Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4793? See Da Diki

After reading a sword, Cui Jingcai took a deep breath, "those bulls will kill again."

"I still dare to come," Sha Qing's eyes is full, "this time, I let them become the nutrients of my school!"

Cui Jing shook his head. He grabbed his mouth with his hand, it seems to be extremely painful. "Don't make big sister, this time, you will quickly escape."

Shaqing listened to his words wrong, "Why?"

"Big sister, before the departure of the baldness, now they come back, come with them, there are two different big monk, the two big monks are not afraid to make the killing, and they can directly We have destroyed thousands of brothers. "

Cui Jingfang is pale, "We can't stop it, I will come back to send your news, let you hurry, how far is much."

Sha Qing is listening to these news, the eyes are more dignified, after a moment, she looks to Cui Jingdao, "Let the Saffi Caves all the best, all go to the city."

Cui Jing's firm shook his head, "No, this time, big sister, you will listen to me, how far is much, here, give it to me."

However, Sha Qing will not listen to him, directly reach a head, then Shen Sheng, "The old lady said that it is not used, if the Sand Wall is destroy, no one is good, it is better to let go "

After that, she turned to look at the sword. "If I can live to give it to you, if I die, then it is another matter ..."

After the words, she directly picked up Cui Jing, flying to the front, soon disappeared.

There is only a sword where the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, his face is calm and looks in front. He has a kind of premonition, this time, Sha Qing should have no possibilities.

Then Chen Qing, the spring and autumn two people flew over.

"Sword brothers, you and look at that direction." Chen Qing used his hand from the distance.

The sword is unparalleled. I saw it in the distance. The parcel sheltered on the blood of the entire Salmon Cave began to break.

There are countless royal gang Jinmang to break the blood, and it is shining.

At the same time that Jin Mang gave people to the sacred, it is self-dangerous while giving people.

His brow is slightly wrinkled, because it can form the power of Jin Mang, can never be able to control the Dano.

"It's really strange. In this whole big downtown, when will I get out so many big dean? Is it my lonely?"

Chen Qing's perception of the delay was also extremely keen. In the first time, he detected the Huanghuang Jinmang, which was waiting to break the blood, and only the big dermndant was able to release it.

"Is it really a big Deman." The sword is unparalleled, if it is really monk, and it is a big Daman, it is very likely that it comes from the so-called Tongtian Buddha world.

"This time, it seems that the mother is in the entire Salmon Grot, and there is no living road." Chen Qing sent it.

If the top repair can use the quantity, we will threaten the existence of the Auxiliary level, and it is not different from Damani.

Waving the murder to kill the Deman, covering the top, all of which are all between one interest.

If this is the existence of the Tiandao, the Di Dynasty is the existence of the heavenly gas transport.

Then the big Deman is to build the existence of a large road!

This is the distance between the realm!

If you are promoted from the top of the Deman, hundreds of super skyports do not have anything, the big Damai is a million, and even 100,000 Tianyu are unable to appear!

This is no longer a concept of born, purely a road that has no hard student opens up.

Even if Chen Qing, I don't know how many Hua Years in this DVF peak, there is no possibility of promoting it to the big fairy.

It is therefore, Chen Qing feels unbelievable in seeing two big Damai, to attack the Sandy Cave, they can completely refer to it, why is it to be shattered in this whole domain, why bother to spend a lot of contest.

"This mother is dying, and it is also a few a few people who have given our brothers." Chen Qing looked at the sword.

"Walk, let's go to watch." The sword said unparalleled, then the figure immediately went to the head of the Saffi Cave.

The blood gas is broken, and there is no main resentment dissipates.

This whole Salmon Cave begins to be collapsed.

Three people boarded the broken walls, looking at it, Huang Huang Jinmang is like a big day of thousands of rounds, high hanging in the air, defeating all dirty blood.

"Hey, it is really a big Damai." Chen Qing was shocked.

I saw that in front of the Salvine Cave, only the top is shaped, the presentation is placed on the sky.

At the beginning of the nine monks first, in their forehead, the two carrying the big sun gear, refining the monk of the upper body, like the role of the Giguang, the bodied bodied in the bud, is full of power.

The mismatic golden mood is that he is surging from him, with an unimaginable potential.

Those who have already been eroded by blood, the sorrows of the Sandy Grottoes, which are in the state of excitement, completely not afraid of death, even those Jin Mang can have their lives in an instant, they are not afraid of death.

In their eyes, they abandoned death, and only the vastness of the vastness of the vastness.

The Salmon Grotte has infiltrated nearly more than 50,000 ancestral tops with blood gas. At this moment, it is very moving, just like a locust to cover the sky.

But under the shine of the Golden Mang, all the all-in-one explosions were killed, no one can break through this blockage.

This scene is extremely shocking, the blood of the sky is broken, the wind tears the sky, landing on every inch.

In the face of such a terrible situation, a blood red, a tall body shape, is resolutely fell.

"Big sister, can't!" Cui Jing handed an eight-foot stick, and wanted to help her, but was touched by the sand custom, threw it on the wall.

Constantly in the air, she looked at the front of her cold, and she did not expect.

The two monk of the big-day gluten, the same is true, and it is true.

"Where is the female magic, where is the air wheel?" He also opened at the same time, and the sound of the Weiyi sounded.

Sassoon is cold and cold, "The air wheel has lost in my hand. He is life is dead, how to go, you should be decided by me, what is the relationship with you?"

"Purely to find the death, hand over the airwheel, I barely let you step into the reincarnation, otherwise I will inevitably demon!" One of the left is stomantically, like the vacuum, and there is a big monk of the beard. Out of the sound, on his bare chest, there is a red flow cloud water flow.

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