Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4802? Hide Friends Reunion

The hot and unpleasant killer, therefore has a moment of stagnation.

It is also this moment of stagnation, which can make the sword wheat.

He is almost a fight, and it is a bird that escapes.

But it is still half a minute.

Unbeatable, ultra-imagined terrible breath, or easily destroy the sword without double arm!

He is completely broken by the right arm that holds an invisible sword!

In exchange for the opportunity to escape, the cold sweat flows from the angle of the sword.

The kind of breath that cannot be resistant, unsafe, is really terrible, just the last Dijun obvious, it is so horrible, if the emperor is insenstrual, what will be the scene?

"Good kid, actually let you escape." He looked at him with cold color. "If at the beginning, I may notify you as a whim, but now, when you dare to die, you will be destroy! "

Hong Zhong Da Lu resounded, and the pupil with golden mood glanced at each person present.

Spring and autumn and Cui Jing, a slightly weak realm, seems to have to bear the unnamed oppression, directly on the ground.

Chen Qing was also obviously not good, but he still struggled to break away, his arms stretched, trying to drag the sword without double.

But the star fire will fight with the moon, and the delay he released, and the emperor who was directly in the immortal of the immortal, defeating!

The sword of the right arm is unparalleled, and there is no possibility of escape. He has already decided to put all the densities to save the last breath.

The whole Tianship is trembled, and although the last pace is obsessed, it may still be easily killed, never.

No one can escape the sanctions of the Emperor.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is falling into the endless abyss, the ice is the ultimate, and each cell is broken.

Golden Sasheng seems to have proud of their death.

"Is it really like this?" He couldn't believe that the deep pupil reflected in the refreshing face.

Everything is in neutralization, and finally disintegrates.

Just at the emperor, when I died, I was awkward and uncomfortable, and I was around the sword unparalleled.

"Hey? How can you have such a familiar atmosphere, two old things are found?"

It is the sound of high thin old man, from the .

The sword is unparalleled, as grasped the last life of the straw, and desperately opened the bottle of the bottle.

The shape of the sheep has come out from the Yangtze River, and the eyes are directly locked, and some amazing is unfair.

And the elimination of fading is also stopped, and the pupils of Golden Mang are also dare to confuse.

"Sheep ?!"

"Six crows ?!"

Two amazed sounds also sound at the same time.

The high-thin old head sheep is somewhat not to confuse, and they will flourish directly. They are turned around, and they are muttered. "Is this old boy not dead? How did this become this appearance?"

The elite sucks a sigh of breath, and deeply staring at the sheep and a circle, and some don't dare to determine. "You, really a sheep?"

"Traveling in the Tiantiao, who can find the second place, is it more temperament than my sheep?" The sheep stood straight and smoldering.

"Sure enough is you ..." Hey, the eye is slight, then he feels, "I really didn't think of it, I can go before I will go, I can see the next face."

"I'm coming back, I remember that you are not ... How is it completely recovered?" The sheep is somewhat confused, and it is carefully talked.

The elite is sorrowful, and then the dark cloudy smoke is poured from the cranial roof.

While this dark cloud smoke, the whole figure is directly weak, then fall in the temple, dizzy.

The cloud smoke was slowly formed in the air, and finally condensed into a emperor who worked in Mo Yu Shi.

"My Zhen Yue has already broken in that war, even the real body is changing, now I see, but it is an obsession, a discourse."

The emperor who was called the Yangxiang of the Yangji, and the pupil of the red gold flashed.

After hearing this time, the sheep couldn't control the anger, "the death of the true Wuyang, the emperor is completely recovered, and the blood is kept!"

At the same time, it is also two streams that have poured from the , came to the longer of the Sixrow Emperor.

"Six crows, I haven't seen you for a long time."

There is a singularity of the Su River, as well as the face of the face, appeared in Qi, smiling.

The sixth dragonflied, and finally he smiled. "I know, you must live alive."

"It's all in the past, only the last side of this year."

The atmosphere is somewhat heavy, and the San Dijun naturally detected that the sixth rock emperor is already uneasy. Now he is just the last one.

"You, it's too embarrassing, don't understand that you will stay in Qingshan, not afraid of the truth of the firewood." The sheep sighs, the same as the old friend of the emperor, turned into the eyes, natural mood.

However, the sixth rickets were stunned, "I spent the real shadow, I was also awkward, I was also awkward, I left a unable to heal, if now let me choose again, I still do this. "

"This is my home, you don't have to worry, since you all left a true shadow, there is a restoration day, and you will not be afraid to find true Wuyang."

The San Dijun saw the sixth and open-minded emperor, and he couldn't help but ask. "Six crows, have you put down?"

"Let's put it down?" The sixth rumored, then the middle is full of big, "put down, I put the fart of his mother, I wanted to give birth to his bones, come to me. Civil accompanying. "

Three emperors look at each other, all cry, this is this seemingly completed, and all the things do not flow on the surface.

It seems to throw it into the inner imprisonment. The six crow will simultaneously, "Laozi immediately died, killing the things of Yuyang, gave you the three old guys to do it, remember if there is that day, don't forget I got a sword for me. "

"Unfortunately, this is the final, our four emperors can't drink it once." The six red sorrows were gave.

Sheeps heard words, seemingly feeling, his nose is slight, then turn around and looks at Chen Qing.

Chen Qing, who is dragging the sword, and retreat, only feeling a inexplicable crisis, and the cold hair behind it is vertical.

"I smell, this child has a taste of wine." The sheep is a small, and then reached out and took a trick, directly put the soul of Chen Qing's waist.

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