Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4818? Washing the pool

It seems to have some kind of sleepy things wake up.

With the crown of covering the sky, it reveals that the sky of Yingrun Wusang is revealed.

At the same time, there is a burst of choking of the horn in the four wildfrom.

"Adult, hurry, this magic is eating a monk, the spirit is the most powerful, and it will become his slavery."

In dark, wearing a big red show, the girl is so rushing. "I know where the road is, please leave two people."

The sword is unhappy in place, and the eyes have seen the sky.

That special and thick breath is like a large Weaner, and the three people are bullied in it, blocking all the way.

Then, two rounds of giant eyeballs like clear-fashioned moon, clean and clear to map out of the trace.

After a moment, the two rounds of giant eye bead suddenly had a hundred million black silk lines, and finally condensed into a sharp-to-pole in the end of the thread.

The imaginary shadow is incomparable, as if it is condensed by all kinds of unknown substances, it looks weird.

It is back against the two round wings, like two round wings.

Such a so-called Magic Zun, the realm of the realm is actually the land of the Deman, and the sword is unparalleled.

"I can't get a countertop." The mood of the sword is not good, and the freight is directly released.

It belongs to the peak of the Danctuary, there is no reservation, and the ancient monster shadow of the air.

"Despicable slave, all the people have to serve in our!" Improve the vain, facing the hit of the else, obviously disdainful.

In the next moment, the scene of the big eyes appeared, the gas field broke through the vain of the sky, it turned out to be directly smoked from the sky, and slammed into the ground. Wanzhang.

The girl was shocked, and the mouth opened his mouth and didn't reply to see this scene.

Then, I have made more than half of the Qingzhou Tiantiao, and the trembling dream of the magic, actually being dewed in front of him, except for the face of crown jade, handsome young man, slap in the bottom of the bottom?

That is the devil's devil!

Then the sword is unparalleled, this so-called dream is Zun, except for the means of eating a sense of conception, his true body is not as good as the general fairy.

What is even more unfortunately, the sword is unparalleled, and it has already been successfully satisfied when the Shenli universe has achieved a ancestral, far from this dream.

Even if he still stands, let the devil go to the mood, can only return it.

Naturally, the sword is unparalleled too too lazy to use the means, and directly cover it.

On the sky, the rich to the extreme, the darkness was suddenly dissipated, and the two giant eye wheels like Haoyue were also cleverly stamped.

"Despicable slave, how to dare, how ..."

In a word, I haven't finished, the sword is unparalleled, and I will cover the night.

" ." The sword is unparalleled, but it is silkworm a nightmare, and the things that are greed have come up at all.

Since you know this place is not the wilderness, he and the meaning are obviously not intended to stay, turn around to leave.

"Adults please stay!" A rumor is awkward, it is the retention of the girl wearing a gift.

Seeing him back, her cheeks blush is more rosy, reached out to the horned fragments, the body is like a very stiffness, "The little woman wash the pool to thank the big people's life, and there is no news, wish ... "

The sword is unparalleled. If she finished, she put it directly, and she is planning to leave.

"Hey, can you listen to this aunt ... The little woman finishes it." The girl named wash the same voice.

"You said the wilderness, I know it."

The sword is unparalleled, he is going to take a footsteps, and you will lose her, uncertain, "Do you really know?"

Washing the pool of the pool, "Of course, I am the first sect of Qingzhou, the resources are not countable in hand, I am going to all the trendy tour!"

He sinked a moment, then said, "Since this, will the girl inform us about the shortcomings?"

"It's important to you to go to the wild?"

"Calculate it."

"That's good, look at you to save your own ... The little woman is in the life, I decided to take you in the past."

"... still don't have it, this is the road to the road."

"No, you must take you, there can be very desolate, even if I tell you, you can't find it."


The sword is unparalleled and the meaning is looking at it, and some can be ideal.

At this moment, the vain was quickly smashed by the two-bar, quietly climbed out from the ground, and was ready to escape.

The cleansing pool, hurriedly opened, "adults never let him escape, he is a big harm!"

The sword is not a hyphenotype, and it is a trick. I will take the magic to the demon to take the magic.

The cleansing pool was once again shocked by this means. This can be resistant to her with her. It is actually emerging in the eyes.

"Let's let go of this respect, despicable slaves, you will regret it!" The devil who was squeezed into a slogan of the slogan is like a thunder. He seems to be a fear, he keeps it.

When the sword is unparalleled, the washing pool suddenly reached out two palms to catch his palms, and the eyebrows bent into the crescent, "Adults, can I give me this thing? I plan to give me. Dreaming dreams. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the hand is pumping back, and the magic is thrown to her.

"Thank you." Wash the pool, then directly dislocation of the red beam of the bundle, bundle the magic of the slide size.

"Are you planning us to go to the wild?" .

Wash the pool, "Of course, you will definitely not get the wilderness without my lead."

"Then now, now?" The sword has no double.

"Don't worry, you will go back to Zongmen first, I plan to bring some things, let us start again." Wash the poolway, then ahead of the previous little daughter gesture, big step in this mountain forest Line up, "You can follow."

"It's trouble, I have to catch the dead things sooner or later, and the skin is frustrated."

The sword was unparalleled, and then she took the clear and clearing the cleansing pool wearing a big red show.

After being thrown behind, the monk gathered in the continent, and it was more.

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