Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4796? Behind the sneak attack

Empty, the empty two people snort to snort, the hands of ten steps in front of the hands, there is Dawei France to surging from them.

The two collided, and belongs to the confrontation of Da Diki, bursting in this void.

Even if there is not completely recovered, he is a big Dagan, which has been in Northern Tianxia, ​​with a terrible strength of a war.

So, the blackboo phase he released, it is enough to drag the empty, empty two people.

Captured and other people were shocked, and they were very busy.

But the horror remaining that caused the voids, or let them throat, and vomit a boring.

With the unparalleled Buddha, Qinghui is scattered, the black becomes, and his two eyes have a dignified.

The shock to them is far more than this, they are already coveted!

If you can put this Zuwu income, as a mount, then the strength of your own strength is not an estimate.

I immediately stopped, preparing to take it!

At this time, I was clearly wiped to go to the mouth of the mouth, and the brother, we still have to find the drops of the empty round. "

Empty Time, turning to the blood river in the original Salmon Grotte, "The Air Wheel is there, you and go to consider, we went to suppress over the battle."

After the words, the two carrying the big potential shape, they will catch up again.

At this moment, the five body shape is in this no-void, and the Cui Jing, who was originally swordless and dizziness, was also woken up by Chen Qing, and the dizzy turned to follow.

"His mother, this group of death baldness, like a mad dog, I have to kill us before, now I have to receive a mount, don't you say that I am all empty? "Chen Qing bite the teeth, obviously can't wait to turn around.

Essence turned over, the face is also rare, "I said, I just saved you, I will protect my week."

"It's still a day, we are now the grasshopper after autumn, I can't get a few days." Chen Qing was angry.

"Damn." He has a low drink, and more fighting, if he is really caught, it is not to endure it.

The sword is unparalleled, he is thinking about how to completely get out, immediately he is no longer hesitating, quietly opening the .

That is, in the same time, empty, empty, two people chased it up, directly released infinity, cover everyone.

The meaning of clearing, it is already planning to fight on the water.

Just then, a person who was a vocal whisker and ambiguity.

Billion million soda has poured from the , scattered in the ancient void, and finally condensed a old man in the emperor.

Non-delayed, should be referred to as this old man is in his body.

He has a singularity, there is no power, even the big Dami is inferior in front of him.

There is also a powerful elderly wearing a blanked emperor.

Two stones are the Su River, with Tao Gong.

In the clearing thing, I look at it. When I have seen these two body shapes, I am screaming, and I am hit by Chen Yong, "I murmped in the mouth," emperor, emperor! "

Chen Qing is also a horror, "I am going, Zhang's knowledge!"

Spring and Autumn Hearts Intimate, when I am in a hurry, "I still have to do anything, and I have to go here again."

He directly let the meaning and Chen Qing have come back to God, and rush to urgently push the body.

"What is the mother?" Spring and Autumn Pick up Cui Jing, "Run!"

The sword is unparalleled and looked at the true shadow of the two emperors.

In the face of the excessive tramptivation of the sinking cover, these two emperors disdain, just fingering, I don't know where to get the breeze, I am scattered two monk's offensive.

The void is silent, empty, and the empty two people are also eyebrows, can't believe this scene in front of them.

Emperor, the highest existence, one party contains a large area of ​​countless days.

Even in this big, the emperor is so high, and the existence of the arbitrary party.

Is there two times directly? !

In this large country, when is there so many emperors?

The appearance of the two emperors, let the empty, the emptyness is not the idea of ​​the battle.

Emperor killing them, like a crushing antity, just emperor is not what they can resist.

"Retreat!" He also screamed at the same time, back and retreats directly!

"Do you want to teach them a meal?" Su Yao Shen said, "The Emperor Jun is loose."

The road shook his head, "Don't regenerate the event, we are now the most important thing to cultivate, not fighting."

"It's really boring." Suhe slammed, but he still followed the meaning of the road, and he was ready to leave.

Just then, a burst was awkward.

"Actually dare to pretend to be emperor, to find death!"

I saw that the two monks that were already far away were re-returned back, enough to cover the horror of Heaven!

The Su River, the road is simultaneously, and the waver is blocked.

The two collided, broke out the loudtime of the earth, the void was broken, and there was no endless wave ago!

Four body shape, while retreating thousands of feet.

The Su Ren is surrounded, and Ying Run Emperor is surmured from him.

"Su River, can't!" Tao Gong was inhibiting the soul of the Su River, and the face was lifted.

Although this whole largest domain, there is no margin, but it belongs to the jurisdiction of the emperor, if the rush is released, it will be aware.

At that time, Zhenwuyang will inevitably know that they have not been completely dead.

The Su River also knows the seriousness of this, and finally pressed the impulse of the emperor.

"The death of the death, actually dare to attack the emperor!" Taoism gangs.

Empty, the empty two people are silent, but the Buddha light in the hands is again caught up!

The void is shocking, the sword in the runoff is unparalleled, and the vibration behind him is noticeable. The heart is faintly hidden.

Su River, Tao Gong, Sheep, Although it is a real emperor, it controls the emperor's air transport, but their emperor is really broken, even the real shadow is in a long time, it is already broken.

At the beginning of the day, the swords were unparalleled with the demonstration of the fairy, so they can see their weakening.

At the moment, let them pay the big Damani, I am afraid it will pay a small price.

For a time, the sword is unbearable. If the two emperors of the dynasty are broken, he will definitely embark.

Think of this, he decided to go back to the connection!

"Little friends, you and peace of mind, if they can't stop two old guys, then they are too popular."

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