Within the Territory of the Saffi Cave, the top of the city of the city is full of tipping.

"What's wrong, do you want to play with who?" Chen Qing opened his eyes and came to the sword.

A strong blood gas, accompanied by ravaged mad shades, almost shaking all the visits.

He nodded and said, "It seems that there will be a big fight."

Chen Qing immediately came to the spirit, "If we can't escape, you can't escape it ?!"

The sword is unparalleled, if it is in previous, this upcoming chaos is the best time to escape, but the situation is different.

They all contaminated the inexplicable causality. If they left, after the future, they will inevitably suffer from some key nodes, or even stop.

No one wants to cultivate such a fatal seed.

But resolve this cause, and the method of robbery, it is to make the sword have no doubles.

He didn't know how to resolve, if he left, it may never find the method of understanding.

He immediately said these quickly gave Chen Qing listened.

Chen Qing listened, hurriedly opened the sleeve, and when he saw the bloodline of the arm's meridian, he couldn't help but heel the throat.

"What is this luck, is it in the bloody sea, it is infected with causal ..."

"So we can't leave now. Once you leave, you will definitely be more difficult." The sword is unparalleled. "Now, we must find the solution to the solution as much as possible."

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for everything!

Chen Qing's eyes flashed, his left hand and did the right palm in the right hand, "" The thief of this magic greave is killed, or it is not the final resolution? "

The sword is no longer, "do not rule out this possibility, but we must do it now, just don't act rashly, restore your strength and then say."

"What is our next?"

"Keep up with them, find out."

Chen Qingjun, then turned to pick up the spring and autumn in the sleeping state, three people quietly left.

At the same time as they left, they have been in the end of sleep, and they opened their eyes.

"It is interesting because of it. It is interesting. How many Tianzhong, which is destroyed, and the slaughter is not counting, and can this, what can I do?"

Clear, then look at the bed, after the strength of the self-study, after a smooth recovery, the mood is good.

He looked at the place where the sword was unparalleled, and he was slightly sorry, and it also chased it out.

At this moment, the hot woman sitting at the top of the landlord, looking at a few shapes, lightly lips, followed it.

In the blood of the mad sand, the three-person group headed by the sword, with the top of the Triaowa, I went to the city together.

"The brother, do you feel that these guys look very hungry?" Spring and Autumn are close to the swords, watching a kind of Sandy Cave to the Salmon Caves that are coming soon.

The sword is unparalleled, directly mentioning the true sword of Chen Qing's waist, releases the swords of the sword, and puts the tops that are almost out of the mouth.

But then, there are more top-repaired, it seems that the rest of the need to swallow him three people.

Chen Qing's eyes were cold, and it was already ready to shoot.

These are the tops that have been not worthy of the shoes before and even, now it is, but it is coming to his head, which makes him not angry.

But through the battle of Xianzhou, the three are almost dangerous to be neverned by Nirvana, and the strength is reduced to the freezing point, and it cannot be recovered at all in a short time.

In the face of these ferocious top, it is natural to easily shoot.

Just when the scene is about to be controlled, a low calm of the ancient times suddenly resounded.

Then, a black-smoked day, the black Bao is coming, and then stopped on the head of the sword.

The terrible breath that surpassed imagination was coming, all of the top of the Salmon Caves were frightened, and they all retired, and they did not dare to go forward.

The sword is unparalleled to look up, and the black ubao is then condensed into the shape of the cleaning.

He glanced down and continued to hang in front of the top of the three.

There is such a breath, more than a thousand top bears don't dare to stay, all fly away.

The sword is not a double brow, I don't know what the abacus is, will he be so good to protect the three?

At the moment, the meaning of this moment is a sigh of relief, although he can call black and becomes a blackboa, but it is only a tragent empty shell, and even a strength does not play.

But he took the big Daman, suppressed to these terrible antithesis, so dare to release such a big potential, fortunate, success.

Now, he has not left, because it can be temporarily connected to the sword, let him avoid some damage as much as possible.

After all, the swords of the sword were exhibited in the ancient hall, and it is enough to deal with most of the top-repaired offensive.

At this moment, on the first day of the blood, the sky, Cui Jing refined to the upper body, the belt of the trousers was loose, and there was no fearless mix.

He took a dead branch in his mouth, and the right hand started the eight-foot stick, and it was full of disdain in the eyes of the front.

In the first front of the Salvine Cave, with the excessive army of the sand, a large army, which stepped on the rough ground, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

At the forefront of this army, it is still a whole ten hand-held sticks, and the monk is in a white suit.

They were shrouded by a rich glory, and they looked quite jogging and sacred.

The whole of the buses in the Salmon Caves, all under these monk clear, and is displaced by inch.

"Today, there are immortals to help, and the evil area of ​​the Salmon Cave will be eradicated."

Also in the forefront of this army, a fairy style bone, carrying the ancestral ancestral, single-handed, respectful, "Xianshi Shande."

"I have been waiting for eighty-seven sects, with more than 10,000 disciples, today, with the fairy people."

Ten monk is the first.

The head of the head is half-length, and there is a string of arms in the neck, and the skinny monk of the husband, turns the dry eyes, and looks to the direction of the Saffow, and does not send a word.

"Air wheel brother, when can you let it go?" A treasure is solemn, not an angry, and anger.

The thin and stunned and stunned the head called the airwheel, "Not anxious, the purpose of our trip is not to be odd, but preluding."

"For them, any otherwise fart, only to send them all to the world, is the right!"

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