Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4800? The emperor has been ancient

He is betting.

They are gambling.

The gambling sword is not pair.

Including the sword is also gambling, gambling them to join hands, this Tongtian sword array, can't fall!

The reason why the gambling, it is also the following policy, they are really struggling, and the opponents of these three unlicensed big dermatoms.

36,000 swords, hover.

At this moment, I have forgotten breathing.

The swords of sharp to the pole, hovering in front of everyone, did not further further.

The swords of the world are dead, and the swords hover are all like the sand.

The sword is unparalleled, and the heartbeat is also calm.

Everyone is a long-lasting fever after the robbery, that is, even the clearing is not resigned.

This can attract him attention in Northern Tianxiang, and you can give him a young man who feels like a fairy in his back. It is not as simple as he reveals.

The meaning is curious, how many secrets do he have, and what is the purpose of being in this large country?

The sword is unparallert, these this is the fairy guidelines supported by the final obsession, after the threat disappears, their offensive will then disappear.

I haven't been happy, and the next thing will make the sword unparalleled.

Although this offensive is escaped, their purpose is not stopping here, but to the Tianstrian Hall.

There is such a three fairy bones guarding, and it is almost impossible to enter the Tiangou.

But you can't release the derivation to confront, and even the sword is unparalleled for a tricky.

Since supporting them, it is obsessed, that dispels, can you let them dissipate?

The sword is unlocked, then he is intended to keep in the face of the three fairy guys guarding the opening. "Do you know your current situation?"

"Be good at the sky, death!" They repeated this sentence.

He went again, "You, along with this heaven, including your emperor, in fact, it has already exposed, now you, but it is obsessed, there is no meaning."

The three fairy guards did not open, and the sword was unparalleled.

The sword has no difference, and it has a more expensive medicine. It turned into a bone. "

He finished, his arms moved, the float of the earth was opened, naked, and the endless fairy bones were exposed.

"You are actually in that war, just sleep well in the next time."

Looking at the layer of fairy, the horror of the past has emerged.

They suffer, obsessment in the body, and the delay began to dissipate, and then re-off is in the abyss.

Just dozens of interest hours, everything is attributed to silence, and violent delays have disappeared.

"Go!" The sword waved his hand in a daze, and then he stepped in the sky.

Chen Qing and others also reacted, hurriedly followed.

The sword that is about to enter the heavens is unparalleled, and suddenly stopped, like what I think of, turning and urging the tragent, and buried the countless fairy bones that exposed.

After all, he quickly rushed to heaven.

Step step into the broken square, five body shape, look small to the extreme.

This Hao Ran Tianship, compared with the Tianstrian Tianship of the Temple Wuyang, although it is not like its magnificent, it is not more than a lot of gain, which seems to be more cold, emitting a kind of tightness.

On this crushing square, there is also a blood loss, which belongs to the blood of the Danctic, which can pass the end of the world, and it is a rich delay.

Everything is showing the tragic wars that have happened here.

But let the sword are unparalleled, this whole is not a lot of waves, is there a fight between the emperors, can't you damage this Tiantian?

It seems that this belly is not as destroyed, more like being sealed.

Thoughts on the swords, stopping Chen Qing struggling to open the highway temple door.

There is no obvious smell, even any air transport, and the breath is not exposed.

Then, the crowd moved into this attire.

A unique dark blue tone, is reflected in the sword unparalleled eye blind.

This whole vast believer, magnificent, all visible, all of which depict dark blue tones.

On the top of the top of the head, the pattern of thousands of birds is depicted, showing an unhisteous power.

In this day, on the 18th mountain column arranged in the left and right, a flying bird totem was also placed with dark blue tones.

These flying birds are the same feature, the first hexagon, the eyes are golden, and the fumes are dark and magnificent, and there is no ratio.

Chen Qing and others are giving to watching this forest, only in the scorpion of the silence, the light is full!

The sword is unparalleled, after entering this heaven, it locks the deepest place.

There, standing with a pair of emperors!

The emperor is sitting on a figure.

A shape of the ink is in the shape of a cloud.

In this unkrethrough, there are thousands of black lotus valents. I don't know how many years have never been withered.

Everything has a mighty.

Let the sword are unparalleled, he can't see through the face of the body shape wearing an emperor.

Chen Qing and others also noticed the depths of the day, sitting on the body shape on the Emperor.

"It seems that it is dead." Feel the breath of death in the temple, Chen Qing opened his eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, he also feels like, the end is sitting in the emperor, it is indeed no breath, it has been dead.

His emperor has been ancient.

The emperor is completely dissipated.

This emperor, even if it is the big potential that the body, the wealth is surging, let the Divide fludy.

The dying of the emperor, behind the countless day, the Demai, and even the Dagan is dead.

This truth that did not know what the era, eventually died with the emperor, and finally buried.

The sword is unparalleled, and the emperor's emperor once waved the enemy of countless Diqi, and the arbitraries of the criminals were built, and opened up infinite territories and established a heaven.

But now, everything has no meaning. He created the heavens, eventually became a buried land, and countless fairy also turned into bones.

However, in the final destruction, you can die, or it is still good.

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