Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4803? Sixth Temple

Chen Qing was shocked, almost the opening of the consciousness, but then was killed by the sword without dying.

Don't speak. "

Chen Qing nodded and didn't dare to make a sound.

Then, in the hidden pot of the sheep, it was installing the wine, this way is dead, and there is still more than one.

At the moment, the sheep is now pulling the bottle, and the remaining three emperors have been drinking ...

Essen from the dizzy, when I saw the four emperors, I was shocked when I was drinking, I was so embarrassed that I was unparalleled.

"Fast, go!" The low voice is full of panic.

There is no double point of the sword, although this six red monarch is old acquaintance, but this does not mean they are safe.

After all, they first slammed the thoughts of this Tiantian, and now they can have a fortune.

Immediately, the five body shapes will be prepared to leave the heavens when they are drinking at the pain.

"Standing." The double eyes of the six crowd shot out of the refreshing light. "I want to leave this person."

The cold sweat flows out from everyone's horns, the pressure of the emperor is really too vast, let them fall into the ice.

"Six crows, they can kill, only the little friend can't kill." Ironted a big mouth, the sheep was then pointed to the sword.

"Why?" The six red monarch asked.

"Because the little friend, I will wait for the fate, and shoulder the big thing." The sheep mysterious.

The six rickets are not refuted, and the eyes are automatically unparalleled in the sword.

At the time of the time, the big crisis between life and death allowed them to look at the sword.

"Can't kill, seniors."

Just when the Six Dijun is ready to do it, the sword has no double calm sound, and he slowly stands up.

I was broken, and he did not completely recovery him, shaking in the shape, there is no halftone of blood.

"We have always been chased by the outside world, and there is no intention to break into this old tiara. If you will kill us, I can't say it too. "

In the hometown of the temple, only the sword is unparalleled and calm sound.

The six red laugai, "said the true body of this emperor," Is it true? "

"I, I ..." Hey, like the Ice Cave and rescue the sword.

His brow is slightly wrinkled, and the brain is in the fast thinking.

After a moment, the sword was unparalleled.

Here, he turned his head and looked at the meaning, calmly, "clear, disconnected one arm."

Equity, I heard, then there is no nodding.

This is the sword where there is no double gives him a deceived step, with the cost of one arm, in exchange for a living road.

He didn't hesitate to flew over the arm, but it found that it could not be copied.

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is strong, this shows that the sixth rock is not intended to give them a living road!

The six-cavity emperor hovering in the air is cold, "Just an arm, I want to pay this matter?"

It can be seen from the Six Crowd Emperor Junsen cold tone. Obviously, I don't have to let them, but the sword is quiet, the opening, "Yes, just one arm."


The unparalleled emperor is pulling up, almost almost almost crushed them into a powder in an instant.

Then, the six red monarch lifted an arm, and the sword did not drag the sword directly.

It is unable to say a sense of suffocation, so that he is close to death.

"You are not afraid of me?" The six rumors did not have any feelings.

The sword is unparalleled with him, the hoarse, "I am afraid, but everything is not afraid, it is afraid, it is better to find the best solution."

The talents have a pole, even if they can get breathing.

I don't know how long, like the six red dragonfly, the corner of the mouth quietly evacuated the radiative, "This child is very good, I seem."

The sheep's three emperor has a look at each other, and then the mouth, "Less, I will wait for you to look at it."

"Less fart, you are all unahable, can give him any help." The contest in the face of the sixth and the faces of the face blunt, and then looked at the sword.

"Your child is very appetite on my appetite, I want to send you a big machine."

The sword is unparalleled. Although the head is somewhat halo, he still responded in the first time, just simply shook his head, "The late generation is mediocre, I can't stop, still count ..."

The atmosphere was stagnant, everyone was shocked, and even the sheep three emperors were shocked.

A emperor, even if it is the obsession of the emperor, the opportunity given by the people, is enough to let countless days fall into a mixed war, countless big dermetatin is falling crazy, there is no existence.

But now, it is actually rejected!

Everyone is not solving, only the sword has self-cultivation, there is no room for no reason, if you want to get, you must pay the corresponding price.

If he endorses the big chance of the sixth rock, there will be a corresponding trust waiting for him.

The Six Colli is also a glimpse after hearing his refusal, but it is even if it is angry. "Do not lift, you don't agree today!"

Brief, his vain is bleak, then countless dark blue Huang huns from him, directly attracting the sword unparalleled body.

Tiantian trembling while collapse quickly.

"Listening to the little son, my last obsession is also thorough, I gave you a big firmer, very people can endure, and very people can do."

"Now, I will give you the last obsessment and feelings, and I have a good understanding."

The last obsessment of the sixth and disappears, a pair of golds, "If you finally walked into the step, don't forget to smash the true Wuyang old sword, talk about comfort."

"This six crow Tiandin, can feel, but it is inevitable to follow my road."

The sword is unparalleled, it seems that the soul can burning hot in each of his cells.

An unable to resist the external force poured into his body, in his mind, in his knowledge, leaving an indelible trace.

He disconnected one arm, accompanied by terror, growing rapidly.

"The Supreme Tiandi" five dark blue big characterizations are interspersed, with the great potential, with the ancient emperor's breath, all on the sword unparalleled knowledge.

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