Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4780? Contamination

However, there is a hundred steps, a silver bell is like a laugh, from the four wild waters, and by far and near, finally condense behind the sword.

Then a soft palm, and a brisk row on his shoulder.

"If you are so happy, you can't wait for me."

The sword is unparalleled and there is no back, but it is self-requisite.

"Okay, don't make trouble, you, this is a kind!"

After this silver bell, a small body shape of the white shirt is a brisk step, and the past, go forward.

The sword is unparalleled to look for her, and it is still going forward.

"Hey, can't you wait for me? Can you think about my feelings?"

The stadium is like a bird, it seems that the active path of the sword is extremely dissatisfied.

"Tell you, even if you don't like this girl, you like this girl, you are, who are you!"

The petite shape is not a bad figure, and it is like a small beast, although anger is incomparable, but there is no way.

"I am your saving, I should take care of me, how can someone do not do good work, people will send to the West, this girl makes you take care of it."

She is like an indifferent look of a sword, still saying that I don't know what I don't know.

"So smart, you don't like to eat meat, I don't like it, what? You said that you don't like to eat water, and like to eat barbecue? Give me the meat to hear the waist?" No, reach out of your finger to him.

In short, there is no one in the trip, the sword is not a bit can't stand, he finally looks to the side.

Then, the swallow, "Your obsession is really persistent, can you talk to a stranger?"

And the petite shape is like being unbeatable, and after the temper, I started to say it again.

"It's so beautiful, see here, is it very beautiful, let's live here, good?"

"Here, cover a tamah house, you will practice, I will accompany you every day, and I plant a lot of lotus."

The petite figure is in the original place.

The sword is also in the case, stopped the body shape, calm, "You just have an obsession, this is scattered, don't delay me."

Her eyes suddenly bleak, and then red.

Originally silent to a wealthy waters, starting to turn, everything seems to be faded, becomes a gray.

"Is it good to have me?" She reached out and wanted to grasp the sword and unparalleled, but everything is not enough.

With the bluestone road, the quiet water is collapsed.

On the occasion of being destroy, the lotus on the deep water is full.

With the full lotus blossom, there is a slap in the size of the Summit.


In the dark, the sword was unhappy slowly opened his eyes.

That kind of scene, incredible conversation, disappeared, replaced, it is a sleek sleek of it.

The sword is unparalleled to sit up, which noted that he is now in a spacious pavilion.

At the same time, he lifted his arm again. When he saw the weak but condensed the substantive spider web blood line, his mood fell into the bottom of the valley.

This is showing that he has contaminated the cause of resentment and robbery.

Everything is too inexplicably, he does not let himself contaminate, but eventually fall into the blood sea and contaminated.

This is never a good thing. If you have inadvertently dealive, the mood behind him, or practice, it is a kind of crack that cannot be compensated.

Chen Qing, Spring and Autumn and others are all lying on him, and they are more or less contaminated with these causations and big robbery throughout the sword.

In addition to these two, the end of the bed outside the bed is less contaminated.

At the same time, there is a woman who is smashing in the sword without double.

Wait, women? His mind was woken up, and he hurriedly reached out will curled up the woman sleeping around him.

But what makes him disappointing, this woman is not a silver bell, but a boiling woman who is seen before.

Although this woman is not beautiful, the Ying's face is very recognized.

The sword is watched down, from this woman's corrupted armor, it is like the first in Northern Xianzhou, and holding him.

"Is it, now all popular women's dressed men's clothing?" Then I once again determined this kind of woman. After the youth guarded, the sword was unparalleled.

It seems that I feel that I am watching, just at this time, the inflatable woman slowly opened their eyes.

The four eyes were relatively, perhaps, the weird, the blind woman's consciousness touched the cheeks.

"Don't touch it, I have seen it clear." The sword is unparalleled.

"I killed you!" She had no signs of violence, and she wants to look at his neck.

In the sword, you can let her wish, directly raise his hand, but a few remembers of the trick, completely uniform.

Because there is still no recovery in vivo, it is purely hard to work, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Although I don't know what can I have, I have to figure out, people who are taking them, not me." The sword was unparalleled to let her, Shen Sheng.

The Ying woman didn't start again, and after deeply glance, I got out of the door directly.

Renewing on the bed, the sword is unparalleled to recall, before the dream of dreams like dreams.

And, from falling into this square domain, you disappear the silver bell.

The sky-striped bones in the hands of the silver bell is the only purpose of their actions. If she disappears, everything has nothing to do.

Just when he recalled everything that happened, he suddenly sounded the horizontal angle from the house.

The sword is unparalleled to the bed, and the window is pushed, and the situation is explored.

Almost at the same time, in the big city in this Salawless Grot, as the noise sound is honest, the Cui Jing in the upper body is flying out, and it is concentrated in half an air.

"His mother, definitely, the big bald plums who are not dead!"

Cui Jing hated the voice, reached out, tight his trousers, and led 50 top to the top of the city.

With the movement of Cui Jing, soon, there are countless tops, like ants, began to go out from any corner of the Salmon Cave, and then all gather together to cover the sky.

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