Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4792? The so-called Tongtian Buddhism

The fade of the sword is suddenly gloomy, unimaginable, and suddenly rushing.

Dramatic beams of hundreds of millions of straight into the sky, and the blood gas is grown.

He is standing in the same place, like a unpartopic emperor, can't look straight.

Huang Hang has emerged in his eyebrow, condenses a seven-star system.

The two ways to let the Dawn trembled from his deep hole deep, "Do you want to try it?"

Seeing this, Sha Qing's eyes were also lightened, she didn't think this seems to be in a weak state, but they can release such a terrible potential.

After a while, Sha Qing smiled again. "I don't want to try, I am looking for you, but I am not looking for you to fight, but there are some things."

The sword is unparalleled to wear a terrible delay. The situation of the original sword is inevitable is never happening.

"The causality in your body is as you think so, I deliberately tradd to you." Sha Qing did not hide, "and I do this, purely because I want to go to a place, finish me one thing."

"If I don't want it?" The sword is unparalleled, it is already a good sense for her.

"You can't go, because you can't go, then the causality on your body will never be released." Sassoon is like eating him, "And that place is not a poor and vicious, the opposite is one The great place of Shi Taoyuan. "

"And I let you get a thing in front of me, but it is simply to send a thing, there is no harm to you itself."

The sword is unparalleled and cold. "If you are as you say, the place that is going to go is a foreign foreign launch, why don't you go?"

Shaqing Road, "You think, now I am watching this, if I can go there, is I still use a big holiday?"

"And the causal on you, only to go there, can be released."

"You are for these, just a unknown cause on me?" The sword was unparalleled. He had some control, and he couldn't control the sand, "You can know that this, the impact on me. How big? "

Sha Qing's face apologizes, "Sorry, I can only do it so much, but you can rest assured, as long as you go to that place, all the causations on you will be eliminated."

Although some are hard to accept, the sword is unparalleled to hurt her to kill her, after all, and kill her, how to relieve causations, is a top priority.

"That place, actually very far away, the distance is far exceeded by one square field, to the distance between the other squares."

Speaking of this, she paused down, seeing the sword, there is no double road, "I have already learned the realm of you, I have already learned, we are in the big downtown,"

This time, it turned to him, he didn't expect that this is almost the most secluded domain, there will be such a Division, which can be clearly under the jurisdiction of the Diwuyang Emperor.

Sha Qing and said, "And I want to worship your place, in fact, is an infinite world with the same size of the big domain."

Although there is no fluctuations, the sword is not fluctuated, but the heart has set off a ripple.

He has entered the great derived of this avenue, and has only been swaying in this large country. Now, from the mouth of others, he heard the other and the equivalent scale of the big domain.

He has clearly felt that a large world of big days, and the parties in all squares have become a lot of drawings, such as a picture, slowly launched.

Sand is slow, "came to attack the Sandy Grotto, and the vacuum and the monk who were imprisoned in the blood sea were from the place."

The meaning of this sentence is obviously beyond the sword unparalleled, he didn't think of the nine monk around him, but it did not belong to the big session, but from another place.

"The place that can be resistant to the big division, I call it a Tongtian Buddhist world." Said here, Shaqing looked at him, no longer talk.

"Tong Tian Buddhism ..." The sword has repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly, and it has already built a big day in the heart of Xiangxiao.

"There, there is no battle, no killing, some only listen to Lao Ling." Sha Qing Road, "So I said that you will never be injured, and you will be relieved. "

The sword is unparalleled, "I believe in you, is it only speaking with your words?"

"You don't believe me," she shrugged, "But the air wheel came from there, I think, you can speculate from his nature, how is the Tongtian Buddha?"

He snorted, "Do you think that in addition to this road, there is no other way to relieve the cause of the body?"

Shaqing is somewhat surprised, but it is very fast to calm down.

The killing of the heart, the sword is unparalleled, "I am a little curious like you, I will have something to send to the so-called Tongtian Buddhism, is it my own Does the head send past? "

Shaqing is heard, "" As for something, I want to wait until your strength is completely recovered, "

This heart is deep, and the poisonous female magic has been listed in the sword unparalleled heart.

Regardless of whether the cause can be relieved, he has decided that when the strength is completely recovered, it is directly killed.

Shaqing is clearly not known that she has been seen by the sword, and she is doing now. It is to know everything about Tongtian Buddhism. I told him.

Just then, the air suddenly sounded.

"Big sister, it's not good, there is a big event!"

Cui Jing's flustered voice resounded in the sky, then the body shape appeared in front of the two.

The sand is unfair, and it is planning to take the time when Cui Jing retreats.

That category is like a blunt, the wound left.

Although Cui Jing is just the realm of the ancestral, the blessing of the blood gas field in this Saffi Grot is that the general Deman can also cause such a heavy creation.

And he is almost overdone.

"What's wrong, let's talk." Sha Qing knows that there is a big event, and the brow is also tightened.

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