Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4799? Tiens

Chen Qing also followed, "If this is really a former Tianship, it is really so rare."

After he finished, he gave the sword unparalleled a secret smile.

Can be found in the void in the void, is unpacked, it is a big machine.

Even if it has become a dead domain, it has been broken, but even if you can find a feeling of the emperor, you are an unimaginable opportunity!

After the achievement of the Deman, the time and years have become the most meaningful existence. Naturally, every step of practice is difficult to imagine and unknown.

The practice above the Danan is no longer a born, but from the zero life, it will open a big road, and it is difficult to know.

From Deman to the opportunity to understand the Dagani, it is to understand the fairy. Once you have realized the fairy, it indicates that promotion of the big Damai, it is no longer unknown.

However, Nine-nine-year-old Danadian, Card is in this step of this, and then there is no way to enter half a step.

It is because the road to promotion is so difficult, even if the Dano is passionate about finding some mysterious cave, trying to find secrets that have not been able to leave.

At the moment, this old days may be able to accumulate the breath, even if it is a big Dali, it is unable to resist!

Standing at the end of a few people, it reveals the coveted meaning, but he quickly returned to normal look and did not have any action.

The sword is unparalleled, if this is still a kind of gas transport in the past, for them, it is a way to make it.

Looking at the ancient heaven, the sword is stagnant, the sword is unparalleled, and then stepped on the earth and going forward.

Chen Qing and others followed, although it has become a buried fairy, but they still have been vigilant.

In case of terrible dangers in the dark, it is really a life for them that is already in the end of the strong.

Stepping on the foot is on the foot, and you can see the wool of the soul in the abyss of the bottom.

Here the trays is thinned to the hierarchies that are almost unable to feel and absorb, which means that the sword is unparalleled, and it will not be able to supplement it here.

Everything is dead to hear the point of breathing, and the sword is unparalleled to be in this abyss.

Just in the next moment, like a unknown thing, the abyss under the feet suddenly set off a pound of the very atmosphere.

The sword is unparalleled first, and his arms suddenly shock, and the delay is lifted down.

The two are resistant, sweeping out a hurricane.

Chen Qing and others have a prelimate, while stealing, avoiding the hurricane swept.

The whole abyss dense gravel was stirred with an empty, and the hurricane was suspended for a long time.

The sword is not double-finished, and the eyes look at the abyss of the prison.

"Hey, click ..."

A toothic acid, such as the skeleton lag, from the abyss, from the abyss.

Next, the three Changhong streamer, suddenly slammed from the extremely dark abyss, straight into the sky.

"Be good at the sky, death!"

Hong Zhong Dalu's voice is like a river, and he is rushing through the wild!

The long rainbow stream is scattered, the three handful swords of the Sensen white bones are reflected in the eyes of the sword.

These three Sensen white bones, the weighted colorful Hua Mang, the clothes on their body have already been broken, even the true sword in the white hand is already broken, full of ridiculous, ancient silence.

But no one dares into them, even if there are countless years, but that is a big fairy, it is unable to erase.

Three white bones, three large dermndants.

Although they straighten the bones, they obsess them to continue to guard their heavens, making anyone can't close.

Their fairy is not completely free of flesh, and their eyes have a pair of scattered gentle eyes.

"Be good at the sky, death!"

They repeated it over, the broken swords in the hands, finger fingers the first sword.

The sword is unlucky. They unintentionally came to this former broken belongings. The purpose is to find the possible big firms that may exist. If you return it, it will be a lot of regret.

Opportunities and dangers, so he doesn't want to quit this.

Others are also looking for a role of heaven. This is a matter of not thinking about it. If you don't look for it, I am afraid who will not be willing.

But in the face of the three big Damadam, no one is in the air.

For a time, Chen Qing and others looked at the sword.

"What to do, sword brothers, should we don't rush directly?" Chen Qing's voice came over.

The sword is unparalleled, and when everyone has not reacted, he actually violently, quietly condensed a handle of intangible swords, facing the three fairy bones, and hit it.

The space is broken, the one-to-earth sword carrying the general trend without any blocking.

The front fairy guard, trying to raise the shock of the true sword.

But under this sword, it's unbearable true sword, completely broken!

The invisible sword broke the sword, and he fell on the shoulders of the fairy bones.

There is no sword that is unfavorable, but does not leave slit marks.

The fairy bones guarded the hand directly, and the sword flew out.

"Excellers, one will not stay!"

They also followed one step, each hover highly in the hands of the true sword, surging the dramatic, instantly condensed into a magnificent array, starting with the sky, covering the front!

36,000 swords, every sword is from Chengshanhai, Wang Yang rays.

Chen Qing and others were so angry, and they hurriedly released the confrontation, but the sword was unparalleled. "Don't move, don't release the delay!"

Although the Spring and Autumn I can't understand, I scattered my neurover in the first time, and it is condensed in the original place.

Chen Qing wondered, and it was about to get off his hand, he did not solve the meaning of swords, but immediately bite it, or put the delay.

The weaker Cui Jing, I haven't understood what is going on, I almost get off the delay, and it is directly used by Chen Qingshun.

The Qing Dynasty and the eyes were denied. In the face of the reverse sword, if you don't do it, you will never live.

In this way, he had only the top eight real estates, but it has to take a piece.

He is hesitating, don't do it.

Thirty thousand six thousand swords will lead to the sky, just like the ultimate Huang, swallow people.

At this last moment, the Events ultimately gave up the release of the delay.

In the face of the reverse sword, he harened the palm of his hand, has long been condensed into a punch.

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