Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4828? Huangquan old road

At the same time, the ground is collapsed and starts cracking a gully.

The sword in chasing the sword is also stopped, and the shape is stopped.

In countless fairy tomb, the top of the most central, there is a big sum of the tomb more than the general fairy tomb, as the number of peaks interacts, revealing unpredictable oppression.

Dream is a roaming in front of this fairy tomb.

At this moment, with the collapse of the ground, the tombs began to bloom cracks, obviously will be collapsed.

"Go!" Zhao Ting is already nervous to the extreme.

Looking at this unpredictable scene, the sword is unwilling to be suspected, when you want to go away.

"I am afraid that I can't walk." He is clear, and the eyes look at it.

I saw that the original silent fairy tomb has been crackled, and a fairy bone that has already had no consciousness came out of the tomb, and the swaying flying rises to the void, and seized the way they had a few people.

"How is it possible." Looking at this scene, the sword is unparalleled, no dare to confuse.

These fairy masters have long been unknown to how many Hua Nian can't die, no matter from the fairy or fairy, it has been dissipated, and there is no condition for recovery.

Even if I guard against the sixth day, the three big fairy fairy bones are also because some specific obsession makes them continue to guard.

But in the eyes, these silence in the fairy tomb, all recovered, layers surrounded, never under thousands of people.

"Only kill it out." The sword has no double silence, and the invisible long sword has been condensed in his hand.

Equity is also prepared to deal with, and a pair of gold began to have a big potential.

Zhao Ting sighed, and also took out a slender straight knife from the waist and ready to prepare.

More and more fairy bones climb out from the tombs, they don't conscious but all have gone.

The sword is no longer hesitating, and the sword is out, the unspeakable sword is bursting, directly plunding into the fairy.

The sword is pushing, and the moment is clearly emptied.

There is no fairyland, there is no conscious fairy bone, which is very easy to cause damage.

"No quantity!" He also smeared, a black Wubao bloom from his back, then hit it on a mountainous fairy bone.

The north of the north is trembled, countless fairy tomb is damaged, and the fairy bones will fall into the ground.

However, all this is just just beginning.

That falling in the center, the most huge fairy tomb finally broke, and the thousands of treasures were blooming from the tomb, and the sky was changed.

A high school shape, wearing a broken robe, from the tombs.

He is behind inserting a dust, and the thin and black palm holds a hand of the treasure.

His cheeks are corrupt, down, and gray-white skin can see the monoson white bones inside.

His eyes are dry and the same gray, no more than half of interest.

Various signs indicate that this carrier whisk, holding the old road of the treasure of the treasure, it is already the body of the body.

The ancestral boundary is the door, and the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled. The shape of the shape from the tomb.

The old road shape gave him a dangerous to the extreme, he naturally understood the dead feeling of the old road, but the more, the more be awesome.

Once there is an obsession, even if it is a white bone, it is quite terrible, and this doesn't know how many years of old road, it is absolutely better than the arrows of the sixtels, but also a few times.

The clear eyes are also dignified, because he also detected the dangerous breath.

Originally chaotic, the North Tiantiao of the battlefield is steep and silent. Everyone looks at the front.

The carrying dust, the hand, the old road of the treasure, the old sword, stepped forward, and then reached out to remove the dust behind.

The voice of ancient times, "I walked out from Huangquan, and I shot the flag and call the old department, and all the enemies in front of him!"

He said, waving in his hand, and the entire North Tiantiao once again stood.

The dust seems to have a magic sound, sang to every fairy tomb.

At this moment, it was originally defeated, the smashing fairy bone, slowly creeping and re-condensed, and there were thousands of fairy tomb cracked, and they came out of fairy bones.

Five thousands of fairy bones, five thousand people belong to the fairy bones, even if they are dead, but still with unparalleled trends.

The old road holds the dust treasure, the dried and the gray eyes are gradually fill, with a scarlet.

"Jianfeng refers to the old department to suppress!"

He said before his sword, Fengrui's incomparable Jianfeng pointed to the sword.

Time, I haven't conscious fairy bones, just like a certain sense, all like floods, from all sides.

The sword has no double queen, and the first style of the star rock of the Starhe Lake is directly used.

The sword is straight forward, with the unmatched trend crazy to tear the fairy bone, while the sword is completely broke out, almost clearing the area in an instant.

The meaning is not weak, and it belongs to the strength of the Jiu Tao Daiyan. It is almost destroyed, and his strength has reached the vertex.

Two people teamed up, all fairy bones could not go up, and they were more in mind.

The distant old road is seeing this scene, and the scarlet bead has fluctuated a bit, and he waves again.

With the waves of the dust, countless broken fairy bones began to re-condense, they mixed with each other, gradually condensed the fairy fracture of thousands of miles!

The abundance of the law, has been formed, and the sword is unparalleled.

There are countless non-owners, violent and disordered, and in the fairy bone fracture, it is like a huge white palm, which is constantly pulling them.

The sword is unparalleled with a crisis. He wants to not want a sword on the law.

However, there is no unfavorable sword, but it is like a mud cow into the sea, quietly.

The fairy bones that swallowed have become more and more.

At the same time, the old road of the whisk and treasured sword was held, and the true sword of the hand was in the hands of the hand, and he suddenly took into the law.

This sword is clear.

He is lifting, and then it will be resistant.


A Hong Zhong Da Lu-loudly sounded a sound, and the refund was refunded. At the same time, the sword was unparalleled, he relaxed, the palm of the embarrassment, and resolved the terrible sword!

The two swords have been related to the swing of half of the swords, and they are unparalleled by the sword.

The fairy bones are in silence.

The back of the back is clear, and only the right part of his resistance is it!

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