Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4798? In the past

Looking at this silence, full of dead sky, the sword is unparalleled, very doubts the authenticity of Chen Qing.

This is like the mysterious cave of the treasure to the treasure, saying that it is not a tomb of the dead.

Chen Qing fused his head, "But then come back, although there are not a matter of Treasures in the imagination, it is sure to hide what is going to treasure, maybe there will be a lot of us to us."

At this time, the sound of Spring and Autumn sounded, "Chen Qingxiong, you are sure that this is the treasure of your mouth, not a battlefield?"

The sword has no tweef sound. I saw the spring and autumn bending, waving, the big black brown block was dial, and the broken to treasure the sword was bare.

I don't know how to bury for many years in the end, but that is the treasured sword still scatters the cold of the exam.

But everyone's eyes look at the bottom of the broken sword.

That is a whitening bone that has been disappeared. He even kept the last moment of his birth, he took the sky, and his head did not exist.

This is a white bone of the peak of Deman. The sword is unparalleled in the first time. His fairy is smashed by external force, along with a smashing, and his true sword.

It is possible to directly kill such a derivative peak, except for the big dermnding, no other possibilities.

The sword is unparalleled. He also reached out and rolled up the dark brown sand.

Next, the shocked scene appeared.

With the peeling of the dark brown sand, a knock is broken into the treasure, and a horrible body is exposed to the air.

Looking around, there are hundreds of fairy body!

Just below the ground, there is so many white bones, and if it is not opened, is it all tired?

Just these exposed white bones, swords are unparalleled, and all are the land of the Deman.

Can let so many Deman buried this, then their opponent, what is terrible?

The fairy body of the Damadam, even if it is dead, there is no possibility of causing a fairy bone after several Chinese years, but the dead Danifier has been chemically formed into a fairy bone, which can see the time they die, absolutely more than Ten Huaying Year.

A border is enough to let the universe of the universe ten times, the ten Huaying years, it is already unable to use the years.

Everyone's face is not known unconscious, it is definitely not the so-called Treasure of Chen Qingkou.

It is ancient battlefield, looking for ancient battlefield!

"Here, it will not be a true Wuyang Emperor, when opening up the big battlefield, the old battlefield left?" Chen Qing whispered.

But no one can answer him, all foggy water.

"Jian brother, what should we do, is we leave, or explore?" Spring and Autumn Inquiry.

The sword has no double waves, and re-covered hundreds of fairy bones, then said, "Since our isothe is coming to this, I will find someone to say, there is no residence of anything, I haven't come. Aim. "

Spring and Autumn Nod, with the sword without double, he has already convinced that the decision of the sword is unparalleled and is firmly followed.

Immediately, he followed the sword and walked in front.

Chen Qingxing caused a high rise, and the detection of time from time to time may have a place to be treasure.

There is no more words, as a nine turn of the big Damai, he also observed that this square domain has arrived down, naturally, naturally, there is no double exploration of the sword.

Only Cui Jing, a look of disappearance, obviously did not come out from the incident of sand defect.

Five stones, with swords and unparalleled, shuttled in this dead and pool.

The dark brown land is as if there is no border, and it will extend in the front.

This shows a dark brown ground, which is not in this color at the beginning, but this color is infiltrated by the blood, the blood of the derivative.

Perhaps here, I have happened an ancient war, countless Deman, and even Daman fairy in this broken ancient war, the dead, and finally buried in the wind, and the dead and desolate.

The more, the distance from the distance begins to change.

One is like a crack of the cockroach, torn the sky, and one party carved the pillars of Xuanao quaint patterns, broken walls, and static in the air.

An unpleasant, ancient silence, ancient breath, unknown, depressed in everyone's heart.

Looking at the quaint crushed stone distributed in the sky, the sword is unparalleled to build in the heart, and everything happened in this war.

When the land under the foot, when the cracking of the crack, a broken building has finally appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Chen Qing also converges an excitement, and the eyes become more daring. He has found that it does not simply use the site to describe it.

"Sword Brothers, you said here, will it be a place?" Chen Qing asked, he was looking for an answer.

The sword is unparalleled without answering him, but it is accelerated.

When the current land, when there is a fault and pits, he stopped the footsteps and then looks forward.

It is extremely eye-catching, everyone is endless.

I saw a crushing in front of the country, a paralyzed, ancient, and broken temple was over from the abyss.

Although it is broken, the ancient is old, but there is a potential of a photographer.

There is Qingyun slowly flowing in front of the broken hall.

"Here, it is a heaven, the past breaks."

The sword is unparalleled, slow and firm.

Chen Qing did not swallow a spit, and he also agreed with the sword unparalleled.

Only when the emperor has existed, there will be the flow of emperor.

At the moment, the giants on the abyss, in addition to the heavens, there seems to have no other name to be able to match its identity.

A large domain that belongs to the Immortus of the Immortal of the Temple of Wuyang, in the original, experienced the most tragic battle.

Countless Shuhong Dai Xian, and even Damani, all participated in this badge.

Without Deman knows how long this broken ancient war, because of the participants, there is no meal, and it has become one of the veterans of the real Wuyang.

Just just the emperor falling in the hands of the true Wuyang, it will not be on the ten digits.

The only sword is unparalleled, and it has four, which is now heirlooms in the Yangtze, Su River, Tao Gong, and the emperor of the Spring and Autumn, Four.

At the moment, such a broken pasta, it is likely to have an emperor who has been defeated in the hand of the real Wuyang.

"I really didn't think that in this silence of the dead, there was still a former broken heaven." The sword was unparalleled.

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