Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4817? Dreams

The whimpent was shown to be sent by the woman. At the same time, with the sound of the kick, shake the whole flower seater shock.

But those faces are ugly, and they are similar to the giant shape, and continue to jump forward.

"Help ... ..."

A sound containing a mixed sound revealed from the flower sedan.

"Grab your affection?" The sword watched the ugly figure and browbow.

"I came to shoot directly, and I will find it again later." He said.

The sword has no double nod. He sees these ugly shapes in the first time, a special force that is affordable, neither is neither a distress and a uncomfortable breath.

Immediately, you can't reach your hand, you can't resist the discriminant.

Four wild-dark mountains, in the macro of the gold, the next instant, even the gloomy sky is clear.

More than ten more than a grand top of the ancestral, how can they resist the distinctive derivation? They didn't even react, they were directly burned into a can't smoke.

A floral coan has fallen in the ground and calm down.

The sword is unparalleled, and the shape is revealed from the mountains, just when they are ready to go.

Those ugly body shaped directly into a can't smoke, as well as the gathered tower, co-conjunctive from the ground.

They didn't understand, all scratched their heads, then slamming the bronze bells and found them around, and the two people who appeared to appear.

For a time, all ugly shapes were angry, and the long dogs of the outer turbpled dog were suddenly growing, and they started from the abducted body.

They are angry, and the big steps will be pulverized to smash the swords and unparalleled.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and it does not look at them directly. If the painful delay in the mountains is overflowing from the metropolis, it is a thousand magnificent matters, and they will all strand them.

"Strange, why didn't I ?"

The sword is unparalleled, but found that the ground has a sound. I saw a black smoke from the ground, and the pacific tower is general, and it is more than ten ugly malfangs.

Twelve figure, actually there is no less.

You must know that the sword hasn't had a lot of hits, enough to compress the fairy, can't lift your head!

But there is no impact on them.

Twelve ugly shapes are more violent, carrying horrible derivatives.

The sword is not a double brow micro-wrinkle, once again pointing, it is more than a more horrible extension, and they will be twisted again, and they never leave it even more.

"What is these things, it is still difficult to kill than the Deman?" He also frowned.

Although these guys are so unbearable, they will pick up the two-year-old resurrection, or let him two be curious.

What is not affected is that the twelve ugly shapes will condense again, but this time has become a little dull.

Just then, a head explored from the curtain of the flower sedan, spit the red line group in his mouth, soon he hurried, "They are all dreams, you can't kill, hurry!"

"Dream? Interesting ..." The sword has no double smile, it is no longer able to come up with countermeasures.

This time, he is no longer directly killed, but the release of the derivation of a prisoner to make the twelve body shape in it, constantly extract, and consume these guys.

The so-called dream is an extremely special energy. The birth of them has no entities, because people think that people think about it in the heart of a mysterious medium.

This is also the only one of the swords and the unparalleled and clear can't kill them.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and their energy is still limited, as long as they are touched, their dreams will naturally dissipate.

Sure enough, those dreams that are touched in the prisoners of the prisoners are more bleak, and the constant repeating reciprocity is no longer alive.

And the girl who exposed his head from the flower sedan, in seeing that many dreams were killed, and they also lit.

Although her hands were bundled by the red rope, she was still jumped, and she rushed out from the flower sedan, and then he was on the ground.

" ..." She had a pain, browbow, thin lips.

The sword is unparalleled and the meaning is eye-catching, then step by step.

It is said that the woman married makeup is the most beautiful day.

This woman is even more such that she is a fresh red show, her eyebrows, the lips are like a little, although there is blush, but it is still difficult.

In particular, there is a sesame sputum on the corner of the mouth, and it has a little lively and integrated.

When I saw two people came to her, I suddenly tanded up.

"Girl, can this be famous?" Asked for the first sword without double, while waving the red rope on her body at the same time.

The girl looked at the sword without a double eye, there was a stream flashing, and even busy, "the little woman greeted the adult saved."

The sword is unparalleled, and I will ask the question just now.

"The Sale? It is Qingzhou ..." The girl is somewhat wondering.

"Qingzhou, what is this place, is it a state in the wild?" He looked at it, and there was a feeling of intuitiveness. It was like being pitted ...

It was an emergency and the woman asked a moment, and finally got a real conclusion.

They are really pitted.

And the woman in the moment is not an ordinary woman, but the biggest woman in Qingzhou, and in the early morning, they will visit several days, nature know some skyband names.

The sword is unparalleled and the two people are in the sky. In fact, they are named Qingkume, and the top of the big is the sky, it is basically two square fields ...

"The dead thing, actually dare to tease this seat." He has an angry, and the terrible derivative is scattered.

"Okay, big deal is that we will find it again, how long does it take for a long time." The sword has no double comfort.

The girl smashed the eyes and then looked at the sword. "Adults you want to go to the wild?"

The sword is unparalleled, there is no point to hide.

"That's great, I just know ..."

Her words have not been finished, and the mountains and long forests are suddenly shaken.

The earth is torn, the mountains are collapsed, and the scene of destroying the earth.

At the same time, the sky is also dim, and both eyes cannot be seen.

The girl's face suddenly changed, "It is the devil, and the dream is coming!"

With her voice, it seems that there is a certain unnamed suppression and falling, and it is rapidly swallowing everything.

The coarse ancient wood endure does not stand the weight, and the large area is broken.

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