Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4809? Kill

For a time, within a thousand miles, all the top beats.

The sword is unparalleled and frowned, and then waved, and the neighborhood rigidly bless this whole restaurant.


It is the sound of the earth being torn.

Follow another seat house, broken.

In this distraced, the center of the center, only a restaurant stands standing, and there is no damage to the slightest injury.

Cui Jing, who is fighting in wine, in seeing the scene of the outside scene, but the sword who is sitting in the window is unparalleled, still being lazy appearance, and inexplicable heart, continue to drink.

"Sword brother, do you need me to find?" Spring and Autumn Low voice ask, it has been prepared for fighting.

The sword is unparalleled, shaking his head, "No, the guys who are in trouble come."

As his voice falls, the sound of the heavy object is open.

"Run, why don't you run ?!"

Thunderous roar.

Outside the broken street, the two thinned body shapes fall into the gravel.

A Danadian of the Angry King Kong, and immediately stepped into the ground with his feet.

The suppression of the stuffed rings.

After this Demai, there is a five-digit fairy, all is a colorful color.

"The death of the dead, are you not very able to run?"

Pumped back to the feet, this gold-like Deman is separated, directly holding the skinny neck, picking him up from the ground.

"Hey ..."

The broken hair contaminated with sludge covered his face, but he couldn't cover his pain.

The viscous blood is smooth in his skin, .

"Brother, Brother, I am afraid."

Another slim figure is in the ground, and the hands are helpless to open the stone, and it seems to want to stand up.

The thin body shape that was taken in the neck, slowly calm, a pair of bloodsheed eyes have no God.

"Let me leave, I will go with you."

The gold just like a magazine, just like heard the ridiculous joke, smiling, "You are all over, dare to talk to this tutorial? Let's go back with this seat, no one can't escape. "

After the words, another big hand, like twisting ants, and put the two slimming shakers in his hand.

"You wait for it, only the medicine is distributed."

The thin figure was heard in this sentence, the original no-to-God's eyes suddenly became condensed, and then like a bloody beast, directly opened to the macrise of the macrower.


I have a big trend to squat to his face, blood directly from the seven, he is a moment of dizziness.

The Jinzhi Dynasty is disdainful, and raises his hand and picks up another figure.

Just a next moment, a feminine voice of a cold, resounding in this broken earth.

"Let them go."

The sword has no double sound, and the horror looks in the eyes.

The clear sound is a gray woman, and the face can not be soft, but it is full, not angry.

And this is full of women is that one of the seven swordsmen who have only saved in the north day.

I saw a few faces in the Salian Caves, and I finally didn't know where.

But in the eyes, there is actually met in this square domain, it is simply incredible.

The sword is unparalleled, and I have already want to see what she is going to do.

After shouting the sentence, the Ying woman is not afraid, and the strong delay is already turned around.

One hand is holding a thin body-shaped King Kong Dai Xian Dian in the original place, then slowly returning.

After him to see it is a woman, it is already full of desires.

"Who is it, it turned out to be a little girl skin." The Jin Gang is directly throwing the two body shapes behind the hair, then licking the palm, there is no taboo to go to her.

The Ying woman flashed a disgust in his eyes, and the reasons were thunder, and there was no sign of the shot.

That Danadian has a glimpse of the neck, and it is a terrible offensive.

But a narrow blood mark is still somewhat cutting his neck into two paragraphs.

It is just a picture of this piece and give him a hierarchy.

This makes him angry, while waving the cover.

The sky is suddenly depressed, and the invisible giant palm is a woman.

She frowned, the whole body is like a ghost, with an unimaginable speed, rushing to the gold-like fairy.

The gold is like a fairy, and then retreats. "Give me a crushing her!"

As this burst rings, the five Demonstons behind him have been moving.

The force of the six-digit fairy, the unsuccessful delay, and the terrible trend will drive the ground tear again.

The originality of the original speed is also affected, as if the body is mud, actually inch.

With an enemy six Deman, even her strength is in the peak, it is an impossible thing, and it is more in this state.

The six nozzles have dropped, directly let her go to the blood, even if she is heart, they are unable to return to the day.

"The little ladle actually dares to hurt me, I will do it today, you can't survive, you can't die!"

I burst into the mouth of the gold, just like the mouth of the fairy, and his pair of palm swaying the traction chain, once again chasing the woman.

But at the next moment, a lazy voice was awkward.

"It's really noise."

He looked at the place where he was aware of the sound, but he only saw a black martyth, and he pulled it straight.


The sound of dull to the pole sounded, and the strong liquor is scattered.

The martythum was directly torn, and the top of the martyrdom of the six Diva was torn.

Then he fell to the ground, simply fainted.

Just hit the hit, let a Deman have lost their resistance, what is this a day?

One hand held a delicate pot, fell three-foot true sword, sword unparalleled forward, could not say the free and easy.

The five Daiyan also refunded the steps and looked at him vigilance.

The Ying woman squats, retreats, and looks at the sword unparalleled eyes, only shocking and incredible.

"Who is you, it is best to review the situation, don't have a conflict with me, and our things are not in."

One of them net-faced fairy, although the sword is unparalleled, but the words are welcome.

After all, in his opinion, even if the sword is unparalleled, can you still fight five?

But soon, he was swallowed into his stomach, and his eyes arrived.

Because he saw that there were four god peaks, from the refar of the restaurant, standing behind this young man.

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