed on his neck, bringing a sip of blood.

If it is not escaped in time, this sword is enough to hit the sword!

After guilty of crisis, he went to see Zheng Ying and his eyes.

Zheng Ying Xiaomei's face is cold and cold, the right hand is sword, and even there is no more words, and once again carrying the delay to kill the sword.

"What's wrong with you?"

In the food, I caught the sword blade that I went straight to my face. The sword was unparalleled and the heart was angry. I came to Zheng Ying. "Is it a soft persimmon?"

The Zheng Ying's body that retains the front thorn is still a stiff. The cold eyes began to have some doubts, because she heard a little familiar from the words of this young guard.

But the next moment, a more cold killing broke out, behind Zheng Ying, suddenly emerged, there was a hundred pounds of luminescence, and all the suppression of the sword was unparalleled.

Rao is another thought and old feelings, the sword is unparalleled, and he suddenly slammed the front, and the delay was hit.

A unmoid of the martyrdom stirped under the support of Sang.

At the same time, the sword is not parallel, and there is a number of tragent dragons, and it is trapped to Zheng Ying.

He didn't want to set up Zheng Ying in the dead. After all, it was one of the few people who saw it when I first arrived, so I just used her for her purpose.

The more this, the more, Zheng Ying is fierce, more than the powerful strength of the general Deman, so that the sword is unparalleled.

"What do you want to do, don't too much Zheng Ying!" The sword watched the woman in front of him, Shen Sheng.

Zheng Ying, who has always been silent, is also open, "How did you know my name?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also silent. At this time, he realized that he could not expose the news about himself.

At the end, he drained and pushed the Zheng Ying.

"Don't worry who I am, advise you, the son ink is best not to kill."

After leaving this sentence, the sword is unparalleled, and it is obviously not entangled, and it will be directly collected.

Looking at the backs of familiarity, Zheng Ying did not catch up, but turned to look at the monsters lying down under the supporting tree, gas.

After several acquisitions and escape, the son ink has been seen, and only unwillingness in the eyes.

Under the hand of Qing and Daman, the entire small quarter is in Northern Tianxia, ​​all in the edge of a crash.

Panshan old root in the supporting tree has been broken, and the gravel fell straight.

Zheng Ying went forward and welcomed the elements of the big day. He didn't hesitate, and a sword gave a son's head.

Then she reached out and released the pounds and easily crushed his fairy.

At this point, the fifth emperor of Zhenwugui, the moon ink.

Under the blast of the mulberry.

North Tianxin, who is supported by the son of Mili, began to collapse, all the avenues and air transport began to disorder.

The heavens and the earth are sad, this is the opposite of the emperor.

And all the terminator Zheng Ying, watching the heads that have already had no life in his hand, waving, intercepting the final air transport of the monsters belonging to the emperor.

In the end, the cranranization made a powder and sprinkled down under the supporting tree.

The emperor passed, and the heaven and earth avenue flushed.

At this moment, the Danafi of the March of Northern Xiangzhou, or a big Damadan, I noticed it.

The sword is unparalpired, and the look is complicated. The last look, that stands under the support of the tree, and then leaves.

The son is finally dead, and all of the fairy or big Damadam will definitely be checked by heaven.

If you leave any clues, you will be the disaster of you!

The sword is unparalleled, it will not forget, in addition to the true Wuyang of the emperor, the entire heavens also have ninety-nine big Damai.

Any one of them is absolutely powerful to have no big energy.

So now, it is the most correct choice.

Two people who are fighting against death and spring and autumn. I only feel a loose. The mysterious five sword should stop the offensive. Qi Qi is high in the sky, "The son is dead, withdraw!"

The two bodies goddess the big Damadam heard the words, directly gave up and clear the confrontation, and prepared to escape.

"I want to run? I will leave me!" The emperor and smeared, the arms were shocked, and they were arrested.

Two big dermatoma, hurriedly running the demaptlation, and the son sounds, "the son is already dead, the heavens must be traced, now you will not go, you will not go!"

Clearing and smiling, "Time is more, I will kill you first, and I will not be late!"

"No brain idiot." Because it is unable to get out, the two big Daiyan is also anxious, in this node, more than one point here, the more you can't escape.

But the else did not let it go to leave, and it hits again.

"Spring and Autumn, Chen Qing, walk!" A silence and screaming, the sword has no double shape such as electricity, carrying a big potential, directly swinging the blockade of the five swordsman, and applied two people.

Chen Qing and Spring and Autumn Head, three people quickly escaped.

"Sword brother, the son is really dead?" Chen Qing did not help but asked.

He still can't believe that the fifth emperor under the Zhenwuyangjun is so simultaneously.

The sword is not bid, "" The air transport has been exhausted, and it is possible to survive. "

Chen Qingnie, I don't know if it is a jealous, "I'm going to die, I am so rushed, I actually forgot to sprinkle a blood on the sky."


"Don't think more, first flee this place again."

Northern Xianzhou is very vast, but with the emperor's air transport, the avenue disorder is incomparable, and the entire Xianzhou is irreversible.

And the sword is unparalleled to go to the heavens, and you will have to flee your stay in Xianzhou and hide the breath as much as possible.

At the moment, this chaotic situation is exactly what he wants. As long as you leave Xiangzhou, even if the emperor is visible, it is impossible to perceive him once.

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