Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4794? Sandy Caves are destroy

It is difficult to describe horror hay swept.

Then, ICAC, "Empty, empty, no brother, don't talk to her, directly covering it, you can find a vacuum brother."

It is called empty, and the two people have no opening, obviously waiting for a back talk.

Only in his eyes, he only satirized. "I said, the air wheel is lost in my hand. His life and death are mastered by me. Do you think that I will save me this Saffi Cave to save him? I've been very!"

"Since you are so obsessed, you will use your own life to be atone." Two monk together at the same time, and the sound.

Time, Qing Hui Buddha Gadensue Sky, all of which projected to the land of this evil.

All the evil repairs in excitement are all in the shape of a burst, and it is disappeared.

The sword is unparalleled, almost when this is not different, he directly releases the pounds and turns into the top of the three people.

Cui Jing has scared soul, and he has no possibilities in this Buddha light.

Then he saw the sword in the absence of a double triple, when it was twisted, it turned around.

"Three strong men ... soon help!" Cui Jing Hyster.

"This kid, it's really a big!" Chen Qing was surprised.

The sword is not born, but it is to reach out to the email will pick Cui Jing.

For this full face, it is absolutely unsatisfactory, he is not a good sense, but he still reached a helping hand.

Because Cui Jing did not martedly in the time of these years, he had been safe.

"Many, thank you." He went to the sword without having a double sign, and then got a breath.

The Buddha lightless Buddha light is then lowered, everything in the Saffi Cave is directly destroyed!

The misfortune city, the towering city wall, the earth is covered with the earth, and it has made a powder.

"Hey! Hey!"

The Buddha has swept through the top knocked circles, and the sword was unparalleled, and then the blood was dripped from his nasal cavity.

Chen Qingchun's autumn and two people saw it, and rushed to release the derivation and thoroughly stabilized.

"This is a baldness of the world, this is to rush to the slaughter." Chen Qing face color red, not fully recovered, obviously some of them. "

Wipe the blood, the sword is unparalleled to see the broken sky.

Under the Buddha, the sand fine does not avoid it. Let the Buddha light take her body and break through the thousands of holes.

She is looking for death!

In this happening, it is stunned for the identification of her hate into the bone.

She is carrying her hands, and she has no resistance, and even with a bit of relief.

The Buddha of the land is scattered, and the whole of the Salmon Gews are destroyed.

Empty, empty and other eleven monk, all condensed and looked at the shape of the rocking.

Blood color is broken, and the shading of sand is almost no intact, and the dissolved God flows from her.

"Female Magic, I said where my vacuum brother is now?" .

I have gradually collapsed the pupil, and I gathered together, and Sha Qing looked at him, then slowed down, swaying to the ground.

"Feel enough!" I used to drink, and raise her body.

"Captured." There has been no empty silence to speak, and he will open a warning.

One step after the examination and retreat, recovered the palm, but the eyes are still not.

The empty, the empty two people have not shot, and they are all in front of them.

There is a god blood dropped in the rinsery, and the shaped sand cleavage fell directly in the broken ground.

Cui Jing bite the teeth, the eyelids are red, "big sister, why don't you go!"

She is already strong, and her eyes will follow the sword.

"Hey, I am dying." She said, did not have awareness of the death, even picked up the eyebrows.

Then, she used the broken palm and trembled into the arms and took out a bloody thing, and suddenly threw it to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, not intended to reach out, but eventually can't bear it, or reach out to pick up the thing.

Blood gas is consuming, that is a crystal skull of a hand.

"This matter does not come to the Tiantian Buddhism, you don't give it to you, as compensation to you, I will give me all my feelings," Sha Qing is already unstable, but she still got up , Go to the sword.

The heart is in the crisis, and the sword is unbounded. The sun is in the monk on the sky, then does not move the sound, "If you want me to leave, now, don't close me, don't put your feelings give me."

Sha Qingnien, , then there is no god, "Yes, you are there is no existence, how can you look at my feelings."

The sword is not a double eyebrows, some don't understand what he is.

"You will go, I will open the way for you." Her eyes gradually recovered, like it was burning fairy.

The sword is no longer stopped, and it is ready to leave.

"No, I don't go, my sister, I will leave you." Cui Jing shook his head, but because of his lock chain, he has restricted his action.

"Don't follow me, I will be high in the future, and I don't meet each other." Sha Qing turned around and the voice was cold.

"Adult, if you really don't want to go through the Buddha world, please pay me with you, transfer to Cui Jing, by him."

After this last sentence, she originally broken body shape, countless whitening blood, from her body, covering the sky.

The sword has no double shape and then continues to travel.

"Let me go, I don't go ..." Cui Jing slammed the body, sword unparalleled directly, a knife was dizzy.

Chen Qing and Chunqiu were also known as emergency, and immediately took Cui Jing and flew out.

"Where is Yu !" The empty, two monk two monk at the same time, turned down to the discipline.

Unable to describe the big terrorism, like the Tianhe, falling down, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, monk, you don't divide the green saponis, create a killing industry, what is it?"

In the air-fog, the shading of the sand is exudes a strange red red.

I've gotten the eyes, "I'm not good brother, she wants to break the fairy!"

As the voice falls, the darkness is completely broken, and the huge amount of blood is swallowed and straightened everything.

A fairy cream is a final fight, enough to disrupt the one's heavenly field.

And this is also the first time, after entering the Daman, I saw the fairy source of the Deman, the horror energy generated, almost dangerously gave them there.

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