Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4827? Dreams

Then, he thought of what I thought of, asked, "Yes, I am a little curious, before the silver bell won your things?"

"The son is correct, after she takes the way, in this way, to go to the front of the sky,"

The sword nodded. If she is as she says, the silver bell is likely to be overwhelmed since the Northern Tianxia, ​​but they have been tailing and hidden in the dark, waiting for a timing.

It's just that the sword is not boring, why is the silver bell to guess the Yingqi Woman is sent by the sky, and then take the gold and print tap to Dagi?

"Right, the top of the group of Daiyan, who is sold in Northern Xianzhou, is there any association with you?"

I can't ask if I have all things happened before, "I can't ask."

The sword is unparalleled, "there is, how to call it?"

Zhao Ting. "


Stepping on the North Tiantiao, a breath of ancient times, and there is a kind of invisible force that drags dragged and drop, which is trampolifted and swallowed.

A large tomb of a single peak is quiet, and it has been stretched to the distant distant.

Instead of establishing these fairy tombs, it is better to say that the Northern Tiantia is completely consisting of the tomb.

Because these big tombs existing in the ancient tomb are extremely intensive, it is almost unfolded, so the sword is unparalleled, and the low-altitude is flying on the north day, Xu Xu front.

Although the owner of each of this fairy tomb has been exposed, but the extension, the trend has still been stored, although it is indiscriminately, but now is still powerful.

Moreover, the silence of the tomb in these fairy tomb, the lowest is the existence of the existence of the Damai, and the existence of the big Damai.

No one has not blocked, everyone has increased dramatically to the peak, and has already appeared in the next situation.

Washing the pool next to the sword and unparalleled, I don't know if it is interested, it is unhealthy. It is hard to squeeze the influence of Zhao Ting.

The little beast who was hugged in the arms appeared to be very excited. It seems that it is very interested in the breath in these fairy tombs, and has always been hidden with noses.

"Sanqing, you give me the old man, then I will throw you down." Wash the pool whisper threatened.

The little beast will be slightly convergeful, but still in her arms.

The sword is unparalleled to see the little beast in her arms, ask, "What is the use of this beast?"

Wash the pool nod, "Sanyue is I picked up in the deep mountain in the young man, it is a dream, you can swallow the bad nightmare, and I am disappearing bad luck, so I have been bringing it on the body, there will be Good luck. "

The sword nodded and nodded and continued to flush.

This entire North-day domain can calculate a large-scale heavenly field in the big Miao, and you need to cross the short time.

The danger in Zhao Tingkou should be the disorder of the fairy tomb.

With the continuous front, the dream of the pool in the pool is more sturdy, and there is only excitement in a pair of clear eyes.

At the next moment, the little beast suddenly slammed out from the washing pool, like a fish in a usual, and fierce, a fierce tomb community.

"Sanqing!" Washing the pool.

The sword is unparalleled, and the anti-normal scene, his vibration arm is waxed, and the traction of Hua Mang is criticized.

Thousands of dramatic, Hua Mang, like a rope, and the dream of the beast turned back, Zhang Kaikou actually swallowed the traumatic Hua Mang, then tied to the fairy Tomb group in the tomb.

The sword is not a double brow micro-wrinkle, and the heart is hidden in the heart.

The dream of falling in the Xiancheng Tomb, and the back is rising from four claws, and the speed is running.

It was originally violently violently violently tramped to the disorder, and the entire North Tiantiao was turned.

"The dead thing, I have to go into its skin!" He has anger, and you want to release the delay.

"Can't." The sword has no doubles, stops he is about to get out of the way, "can't do it, the breath is not right."

It seems to be in order to confirm his words, there is no main delay in the northern domain that is completely disordered and violent.

As the starter, the dream is the beast, and one side is swallowed with some unknown atmosphere.

Its snow-white body began to give birth to dark dense, and the original arm is slightly shaped and there is no such thing as a storm.

It is swallowing!

Although those expectations have been sleep, the fairy is broken, but their villain is not so easy to dissipate, only dissipated in the long-lasting years, and finally returned to the sky.

At the moment, the dream is to swallow an ignorant way to grow itself.

Zhao Ting also horrified, the original silence of the northward domain has undergone such a turmoil, and the son corrects will be aware that once they are discovered, it is difficult to escape!

"Fast, the son is threatened soon will know the turmoil here." Zhao Ting urged.

"I went back back." The washing pool has been shocked six gods without the Lord.

The sword is not a double eyebrow wrinkle, and it is still the dream of the big mouth.


Almost at the same time, Da Wei, Zhongzhou.

Located in the Sendai on the Yunxiao, a lazy figure of a white long suit quietly opened his eyes, and then he looked north.

He is a second Diji, a son, and a son.

Soon, there is a lot of breath, and boarded the Sendai.

"His Royal Highness, the direction of the north of the north is arrogant, I am afraid ..."

"I am afraid? Can the dead still do not live?" The son's corrective eyelids have never lifted, "You don't have to go to the Northern Domain, let go."

The few shadows were promised and followed.

"Right, pass the silver bell, I have to see her."


In the palm of it, the unscrupulous dangers are binding to the dream, but still let it escape.

The sword is unparalleled and obviously some lost patience and began to prepare to kill their town.

Dreams greedy, its belly seems to be no bottom, even if it is crazy, it is crazy.

With the phagocytosis, its form has a huge change.

Especially its eyes, under the original eyes, it has split two gaps, and the hard-eracial growth has a pair of eyes, which is extremely quirky.

The sword is unparalleled and the uniforms teamed up, and it has gradually been forced to the dead end.

However, at this time, the turbcommunications, the dream of running fled, just like the face of the transparent juncture, the figure is awkward, followed by it.

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