Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4808? Thousands of Wanxu

That kind of pressure, even the big sisters, and those who easily destroy the Saffow of the Salmon Caves do not have.

Unable to say that the response, such as Yue Yue, can't be touched.

The sword is unparalleled, did not guess the idea of ​​Cui Jing's heart, and the last person only in this Salawthorn, and the same guy is full of causal and big robbery, he doesn't hate it, but saying that I can't say it.

"You are free, you can go to the place you want to go." The sword was unparalleled.

Cui Jing went to the words, and the eyes came to a bitterness.

The Salvo Caves were destroyed. He also fell a injury. Where did this place in this wide field? What is his place?

He is nowhere, but he doesn't dare to reverse the sword and unparalleled, just stay in the same place.

Spring and Autumn have seen the ideas in Cui Jingxin, and there is no trace and touch him, and he has made a look.

Cui Jingxin gods, hurriedly looked up to sword unparalleled, "Sword big brother, I can't get it, is it next to you? Only you are from this only."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no promise him, but it is just a way.

After you have finished this, the sword is no longer driven him.

Cui Jingwen, the heart is big, hurriedly arched, "Thank you Jian Dabo."

Finally, I looked at this resembled formerity. The sword was unparalleled to go, carrying four body shapes, so soon disappearing in the void.

This time, I went to the North Tianxian, the son ink, Northern Xianzhou was destroyed, then it was an upcoming sky-striped bone nail, and it was also unable to completely disappear.

In fact, this time North Tianxia is very turmoil, and the doubt is very much.

From the sword unparalleled and other people entering Xianzhou, there is a mysterious top and Danadian is selling Montenegro.

In addition, there is a mysterious seven swordsman, thoroughly mixing, and wants to play a mission in the Tiangou Temple in Xiaoxun.

Most, when the sword did not want, he was the beautiful woman who saved in the big sailing, and his final juncture. Under the supporting trees, the palm sword fell into the head of the son, and smashed his. Fairy source.

Just in this days and time, a emperor will kill.

Everything is like it is always the same, but it has been premeditated.

Thousands of Wanxu, I am afraid that even the true Wuyang Emperor is difficult to find out the complexity of this situation.

However, until now, the sword is unparalleled to determine that Zheng Ying will not be a guy with those seven swordsmen.

She is like a ghost, with a very powerful purpose, once they have the hand, it will completely disappear.

But if you are not a group, in the same night, you can ink, that's too coincident.

Today, only one of the seven swordsman is dead, that is, the female woman who is mounted, and has hang in the city wall of the Salmon Cave, but now I have no trace.

I am afraid that only finding her, I can ask what happened in the North Tianxiang.

The silver bell of the heavenly textured bones, the seven swordsmen left the Ying Ying, cut off the Zheng Ying of the son ink.

Nowadays, this three people have all done, and I have added a bit of secret in Northern Xianzhou that has been destroyed.

Even if the water is calm, it is below the water, no one knows how the dark flow is.

Only Chen Qing, the two people in Spring and Autumn, and more exciting, and Cui Jing.

For these two guys who stayed around, the sword is unbound, I don't know how to express, I can only hold a wait-orimous attitude.

At this time, they have no empty space in the depths, and countless days are like a star generally embellished in the unfair.

However, these are only in the big downtown, but the whole unknown Daddy, but the sea is a driver, it is unimaginable.

After simple thinking, the sword is unparalleled to return to the six-day.

Anyway, there is also a place where he is currently returned, and it is also possible to close the big domain to high heavens, perhaps you can get more distant secrets.

The sword is unparalleled in his heart. After returning to the six-day somewhere, we fully search for the drops of the silver bell.

Then go to the so-called Tongtian Buddhist world, and you can resolve your own causal and big robbery.

For the unknown Tongtian Buddhism, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is absolutely will not be simple, the empty, the two big Damadam are all killing, and there is half a monetary understanding.

'Perhaps, there should be more monk like a vacant in the Tianshi Buddha world. 'Sword is unparalleled in your heart.

Five stones, shuttle in the void, continue to flush towards the voids.

When you come, you will pick up your shoulders, the sky is booming.

The two hands are ignored, but they are silent.

Everyone who has already achieved the Deman of Deman has been circumvocated to the dust, but with Chen Qing's wine bar, I don't know that it is still so calm.

In his general plead, there is a smell of Cui Jing, and it is finally hard to say that the sword is unparalleled.

Then stop the energetic part of a vertical and drink.

This position of the domain, is infinite, there is a total of ten pieces of continental distribution, and it is also a super world in this large country.

And the past Deman is not a rare to see, there is still a fairy that is still asking for red dust, just like Chen Qing, downlink and wine accompanying.

However, the fairy is a few, and it is not much to even repair.

Crops to this square domain, randomly find a large continental restaurant, these five body shapes have entered it.

One altar is booming, in turn, there is more than 10,000 kg of liquid.

Cui Jing with Chen Qing's stinky, began to fight for alcohol.

The sword is unparalleled, and a piece of exquisite double ear pot, sit and sit in the window, look at the streets outside the window, I don't know what to think.

This guy is sneaking with these guys who are sneaked with these bill.

In general, he has a lot of secrets on him, but it is very clear, there is a contradiction.

"Take him, the sixth day of the emperor, I will not be late again." The meaning is like thinking, then the window is outside the window.

I don't know how many Chinese people in the Fusang tree, it is full of curiosity, if there is no sword unparalleled constraint, I am afraid that he has been can't wait, I want to destroy several worlds to find fun.

Just as the people were lazy, there was a street that had a lot of top roads, and the sky was one of the times.


Numerous powerful breath, such as the top of the dark cloud, dispersion.

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