Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4774? Salmon Caves

With the whole Northern Xianzhou, it is completely broken in order to raise powder, and that is all trillions.

Yu Bo also returned to the heavens.

It's also hurried, and hurried.

Everything seems to be erased, and it seems that there is no existence.

The thick powder, swallowed by the hurricane in the hazelnuts, absorbed.

The heavenly field belonging to Northern Xianzhou was removed, and it was virtual.

Maybe it will experience a million reincarnation of the Jane River, it is possible to have a new sky domain.

In the unsatisfied between the stars, with the falling of the powder, there is a few weak breath.


"Brothers, let's we can develop! Who has seen a spite with such a rich and pure-pure delay?"

"Old days, this can be strong than the Tiande, no, hundreds of times!"

"I didn't expect. I didn't expect that in the desert of this bird, I can find such a treasure by our brothers, and we have developed!"

"No, here, there is a pair?"

There were nearly more than 50 people wrapped in the hills, and the hills were deeply swallowed in the hills.

And these people are cultivated to be unsweound, all are the ancestral tricks.

At this moment, the two men who were closest to the black spar were directly reached out after seeing a leg under the spark.

" ..."

With the collapse flow of black sparsons, the owner of the legs has finally appeared.

"Old, boss, is a man!" The man who left the beard of the beard was able to endure the high channel after seeing the shape.

"Noisy noisy, I have never seen a man!" One of the white-faced big men, didn't look at him, and then settled toward the coma's man, I gave it slightly to breathe.

At this moment, the man in the comatum in Montenegro, the upper body's clothing has been torn, showing a well-known body shape.

At the same time, he bare skin is extremely red, as if it is soaked in blood, and in his chest, there is a fire phoenix, which seems to be able to break away from the clouds at any time.

In the first eye, I saw this coma mysterious man, and a big crisis appeared in the bottom of the white man.

The intuition of the dead escape told him that this man is definitely a horrible existence.

"Boss, there are people here!"

The also highlights, but also refers to another leg buried in black spark.

"What should I do with the boss?" The same is to ask some of the hands and sinking, and I have a lot of efforts in my eyes.

The white man is also the master of hesitation, even if it is slightly, "I am coma, I will kill, don't leave one!"

All top-bearing, eager to go forward, have been manipulated from their own densities and prepare to kill.

But at this time, a sudden sound suddenly sounded, followed by countless strong horizontal derivatives, and turned into the net.

The man of the white man was still reacted, and more than ten top trips were hanging from the sky.

"It's not good, it is the gang of the Salmon Caves!" The Hu Hanzi shocked, but he did not run to the white man in front of the white man, and wear the source from the sky.

Dripping blood is splashing on his face.

The mad sand is swept from the ground, accompanied by a horrible hurricane, there are hundreds of lazy strips, from far and nearby.

"Boss, fast division, we are not their opponents."

White-faced Han Nei's eye angle is obviously unwilling.

This is much more precious than the Tianda to a hundred times of black sputum. This is already a thing in the capsule. Now I will send people, how can he do it?

But until those who are getting closer and closer to Huasha, the white-faced man waved, "withdraw!"

On the occasion of the retreat, he reached out again, and the foot whale was swallowed nearly a thousand Montenegro, and he fell quickly.

"It's a blind, this group of arms actually dare to find food in our somewhere, it is simply turning!"

Huangsha dissipated, that hundreds of body have gradually emerged.

At the forefront of these, a young man wearing a casual dress, and a slightly wailing, looked at the flying body shape, disdain, got a spit against the ground.

"Brothers, they all moved to me, whoever threw a piece, embraced it on the city door!" Surfing your youth's face, with his waving, hundreds of people behind him Stacked into the spark of the hill and started to carry.

Waving a black laminated stone, soaring youth, tears, "It's true, this is all gave big sister, and it is a big work!"

"Cui Song collar, these sparsons are pressed a few people." There is a man reflecting the way, while it is buried under the spark, or buried in the shape of Huangsha, gave it.

A total of six stones, five men and a woman.

When the waves of the Cui Tu Tu Tuo collar, I saw that the coma was not lit.

Despite a very wolf, Huangsha is difficult to cover a soft figure.

"Cui Song collar, their identity is unknown, or less to be touched as good." The middle-aged man on the brush youth pulled him, and reminded.

"Use you remind you? The collar just wants to explore whether they are fainting, to prevent unnecessary situations." The youth opened the middle-aged man's palm, the previous step, the false mold is a search .

At this point, he also got a little bit.

At the moment, this five men and one woman, six body shapes, all have a very heavy trauma, almost there is only one breath.

Especially a taller, a middle-aged man who crushed black golden suit, shredded by some terrible power throughout the chest.

And from the costumes of these people, they are all kinds of a bit of the player.

The most important thing is that these people's strength, he actually can't see it.

"These suspicious guys will come from where, why can I give me a sense of deterrence?" Surf your youth palms, and thinking.

"Cui Song collar, these coma people, what should I do?" The middle-aged man reminded.

Surfing youth, no more thinking, directly playing, "Take him, as long as we discover, it is our, all give me into the city, a hair is not to give me a drop!"

In the world, the vast yellow sand became the only main tone.

Because he was shaking and bumpy, he was forced to drive from the pain and slowly opened his eyes.

A thicker red in the eyes of the eyes, the stars between the eyebrows have begun to slowly flow.

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