Under the supporting tree, Zheng Ying looked at it, and she had a little a little bit of understanding.

After the number of interest, her body shape has quietly disappeared at the fusuit.

"Sword brother, for half a day, we can leave this Xingzhou, what do you need to find?" Chen Qing asked.

The sword is unparalleled without opening, but the eyes look at the silver bell followed behind the body.

"You can rest assured, as long as you have this North Tianxian, what you want, I immediately give you." The silver bell took a shot of the peak, and smiled.

The sword is not double-finished, turn the head to the side.

Seeing this scene, Chen Qing and spring and autumn have some weird.

"This mother is not a woman of the son?" Chen Qing face was a bit wrong.

The silver bell heard, Qiong Nasal, "Hey, which is a woman who is a son ink?"

"I am just that he is being imprisoned, and now he is dead, I will also get rid of it."

Chen Qing took the mouth and didn't say much.

The shape of the four fully hidden is away from the speed.

But at the next moment, the sword is unparalleled but faintly feels a big crisis.

It seems to be in order to confirm his thoughts, it was originally falling into the red and dark Northern Tianxiang, started to be shine by a white golden man.

Then, when the sword is unparalleled, I will take a step from North Tianxian, and I have an invisible barrier, which appeared outside the North Tianxian.

"Worse!" The sword is unparalleled, a sinking, a cold, is awkward.

Chen Qing and others saw it, and the mood sank into the bottom of the valley.

The whole crushing North Tianxian is blocked by the external force!

It can be blocked in the North Tianxian, except for that existence, even if it is a big Damai.

The sword is unparalleled in the eyes of the sword.

"Jian brothers, what should I do, do you want to force it to go out?" Chen Qing culverts the voice, and a smeared from the eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, "" From now on, it is not possible to use it, this wall bar is not we can break through, and it will change. "

After finishing, he took three people directly to a broken Xianfu Pavilion, and converged all the breath.

On the broken sky, it began to block hundreds of millions of white gold, and the clouds are emptied!

At the same time, there are ten old people who carry a variety of light wairs to walk.

This is also aware of this scene.

"The dead idiot, wait for the death!" One of the big dermations in the emperor, anger, hate, clearly snoring.

Equal to collect the palm, watching the old people standing in the cloud, there is a big fever.

The two big Damai, see each other, and the behind body is suddenly rushing.

"evil creature!"

One of the old people who have a black launcher, lift the palm of the palm, which is the potential of the cover, even if it is separated by millions of rolls, it still directly seizes a big Dai Dai.

At the same time, there is another old man who has a red-red glutinous wheel, takes out a slap in the arbor size, directly uploading another big Damai!

However, it is the moment, the two Evil Damai, all have been caught.

Then, carrying the black light wheel old, using the big god, squeezing the two big defects in the slumper size.

"Five masks, is it a burial, etc.?" Hong Zhong Da Lu's Voice of Weili resounded through the Quasi.

Then the two big Dawns that were still still can't be all shocked.

Because they see, there is a flat black tormer, it is slow to walk.

This old man is the most mysterious veteran, the most mysterious veteran, who is .

"He, I have nothing to do with us, we just pass through this place, the five masses are not killed, but other people!"

What they would also want to say, but the old man is just a hand of them, so that they will lose their soul, and the fairy is coming.

What a terrible strength is this, destroying the big Deman, or even the delay is not released?

On the cheeks of the gully, it seems that the vicissitudes of Haoyu, and finally he regards turbid eyes to the clearness.

The clever is back and retired and stares with him.

"Five masks, is it a burial?" The hoarse voice sounded, and Yu Bo calmly went to a terrible look, as if the time was stagnant.

Gao proudly clear, I have to bow at this moment.

"No, it is impossible to be buried in my hand. It is in the hands of their association, there is a woman, and I will destroy his fairy." Wushu, Shen Sheng.

The queen is the old, he slowly reached out from the robe sleeves, slowly grasping in the void.

With his gripping, the North Tianxia, ​​which is in the broken edge, has accelerated the break, whether it is a fairy house, or the inevitable flour of Wan Qianling.

"In this case, you, you will be accompanied by the five masses." The ancient voice of the old voice resounded.

The voice of the Yubo is like a road, so that the whole North Tianxia is unveiled.

The cleaning hole suddenly coagulated, he refunded steps, "What do you mean, clearly tell you that I am really fierce, why not let me leave?"

"The death of the five masses, and the whole North Tianxia is not tripping the relationship. Naturally, you will all have to accompany." The sound of the sound of the sound of the sound and not to be suspicious.

The color is clear, "Do you think this is to eat me? If I leave, no one can intercept!"

After the words, there is a huge golden Wubao, and the whole person's weeks are full of a faint power.

He has chosen a battle in the face of more than ten large-scale fairy that is carrying the light wagon.

But this battle didn't even have to start, and Yan Bo reached out, and a dark light passed through the void, torn the Qing's Golden Polaroid, and easily crushed his fairy.

Dead, the dead.

It is not a world, arrogant is clear, and his fairy is broken.

The break of the fairy is irreversible, symbolizes the final death penalty of the pronunciation.

In this way, I died, Wan Qianhua Yu peeled off from him, scattered in the void.

Then, his figure planted in a broken Xianzhou.

After the killing clear, Yu Bo raised his arms, the whole, North Tianxiang, under his control, completely broke the powder.

Even if it is a Deman, it will never survive.

With the fifth descendants, the bonus of the son, the whole of the creatures of the creatures, all of them with him.

There is no top-bearing and Deman, you can escape the Avenue of Yibo.

But perhaps, everything should have exceptions.

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