Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4797? I am wrong into the ancient secret

That sound is from the , is the sound of the high-thin old sheep.

The sword is unparalleled, I can't help it, "they, will it really do?"

The old gods are in the sound, "Reassure, what can I don't have to us? How can I turn in this yolk now? Let's escape."

There is a sure of the sheep, the sword is unparalleled, and the heart is falling back to the belly, then concentrates on the escape.

At this moment, it was another shock of the sky, and the rest of the hotel did a few people directly to fly.

"Yangmao emperor, really nothing?"

"This, I don't dare to determine, the two old guys seem to have always been less stable ..."

Just when the sword is unparalleled, a stream is far from far and close, flipping.

It is Tao Gong.

Just, at this moment, he appears some wolf, and the ribs of the Su River, two ribs.

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottle is opened directly.

For their realistic news, only the is the greatest.

One piece in the Yangtze River bottle, the voice of the road sounded, only four words, "Xiaoyou ran!"

The sword is unparalleled, there is no hesitation, directly transporting the whole body, and escapes again.

Just leaving his feet before, the body shape of the Qingli Buddha light was also arrived.

Empty, the empty two people are more wolf to the extreme, the two

"The empty, let's take it away, can no longer go forward, the law enforcement of the fear of the downtown will find us." The unusual empty space is dissuaded.

There is no talk, but the anger in the eyes reflects his inner heart.

"So exiting, it is difficult to understand my heart, and we will actually play!" The empty is not willing, but no longer travel.

Then he faced the front of the void, suddenly waited, and there was no tragent to rush.

"let's go."

The hurry, from the so-called Tongtian Buddhism, will return this.

Feeling the crisis that is like the roll in the back, the sword is unparalleled and other talents finally have a moment of breathing opportunities.

"Finally, it is not dangerous. It can be exhausted." Chen Qing's mouth gasped, and he did not stop through dozens of heaven, which was very large for him.

Only in the clear, it is still an unbelievable, which seems to have not returned from the previous shock.

"Do you have seen it just now, have two emperors appeared?" He is unfained to see a few people.

Chen Qingnhen said that it is also a face of a face. "In addition to the true Wuyang Emperor of this large country, how can we have other emperors, is it wrong?"

Clear your head and firmly, "No, I must never see the wrong, that is indeed the unique air of the emperor to have."

In the spring and autumn, I also opened it. "Someone saved us, it is already fortunate. Now I still think about how to restore the strength to leave this place."

Through the Spring and Autumn Remind, several people found that they have reached one, even the birtable and dead emptiness that there is no existence of a star day, there is no other domain.

Here, it seems to be a piece of exotic hard to earthen, full of styles and soul.

"Weird, there is no existence in one square field here." Chen Qing touched the chin to show this void.

At this time, the voids in the extremely far-reaching, suddenly brushed a layer of clear Buddha light, with the trend of the town, swept it.

Several people who stopped and breathed, and they were ridiculous, and they wanted to avoid it.

The void is broken, and the Huanghuang Buddha is twisted, but when the people are in the distance, it is like hitting a layer of junction, it is scattered, leaving only a few people.

"what's the situation?"

Immediately, the fine broken sound is passed into the sword unparalleled ear, he is vigilant, and it is found that the five people are centered, and the void begins to collapse.

Next, a unimaginable eddy current appeared from their feet, while swallowing the void fragment, even they were swallowed together!

Rao is unable to resist, and a five-dimensional shape disappeared in this vortex.

Seminy, I can't suppress elder cold, as if I can directly reach the bone marrow, freezing.

In this chaotic vortex, the sword is unparalleled and even unsuccessful, and can only be passive.

I don't know how long it took, the original chaotic darkness suddenly disappeared, and the fog is dark.

The sword is unparalleled directly on a sandstone earth, Chen Qing and others then like it is the dumplings, fell.

"It's just that I want to be my life ..."

Chen Qing opened his eyes and looked for four weeks.

They are all involved in the ancient whistleys, unclear.

The gray sky shows a unique death and weak.

Under this day, it is a dark brown ground.

Three two branches twisted dead trees are in the earth, and it is even more dead.

"Where will it die here?" The sword was unmainted to sweeping everything in front of him.

This world seems to be silent in silence, and the air is full of concentrated fog.

There is no sense of crisis, there is no feeling in any, here is a true dead domain, which is dead domain that can't die.

The sword is unparalleled, and under the empty, it will hide such a weird and mysterious place.

Chen Qing looked up in front of him, watching him slightly, "We, maybe it has entered a mysterious cave!"

"Mysterious Tongtian?" The sword was unparalleled.

Chen Qing nodded, then, "said," said our big downtown, the marginal area is unlimited, and the foot can cover numerous days. "

"But the most worth mentioning is that when I was initially in the big downtown, I have had countless shock, that era, they almost all followed the true Wuyang Emperor Kunnan to expand, and finally established a heaven, and achieved unparalleled work."

"And when this is open, when you swallow the sky, there is no existence, especially hoarding and collecting the heavens and the earth, they open up their own big boundaries to store them to the treasure."

"Let's misunderstand the place where you accidentally hit into the place, saying that there is a mysterious hole that has been placed in one hand!"

Chen Yongmei flew dancing, obviously for the exploration of this unknown in the eyes, and he can stay for the treasure of unknown things.

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