Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4783? Purchase

Shipping unpacked Dapi is nearly hundreds of top-repaired monk, it seems that it is not like monk, unparalleled sexuality, and even less weaker than those who are violent.

Under his hand, every hit can be retrieved.

"Brother, don't make too many killings." The net face and the top of the palm of the plane rushed to the top of the top, and he saw the urgency reminded.

"You have a tube, this will be added, I am afraid, these animals are not destroyed, I will not be in peace!" ICAC, and the hands of the hand is more energetic.

The net face and still shook his head. His brother, even if you have a big brother, how can he listen to him?

The battle is in white heat.

The life of the ancestral tops became the most inconsistentant existence, countless broken to treasure, and true swords, all the owners, fall into the ground of collapse cracks.

Here, it became their common buried ground.

The tragic war can always trigger resonance, although it is a Danan, in this nearly two 30,000 top-bearing, it can play the role, which is also minimal.

The eye-catching Cui Jing, directly reached out, tight the tights, then raised the eight-foot stick, flying forward.

However, it is the ancestral Tui Jing, which is bonded to the blood in the field of the Salawthorn, and is enough to handle with ordinary Deman.

"Do you feel that the guy's head is not very good, the second goods are ignorant." Looking at the back of Cui Jingyuan, Chen Qing said.

Spring and Autumn Touching the Bauda, ​​"It is a bit less intelligent. It is estimated that it is rated in this dismissal and needs to be tapped."

The sword is not talking, he is quietly watching the situation.

At the same time, he has a kind of parents, and these tops of the Salmon Caves look extremely evil, but they can't stand the Sandy Caves, and they are also subject to the problem.

By then, it may be possible to wait for the opportunity to close.

The causal and big robbery on the body, although it seems innocent, and may never trigger, but this is like a stroke, sword is unparalleled will try to pull out.

If these monks have no way, then he can only wait for the ability to restore strength, and then make it as well as possible, and completely erase this whole world.

The sword is not a person who has never been an excessive person, starting from the mid-end, to the Zhen Zhen, and then entering the gods, the criterion that has been quoted, is the principle.

There is a square domain to harm him, this is because, since there is because of the cause, the result, the destruction, and it is not unable.

Captured monk, lingering in hand, forceding the continuous emergency tops in front of you.

Ten are the monk of the Danadian, and there has been a trend of the war.

But in this ten monk, there is no shot, or it is accurately, he does not participate in this battle.

He is like a bitter, the eyebrows have passed vicissitudes, and he slowly moved, it seems to be in the world.

Occasionally, there was a trick to his top, but he was forced to retreat by Qinghui Hua Mang who was covered by him.

Ten Dynamic monk, there is almost no Di Dynasty, there is a laminated.

Originally, it is unable to die, the crazy trample cave is carried out, after the holiday, the number of people has been more than 20,000, cut to a half.

If it is not in the field of murderous, the casualties are even more serious than when they come down.

I'm just like an angry bull. After Cui Jing joined the battle, he immediately locked him directly, and then fought black iron pointed poles and confronted.

In short, I'm confrontation, and Cui Jing-style is slightly smoldering, and the palm of the palm of the eight-foot stick is somewhat crack.

"Good barrier, grandfather will send you to death today!"

A sinking, clicking the change of the body, showing the trend of the mountain, put the black iron pool in the shoulder, and then a meteor, heavy, the stomach of Cui Jing.

This moment, he only felt that the eyes were dark, and the eight-foot stick bent into a strange point, the whole person was like a gun, and he flew out.


The sword is unparalleled, only the wall is slightly treated, and then a subtle collapse sound.

Cui Jing's whole body shape, finished in the city wall, almost dangerously slamming the city wall.

"Hey ... Dead hate, Laozi is not finished with you." Cui Jing is difficult to pull out of the wall, and the bones are like scattered.

Just as the top of the Zongmen, a unique breath, a unique breath is coming on this battlefield.

The mad sand rushes, and the sky is chaotic.

On the broken ground, quietly got a high-level mad sand dragonfly.

Then, in the face of the top-repairing the army headed, the two sides cover the big palm.

The exam suddenly looked up, he was shocked, and lifted the Zen stick to stop.

But beyond the imagined giant, and fly directly, even the top 100 top bearing.

For a time, the situation of disadvantages has been contained.

Flying out of the extraction of hundreds of feet, condensed the footsteps in the air, and then unbearable from the mouth of the blood.

The momentum is really too majors, so that he is very resistant to fight.

At this moment, all the eyes of all the eyes are gathered in the huge mad sand dragonfly.

Every top of the Saffow Cave reveals the feelings of fanatics.

In the top of the mad sand, it is sitting a woman who is tall and beautiful.

Her face is cold, waving, and the mad sand dragonfly under the manner is killed more than ten.

The sword of this scene is far away, and the eyes are not condensed.

This also didn't take a super offset level, at this moment, it gives him an intention.

If you said that the previous Sha Niang mother is like Chen Qing, it is the peak of Danifian. At this moment, she seems to have taken that step.

However, the next scene is still shocked.

The mad sand loudly waved the sky, covering all the enemies offending, but the next moment, there is a small size, making people unable to ignore the clear light ramps.

There is a son that is scattered with hundreds of millions of clear and hobs, which are both hands and ten, cover the palm of the mad sand dragon.

The two collides, falling to endless sandstone.

That is a ten-shaped dry hand, every fine crack is easily visible, and a tutent of a photographer is distributed.

The sword is unparalleled, this is the same after the beginning of the melee, and the old monk who has never shot the beard is released.

On the black and black ram on the neck, it began to distribute a strange Huang.

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