Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4782? No Phase Dapi

The treasure is solemn and monk, and it is extremely suppressed to drink, and a pair of eyes look like a copper bell. I can't wait to peel the travelers of the Sandy Caves.

"Don't say." The air turn and still browned, and the big army was quiet.

At this time, there is a sound that is mixed, and it is passed from the city of the Salvine Cave.

"Hey ... those who are tibied to dew, why have you come to find your grandfather? Is it what you want to give you a loose bones?"

Baoyou solemnly heard, suddenly said, "Let's go back, brother, I will go back, teach the unobstructed animal!"

The vacuum and the road, "Captured, not ity."

At this time, the back sword of the fairy style, "the first rescue road," Xian Shi, let me wait for the Qing Xian teacher, "Eliminate the Sandy Cave] "

The vacuum and notned the words, but there is no statement.

There is also a net and still in front of the court, "brother, in order to say that there is no meaning, it is here, come here, this blood is nearly ten times, obviously, they slaughtered Countless Cangsheng. "

"If we don't apply to discipline, we will fall into the blood robbery."


"What is the old baldness, how can I still do it!" Above the city wall of the Saffi Caves, there is an ugly fierce and impatient.

Cui Jing glanced at him, then Shen Sheng, "all give Laozi, it is waiting!"

"This time, who wants to take a bald head, enjoy the blood pool!"

At this time, I have been in the city wall again. I have repeated it. All the top repairs are all ones, and they are still inseparable.

"What is the situation, it seems that they really have to beat it." There are several shapes that quietly squeeze the wall.

Chen Qing took a handssing amount, and he glared in his eyes to the distant army.

The sword is unparalleled without opening, looking through the light red smog, looking at several monks stood in front of the army.

Everything has two phases, and the life is dead and empty.

The resentment of this Saffi Gloss, the blood, the blood, has become a pool of disclosures, and it will inevitably have a side of the opposite.

These monk will not represent the pole of the other side?

Perhaps this is an opportunity to solve the inexplicable causality.

The sword is unbounded in the eyes, and he is waiting, and moving.

In the Salvine Cave City, the evil of the sky covered the sky, it seems that it is about to suppress the riots, rushing out of the city, and shreds the big army of those assets.

Cui Jing has also been a bit impatient, and the eight-foot sticks in the hands continue to fight.

At this moment, then a few monk before the black pressure army, he was suddenly turned.

"Cui Jing Shanshi, please also listen to the old man."

Baoyou solemnly clarified, strongly pressed the discomfort in his heart, and the discontinuation of the situation.

Cui Jing, who is far away on the wall, and smirked.

"Good, your brother, brothers, all give me up, shredde them!"

Get the order, a shirt of the hill, the bloodthirsty excitement, excitement, is straight to the cloud.

"No, it's so rushing ?!" The sword is unparalleled.

Cui Jing is this goods, it is simply a mad dog ...

The black pressure covering the top of the sky, as if it breaks the bondage, like a disguised wolf, rushing out of the Salvine Cave.

Like the darkness of the dark, several people who come to do useless, all are all in the face, and they are all in the face, and then do ten, do the static shape.

Ten thousand treasures are obedient, dispelled with blood gas.

And I'm almost angered myogue, that is almost a good mother who has no brain, almost instantly ignited his hot sex.

"Good farming, poor today is certainly in your shape!" Captured the foot and the clouds, the body's tooth blouse was blown up hunting.

"Teachers help me!"

The total four Huangmang, from the four monk of the four monks, and the synthesis of a stream of rice, the attraction.

Captain Bao Xiang Sen Yan, double palm ten, facing the black and pressing black and black Tianhe, let's make a law!

"Vientiane has no extreme, no big power!"

On a huge Hongqiao, the sky is trembled, and there is a Herch White Dragon with a four-pool.

Under the white dragon, I was found to have an angry King Kong, and the legacy was blown forward.

Heaven and earth are trembling, Herch White Dragon opens a giant mouth, carrying the world's general trend, and faces the top of the top.

The two collided, broke out of the unparalleled giant man.

At this moment, the earth was torn, the mad sand silenced, poured into the ground.

The black sky river, was hit by the Hachherthalong, hitting hard.

Countless fierce top repairs straight from the sky, it is not seriously injured.

Similarly, Bai Longbao is also broken, and the color of the noodles is not afraid. It is not afraid. Hands hold a black iron zen stick, and the moment is not stopped into the Salaw Cave camp.

The army of eighty-seven sects, can't hold it at this moment.

The old man of the fairy ribs suddenly pulled out the true sword, directly refers to the sky, " ,"

The survival is turning the sky, at this moment, eight7 sects, more than 10,000, for the Salmon Cave, blood!

Black and white is hit, and the tragic killing broke out.

The long wind is grief, the top is constantly dead, then fall.

They are all in this vast world, and each party is the most amazing genius, with the most bright practice avenue.

During the battle of the Salvine Cave, it continued to die.

In this area of ​​such Saff, the top repair, the strength, the strength, is also more or less affected.

The casualties appear at the speed of the naked eye, countless days arrogant, broken gods, like rain, falling on the earth.

At this moment, the color of the sword is unparalleled.

This warrior broke out, the ten digits were still blocked in the forefront, and the top of the Saffi Caves were together.

And the sword is unparalleled to approach them, there is no way at all.

Even if his strength is restored to the peak, he will be able to break into this menstruation, and it will be severely hit by a little inadvertent, and it is still unable to operate the status.

"Don't any other ways?" The sword was unilateral, and it was in the heart of a fast thinking.

These monk strengths are not good, all are the land of the Danadian, naturally in this menstruation, there is no wind, and the ordinary top repair cannot be close.

Under their leadership, although the Zongmen of the assembly was hurt, they showed a flat push, a little pushing to the wall.

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